Thirty Two

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As soon as he woke up, Nathaniel ran to the bathroom and emptied his stomach painfully. He was hunched over, gripping the edges of the toilet seat with trembling hands. Valentino ran after him, rubbing bis back and trying to encourage Nathaniel as he puked.

Once he was done, his knees gave out, Valentino flushed the toilet for him. As he sat on the cold tiles, panting after the horrific experience, he was scooped up gently into Valentino's arms. "Oh, baby. Do you feel better after vomiting?" Nathaniel nodded, his curls damp against his forehead.

"I'm sorry you had togo through that, baby. I'm going to take care of you. You'll be better in no time." Valentino sat Nathaniel onto the cold counter, the little boy shaking, "c-cold," he complained, hugging himself tightly.

"I'll go get you a sweater, do you want anything? Some soup?" Nathaniel nodded, pouting cutely. "I want tummy rubs afterwards." Valentino chuckled, shaking his head before complying. He rushed to grab Nathaniel a sweater.

After dressing the boy, he helped Nathaniel brush his teeth. He then threw away the toothbrush, reminding himself to check for new, spare ones. "Feeling better, baby boy?" The sick boy nodded, "soup and belly rubs."

Valentino smiled, picking him up again. He took his to bed and laid him down. "Can you rest for a few minutes while I prepare your soup?" Nathaniel nodded, cuddling up to his pillow. "Good boy, I'll be back very soon."

As Nathaniel waited patiently, Valentino hurried to prepare his boy some tomato soup. He hoped that it would do his stomach good and that he would be able to keep it in. He didn't want to see his baby puking in pain again.

"Hurry!" Came the whining voice of Nathaniel. Valentino could hear the pout in his voice. With a chuckle, he poured the soup into a bowl, placed it on a tray and didn't forget the spoon. He also placed some bread on the side in case Nathaniel wanted some.

"I'm coming," he assured, walking to the room. Nathaniel sat on the bed, his curls even curlier than before, his red lips formed into a pout and his sweater pulled down to display his collarbones.

Valentino forced himself not to look at the situation in that mindset. But damn did Nathaniel look like he was begging to be fucked. "Soup," he said innocently, extending his hands out and making grabby hands at the older boy. "Here you are, baby."

Nathaniel squealed when he saw the soup. He loved tomato soup more than the other typed. "'My favorite," he said, giggling. "Thank you!" Valentino sat on the bed, next to him. "You're welcome, Nathaniel. Do you want me to feed you?" The small boy nodded, opening his mouth wide.

Valentino's pants had gotten a lot tighter since he walked into the room. It was extremely uncomfortable feeding the boy with his tight pants on, but it would seem suspicious to leave to go to the bathroom in a hurry. Alas, he was stuck with the sexy boy.

It didn't help that Nathaniel kept letting out little noises of pleasure each time Valentino fed him. "This tastes so good!" "I'm glad you like it, kitten." "You know," Nathaniel began, stopping to accept another spoonful of the soup. "I really do look like a kitten. I noticed the other day, in the mirror."

"It's because you're so small and adorable, baby," Valentino said, kissing his cheek softly. "I-I am a-aware of that," Nathaniel jokes, giggling at himself. "I'm glad. You should know how cute you are. You're like my little personal kitten." "That makes you my master, right?"

Valentino choked, coughing a bunch at the innocent question. "I-I guess so?" He said, but his tone made it seem like a question. Nathaniel giggled once again,  opening his mouth for the last spoonful. "Aww, it's finished. That's so sad."

"That's enough food for you, babe. You need to keep this down. Are you cold?" Nathaniel nodded, "cuddle me," he said as he opened his arms.  Valentino set the tray aside and began cuddling his boy. "What if you get sick as well?" "Then I'll have a little kitten who'll take care of me."

"That's true! I'm very good at taking care of sick people. I used to take care of my mom." Nathaniel sighed sadly at the thought of her. Oh how much he missed her.

"What happened to her, my lovely?" Valentino asked in a small, comforting voice. "Dad got mad, really mad. He said it was an accident after he pushed her down the stairs while she had my baby brother. Only a few know that she's dead, I make up excuses when they ask. But I trust you enough to open up."

"Oh, baby. I'm so sorry for your loss. You're so brave and strong to go through that and still be my little goofball. I'm so proud of you." Nathaniel began sniffling and whimpering, Valentino tightening his hold on him. "Oh, no, my darling. Don't cry, please." Nathaniel started mewling and soon, he was crying hysterically.

Valentino kissed his tears away, holding him tight, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. "It's okay, baby. I'm here for you. You're okay. Let it all out, my sweet boy."

It took a while for Nathaniel to calm down, but he managed to do it after a while. Valentino rocked him back and forth in his lap, kissing his cheek every now and then. "You're never going to be alone again, Nathaniel. I promise." 

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