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It was safe to say that Valentino was trying hard not to rip Nathaniel's expensive new suit. Not only did he look extremely sexy, he also looked ethereal.

"W-Why?" Nathaniel asked timidly, fiddling with his fingers, his curls falling in front of him eyes which allowed him to hide behind them. "Take it off or I won't hesistate to rip it off," Valentino growled, his eyes dark as veins appeared on his neck.

Nathaniel looked up with his puppy dog eyes, biting his lip.

"D-Does it look bad or something?" He asked meekly, glancing at himself in the mirror. He had actually liked the suit. It make his seem a bit taller than he was, which wasn't something he was proud of. In fact, his below-the-average height was one of his biggest insecurities. But know that Valentino seemed to be infurated for no apparent reason, he had began to see flaws in the way the suit looked on him, flaws he had never noticed before Valentino pointed out that he wanted the suit off.

"It looks anything but bad, that's why I want it off. Listen to me or I'm sure you won't like to face the consequences of disobeying me in this state." Nathaniel gulped, swallowing nervous as he adam's apple bobbed up at down. He shyly took his jacket off, Valentino shamelessly eyeing the way he undressed and exposed his body.

"D-Don't look.." Nathaniel said with burning cheeks, unbottening his pure white shirt. Valentino didn't oblige and didn't try to make it look like he did. Instead, he continued staring at the innocent boy who was standing still, only wearing the pants.

"I-" "Take your pants off, Nathaniel." "Why?" In seconds, the little boy was pinned against the wall roughly, hands pinned on either side of his head. "I want our first time to be special, but you're making it hard for me to control myself. So, take them off." He let the poor boy go slowly, maintaining eye contact with him throughout everything. Finally understanding what Valentino was indicating, Nathaniel struggled the get the pants off as quickly as possible.

"H-Here," the small boy said, handing the suit to the older boy. "Is there anything else I have to try on." "Yes, but there's no need. I don't want you looking more beautiful than you just did, which is probably impossible but I'm not taking any risks. Otherwise, people will try to claim you as their own while they should know that that's impossible because you're already mine." Valentino stroked the boy's red cheek softly, looking at him with adoration. "Isn't that right, baby boy?"

Nathaniel could only nod in response.


Valentino paid for the suit as Nathaniel got dressed. The helpers served him some cookies as he waited, the boy happily munching on them and some cold milk. Valentino couldn't help but chuckle warmly when he came back to get him. "Let's go, baby." Nathaniel whined, reaching out to another chocolate chip cookie.

"W-Want my cookies," he pouted, slyly eating another one shamelessly. Valentino laughed along, cooing at him cuteness before telling him, "Come on, we still have a lot to do for today." Nathaniel shook his head. "I-I'm hungry." "I'll buy you something to eat later, I promise. We're going to be late, Nathaniel, please." "NO! Stop bothering me." The smaller boy rolled his eyes, shooing the older away. Valentino warned him, "Nathaniel." "Fuck off."

When Nathaniel didn't listen to him, Valentino growled for the second time that day. "Listen here, baby boy. Stop acting like a disobediant brat and move your ass. I told you that I would buy you something later. I strongly suggest you listen to me right now before I do something that I'll regret," he threatened through gritted teeth. Nathaniel looked at him in shock, his lip trembling.

"Now!" Nathaniel scrambled up and put the cookies back onto the tray, grabbing his phone and belongings before following the storming boy. "Hurry up," Valentino muttered, afraid that they weren't going to make it in time. If he was late to the dinner, then they wouldn't let him in. And he'd hate to cause a scene. It was until the moment when they got into the car that Valentino realized that Nathaniel too quiet. He didn't give the latter any comfort, pulling out of the driveway.

"When I tell you to do something, you do it. I think you forgot who I was." Valentino saw Nathaniel put his face in his hands, hiding it from view. "You know how important this event is for me and yet you refused to help your boyfriend out. You know I would buy you anything you'd like to eat in a matter of minutes. Cookies would have filled your stomach up without any nutritions. You're lucky that I didn't take you to the dressing room and spanked you. You really made me angry." Valentino spoke menacingly slow, his tone ice cold and almost deadly.

A car came out of nowhere, causing Valentino to slam the brakes. "FUCKING ASSHOLE! Get out of my sight!" Nathaniel jumped at the shouting, his little body slightly trembling though it wasn't obvious. "Looks like everybody's asking for it today, huh?" A muffled sob sent shivers down Valentino's spine. "Nathaniel?" He asked, looking at the boy who was hiding his face.

Fuck, he thought, his heart beating fast. He quickly parked the car at the side of the road and turned Nathaniel. "Baby, can you please look at me?" Nathaniel shook his head, keeping his face hidden. "Hey, are you okay?"

When Nathaniel tried to breath and it came out as a sniffle, Valentino knew that he was crying for sure. He felt a strong pang in his chest before he realized exactly what he had done and what he had said to his love.

With a terrified look, he apologized to the boy, "I'm so, so sorry. I'll make it better, Nathaniel, please look at me." Nathaniel hesitantly pulled his face away from his face, tears uncontrollably rolling down his face.

He let out little sobs that he tried to keep in, but failed. "Oh, baby," Valentino whispered, his eyes showing regret, guilt, pain and concern. "I'm so sorry, so sorry. I never, ever  meant to make you cry. Please, don't cry, my darling. Don't waste your tears on my asshole behavior."

Nathaniel couldn't help but cry. He was so hurt and embarrassed because of the continous backlash and scolding he had faced today. Valentino softly placed his hands on his cheeks, "My beautiful baby, please don't be sad. You're making me sad just by seeing you like this."

Valentino held his hand, pulling him onto his lap and tightly hugging him, rocking himself and the boy on his lap back and forth soothingly. He rubbed Nathaniel's back in a comforting manner, kissing his curls as his cries began to calm down. He pulled away, wiping his tears away.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you like that. I was very impaitent to go to the dinner tonight because they don't let guests in when they are late. We don't even have to go if you want. We can stay home and watch movies all day even though I'll spend the remainder of the day apologizing to you and smothering you in kisses. Though the last option doesn't require a specific time, I'm doing it whether we go or not."

Valentino was surprised when the boy on his lap spoke, "I-I wanna go." Valentino hugged him tighter, kissing his little cheeks, "Are you certain. We don't have to go." "N-No, we're going." "I fucking love you more than anything," Valentino whispered, leaning in to kiss him.

Nathaniel shook his head, "You're not getting any kisses from me, mister. Not until I am happy and fed and warm in bed. Valentino cracked a smile, kissing all over his little face. "That seems fair. Doesn't mean that I can't kiss you though." "No kissing me until you get me food," the small evil munchkin said, sticking his tongue out at the older boy. Valentino pouted, making him giggle. "That's too bad. We might as well get you some food, hm? The hairdresser can come home."

Nathaniel nodded happily, "A-And when we come home, you need to make me cookies!" He giggled cutely at his own bossiness. "Whatever my precious boy wants, he gets. Don't you, my sweet boy?" He tickled the younger's little tummy, Nathaniel giggling softly and squealing.

"Let's go get some well-deserved food now, shall we?"

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