Twenty Nine

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Finishing the rest of the night with constant butterflies in his stomach, Nathaniel thanked Valentino for the date.

"Thank you, I really enjoyed myself tonight. I-I hope you did too," he looked down, an intense blush coating his cheeks. Valentino chuckled, caressing his soft cheeks before he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I had a lovely time, baby. I hope to do this again soon if you'll kindly accept my offer." He grinned, putting his perfectly straight and white teeth on display. Nathaniel smiled, nodding enthusiastically.

"I would love to."

Valentino offered him a gentle smile. He was going soft because of this boy. He knew he wasn't the same ruthless, heedless, waspish man he was before he met the boy in front of him. And he wasn't complaining one bit. If turning soft for his baby cost him his facade, then he would gladly meet him again if he had the chance to change his destiny.

He quickly called Harriet over and asked for the check, gripping Nathaniel's thigh in order to keep him calm and tamed. Nathaniel huffed as she walked away, but not before sending Valentino a flirtatious wink.

"I don't like her," he mumbled, looking down, his long eyelashes grazing his cheekbones. "I can tell, little one." Valentino chuckled. "As I said, no need to get jealous." Nathaniel scrunched his nose and stuck his tongue out at him. "How would you do if I went and flirted with another boy then?"

Valentino's smirk fell, blood boiling at the thought.

"I'd punish you."

Nathaniel's face turned crimson red as he gasped, "WOAHWQHIISQWHIOQWhıpdw1qıph," he let out a yelp, "That's kinky, Valentino, holy moly!"

"A lil spanking never failed to discipline a flirting boy. I'm sure you'd enjoy it as much as I would, baby."

"Can we stop talking about spanking my butt at the dinner table?" "But it's very interesting, is it not?" "No!"

Valentino laughed, "alright, alright, I'm just messing with you."

Harriet brought them the check, Nathaniel placing his hands over his cheeks to hide the immense blush. They were very evident and he was well aware of it.

Valentino looked at the check, scanned it quickly before taking out some cash. He gave Harriet a hundred dollar bill as a tip for the good quality service she provided them tonight.

After paying, Valentino stood up, offering a helping hand towards Nathaniel, who took it with appreciation. "Do you want to take a walk at the park?" Nathaniel asked as they walked out the posh building. Valentino looked at him, petrified.

"I don't "take walks", Nathaniel." The smaller boy pouted, giving Valentino puppy dog eyes. "Please!" He whined, pulling him towards the park he saw on the way to the restaurant. Valentino resisted, biting his lip before rolling his eyes.

"Lead the way," he said bitterly.

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