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The next morning, Nathaniel woke up at 5 A.M. He threw the warm covers off himself, yawning and stretching his arms, his slightly curly hair messed up.

Setting his feet onto the floor, he walked to the bathroom, brushed his untamed hair and brushed his teeth. Doing his business and important hygienic routine, he hurried to dress in something that slips off easily.

Valentino had texted him the night prior, informing him of the situation and the fact that he would be handed his uniform at the workplace.

To say that he was excited was the understatement of the century for him. He wasn't even tired anymore, very energetic and ready to please his customers and his boss. Especially Valentino.

Nathaniel was jumping all over the place, dressing in a pastel blue hoodie and some sweatpants. After making his bed, drinking a glass of water and eating an apple, he headed out the door with wet hands, making sure to wash his hands to get rid of the apples sticky substance.

Nathaniel was quick to catch the bus, goosebumps appearing on his arms as a reaction to the cold. He stepped in, glad to see it empty. After telling the driver the address, he sat down, double checking to see if he had money to pay for the ride. He did in fact, relaxing and watching the city.

He jolted away when the bus came to a stop, not even noticing that he had fallen asleep. He thanked the bus driver, paying and then hopping off, thankful for the ride.

As Nathaniel stepped off, he stared at the restaurant in awe. It was a fancy French restaurant. As he stepped inside, he noticed the way it smelled like fresh lavenders, making the dazed boy inhale the scent, delighted. Despite it not being very bright outside, the diamond chandeliers inside shone, shining beautifully.

There were circular tables with white tablecloths, silverware on the table with newly cleaned plates in the middle. The chairs were tucked in, looking as neat as ever. The floors were covered in a light brown carpet, that too having been cleaned. The wallpapers were gold, some corners decorated with plants.

While Nathaniel was struck with awe, Valentino crept up behind the boy. He cleared his throat, making Nathaniel jump in surprise. "You're late," he grumbled, making the color drain from his face. "Kidding. You're five minutes early," he said, glancing at his wristwatch.

Nathaniel let out a deep breath, relaxing. "Go change into these, then I'll introduce you to your boss." Nathaniel peered up at the tall boy through his thick eyelashes, "aren't you my boss, sir?" "No, I'm your boss's boss. But yes, technically that would make me your boss as well."

Nathaniel nodded, taking the uniform and heading to the changing cabin he had spotted earlier. When he did, he locked his clothes inside a locker, looking at himself in the mirror. The clothes were slightly big, but it was okay. He had red pants and a long-sleeved, button-up, white shirt. He also had a black, short apron kind of thing that was tied on his lower body, the straps holding it up going over his shoulder like the straps of an overall.

He smiled, liking the fancy uniform. He stepped out, Valentino eyeing the adorable boy. He cleared his throat, forcing himself to avert his eyes. He thought that Nathaniel looked adorable in his uniform.

"Alright, Nathaniel," again, the boy cringed at his name. "You'll be serving your first customer. I'm going to test how you hold the tray, your posture, and your balance. I'll keep a close eye on the way you serve and act, okay?" Nathaniel let out a small, "yes sir."

"Great, then let's go. Now, you're going to serve me."

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