Twenty Eight

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Nathaniel stepped out of the car, gasping. They were in front of a beautiful building, a red carpet on the floor to lead them to the entrance, two bodyguards securely guarding the restaurant. 


The older boy smiled at him, quickly kissing his cheek to calm him down. He snaked his hand around his waist and pulled him closer.


"Isn't this too much?"

"Aren't you too cute?"

Nathaniel looked down, his small, adorable face heating up. Valentino rubbed his hip, leading him to the entrance. He silently whispered something to the men guarding the doors, something in French. The two shared looks before they let them in.

"You know French?"

"Yes, baby. I can teach you sometime if you want."

"Bold of you to assume that I didn't know it."

Valentino looked at him, stunned. 

"You know French? That's so sexy!" 

Nathaniel blushed, squeaking as he tried to hide his face. 

"I-I was joking! I-I don't know how to speak it!"

Valentino pouted. 

"I'm going to teach you and we're going to be sexy together."

The lady at the front desk cleared her throat.

"Hello, sir. May I assist you to your table?"

"Aren't you going to check for reservations?" Nathaniel asked, confused as to why they didn't have better security. The lady was going to offer them a table without checking for reservations.

"No, darling. Mr. Amore is a frequent customer of ours. We're very happy to have him." The lady shot him a flirtatious smile, to which Valentino answered with a smile back. Nathaniel gulped, not enjoying the way she looked at him; hungrily and with lust.

"Ms. Frothan here is a lovely lady. She'll take good care of us."

Without another word, Ms. Frothan, Harriet, lead them to their table. She took out Valentino's chair for him, Nathaniel sitting down on his own. Valentino thanked her with glee.

"I'll be back with your menus."

Nathaniel cautiously looked at Valentino, his arms crossed. He began eyeing the Ms. Frothan who kept glancing at his date. He felt infuriated, his cheeks red and lips in between his teeth.

 Valentino flipped through his menu, settling on the roasted beef and the vegetable salad. 

"Nathaniel," he said, looking up. Nathaniel hadn't even touched his menu. The smaller boy hummed in response. "What will you have?"

"The spaghetti." 

Harriet came over with a permanent smile on her face. 

"Have you chosen your meals?" 

 "Yes, love. I'll have the vegetable salad and the roasted beef."

Harriet quickly scribbled it down. "That's a wonderful choice. You want to build some muscle?"

"I'm working on it."

"You shouldn't overwork yourself. You're very muscular."

Nathaniel grew uncomfortable, gritting his teeth.

"I'll have the plain spaghetti, please."

Harriet wrote it down quickly. "And your drinks?"

"I'll have the diet cola," Nathaniel said.

"The usual vegetable smoothie, please."

Harriet smiled, "Enjoy the rest of your night. Call me over for anything you need, please."

And with that, she left.

"She's a darling, isn't she?"

Nathaniel grunted, nodding. 

"She's a long-time friend of mine. We met back in university."

"I didn't ask," Nathaniel snapped, gasping at how rude he sounded.

"I-I mean, I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to sound so rude."

Valentino stayed quiet. 

"Are you mad at me?" Nathaniel asked in a small voice. 

"Are you jealous?"

The smaller boy felt himself heat up. Of course, he was jealous. He had agreed to go on a date and here he was, talking about a very beautiful lady and smiling at her, complimenting her. Of course, he was fuming. 

"N-No." He replied, looking away and avoiding eye contact. 

Valentino smiled, cooing at the boy. "Oh, baby."

Nathaniel blushed, curling in on himself. "Noo," he whined as Valentino continued cooing at him.

"You're so adorable, I just want to eat you up. My baby's jealous." 

"NO!" Nathaniel snapped, his face red, lips raw and bitten.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop. What made you so jealous?"

Nathaniel kept quiet, gasping when he felt something rub his thigh.

"Tell me, pretty baby," Valentino said, his voice a range lower, eyes dark and full of dominance. 


The rubbing intensified. 

"I-I, you kept c-complimenting her a-and ignoring m-me," he said, trying not to whimper.

Valentino stopped his actions. "Good boy. There's no need to be jealous. I'm all yours."

He stopped, smirking. 

"And you're also mine. All mine, baby."

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