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Nathaniel jumped up and down, cotton candy in his left hand and ice cream in the other. "How many minutes left?" Valentino sighed, turning his wrist over to look at his new Rolex.

"Baby, there's an hour until it starts. Calm down." The couple had gotten dressed and were now eating dessert at La Rose. It was the first time Nathaniel had been allowed to actually taste the food he had been serving in his weekdays.

He had eaten a big, juicy hamburger with fries and now, on top of that, he was munching on cotton candy and cookie dough ice cream. Let's just say that he was enjoying life. Valentino had elegantly cut his steak into small pieces while his boy had dug in like a ferocious beast and ripped his burger apart.

Even with ketchup on his chin and mouth and fallen crumbs on his red button-up shirt, he still looked adorable to Valentino. Now, he was tainting his pink lips with sticky cotton candy. Some of his ice cream had managed to get onto the tip of his nose.

He caught a few posh people grimacing at him, which made him cough, embarrassed and ashamed at his table manners. Putting his desserts down, he wiped his mouth and cleaned the crumbs.

Valentino watched as he changed his actions, a little surprised. He spotted a faint blush that was coating Nathaniel's cheeks and looked around, glaring at the snobby, bratty people, telling them to fuck off with his eyes. They only sneered at him but went back to their own business, thankfully.

"Baby, don't you want to finish your dessert?" Nathaniel shook his head, eyes fixated on his lap as he twiddled with his thumbs. "Hey," the older boy whispered, softly grabbing the other's attention. "Ignore those people. They're just jealous of how perfect you are despite your appetite." Nathaniel whined, frowning. "Okay, okay. I'm joking. I think it's adorable, the way you eat."

Nathaniel glared at him before resuming his eating rampage, but alas, he had to act more mannered to save his dignity. "How many minutes left?" Valentino sighed at the pestering question that kept popping out.

"It's been three minutes since the last time you asked. You do the math." "Fifty-Seven minutes?" "Good boy. I knew you were a genius despite all the questionable things you do on a daily basis!"

Valentino snickered as Nathaniel kicked him under the table. "Stop making fun of me! If you keep going, I'll "roast" you." "Roast me? Is that what you guys say? Oh, young people." "You're two years older than me."

The couple had finished their feast soon, Nathaniel latching onto Valentino's arm as they squeezed through the crowd, trying to get to the main entrance of the musical. The hubbub of the crowd was unbearable, and Nathaniel fought the urge to cover his ears to block off the sound.

The boy he was latching onto wasn't fazed. He was used to loud noises. He stood tall and sternly looked at people who bumped into them.

Nathaniel groaned once he saw the length of the line. "We're going to be late." Valentino bent down and pressed his lips against his cheek. "No, we won't, Nathaniel. Just wait for ten minutes maximum. If not, I'll have to have a talk with the manager of this event. I didn't pay a fortune for VIP seats for this kind of service." Nathaniel felt bad for complaining and looked down. "It's okay. I can wait for as long as this goes on."

"Baby, we paid for the seats that we aren't getting. It's not being called spoiled, it's about making sure you get the cost of your money or time." Valentino went to have a talk with the men guarding the doors. Nathaniel stood alone, clutching his phone in his left hand to make sure it didn't get lost. With fearful eyes, he looked around.

Not many people caught his attention. Mainly old people or parents were attending this sort of organization, but the only person who did catch his attention was a beautiful boy. He had plump, reddish lips, fair skin that made them pop out even more, black hair that shined underneath the blinding lights.

The boy turned to face him, smirking devilishly when he caught Nathaniel staring. He had onyx eyes, almost black.

With a rapidly beating heart and flushed cheeks, he looked away quickly, avoiding any further interaction with him. Valentino came back, grabbing Nathaniel's elbow as he excitedly dragged him to the door, pushing through.

The two men let them through, causing a big problem amongst the crowd waiting for the doors to open. But honestly, the two boys didn't care.

Nathaniel didn't have to crouch down in order to not block anyone's view. Unlike him, Valentino had to bend down and keep his head low, searching for their seats.

The stage was humongous and many seats were available. The entire room was decorated royally with rich material, enchanting decor and enhancing features.

Nathaniel was the first to sit down, sitting on the edge of his seat, excitedly holding onto Valentino's left hand. He tried not to squeal as the colorful, blue lights came on, reflecting on the stage. A single character went on, wearing a silky, pink dress with her light blond curls tied into a high ponytail.

She began to sing, amazing everyone in the auditorium with her powerful vocals. Nathaniel gasped the older boy next to him pulling him close to him, kissing along his neck to calm him down.

"Her voice is so powerful!" He whispered-yelled. Valentino smiled, nodding as he let him go for a second.

He felt someone sit down on the empty seat beside him. He didn't pay any sort of attention until he felt the person tap his shoulder slightly. Nathaniel was about to point out something about the musical, turning his head to the right.

Valentino was kissing the boy he had made eye contact with earlier. And the boy seemed to be enjoying it.

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