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Nathaniel watched with absolute horror, covering his precious eyes with his shaking hands during the intense parts that made him want to tear his eyes out of their sockets.

Meanwhile, Valentino was casually munching on some buttered popcorn, watching the movie with an expressionless face.

He didn't seem fazed at all by the horror on the television.

Nathaniel finally squeaked out at a jump scare, his whole body jolting upwards as he shut his eyes tightly. He heard Valentino's voice from his right side, "Don't be so loud, kitten. If you're so scared, then turn it off." He sounded careless as if he didn't care whether they watched the movie at all.

Thankful for the request, Nathaniel leaned in, the tips of his fingers brushing over the remote control that sat on the coffee table. It was too far away for him to reach, and he felt abnormally lazy, whining as he inched closer to the edge to grab the remote.

When Nathaniel succeeded, he turned the television off, tossing the controller aside as he breathed to calm himself down. It sure was a creepy movie, just the horrification sending tingles down his spine when he pictured the scenes once again, his brain forcing himself to think about them.

Valentino stood up abruptly, stepping closer to his bedroom door, head held high. Nathaniel watched, a bit weirded out by Valentino's sudden need to sleep. He stood up as well, taking his glass of water with him, drowning it in seconds as he followed Valentino.

The older boy looked at his prey with famished eyes, licking his pink lips before he questioned Nathaniel, "What are you doing?" Nathaniel flashed him a shy grin, picking at his nails as he answered, "Nothing, just going to sleep as well."

Valentino's eyes darkened as Nathaniel walked past him, rummaging through drawers to find a shirt to sleep in. "Now, what are you doing?" He asked yet again, genuinely curious as to what the small boy was attempting to find. "A shirt, duh."

Valentino watched the boy huff, grabbing a plain white shirt. "Don't you have nothing colorful and cool to wear?" The boy just blinked, unfazed.

"No," he said simply, tired already. Nathaniel excused himself to go to the bathroom, needing to change in complete and utter privacy. Valentino took this opportunity to change as well, slipping in a pajama bottom and staying shirtless.

Nathaniel stepped out, his own belongings clutched tightly in his delicate hands, putting them on a chair.

Valentino's heart thumped, eyes jumping to his bare legs in mere seconds, fighting with his inner demon to keep himself tame. Otherwise, he would've completely devoured the pretty boy.

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