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Warning: Consensual Mature Content Ahead

Valentino laid the smaller onto his back, confusing the younger. "Um, can I like, you know, get dressed now?" Nathaniel questioned innocently. The dominant could only chuckle, "Your punishment isn't over lovely. You actually thought that all I was going to do was to give you a simple spanking?" Nathaniel pouted, whining, "It wasn't simple. It hurt."

"You can't get away with twenty spanks and then call it a day, doll. Now, hands up." The smaller watched with raised eyebrows, judging and cursing at Valentino silently, who was gathering his torture tools probably. As Valentino tied his right hand to the bed, he contemplated his life and decisions, wondering where he went wrong to end up in such a situation.

"Hold up, I already said that I didn't kiss him. Why the frick am I still getting punished?" "Well, you guys still kissed, correct?" He nodded, pouting as he left hand was also tied. "Seeing as I can't punish him like this, someone has to take to blame, baby. Also, I don't mind seeing you so aroused and whiny." Ignoring the last part, Nathaniel complained again, "I don't care! Go beat him or y' know, do mafia stuff on him. I don't wanna take his punishment."

Valentino watched the boy complain through amused eyes, a small smirk on his lips. He slyly grabbed his gag, "Open your mouth." Suspicious, the latter refused. Valentino's smirk fell. "Open your fucking mouth, Nathaniel." With shivers going down his spine, Nathaniel opened his mouth slightly. "Wider." He also did that. Valentino shoved the ball gag into the mouth and tied it around his head with warning him.

Nathaniel's eyes shot open as he thrashed around, shaking his head. Little whimpers escaped his gagged mouth. Valentino cooed at him sadistically, gripping his chin tightly, "Oh, poor baby. You complained too much, didn't you?" He pressed against the gag with his thumb, Nathaniel letting out a sob. "Take it out," he tried to say, only it ended up sounding like, "Twak et aut." "But then you'll complain and then complain some more, right? Gotta shut that mouth before any other boys try to kiss it."

This time Nathaniel let his tears out, feeling trapped with the gag on. He hadn't tried anything like it before and having been forced to wear it made him feel trapped and humiliated. Valentino making fun of him didn't help along with the fact that the gag was twice as tight as it should've been. It hurt.

Valentino rolled his eyes even if his heart broke when seeing his boy burst into tears. "Your fake tears don't work on me anymore, remember? I figured you all out; cry when in trouble, get what you want. That's not going to happen today." Before he could even touch the blindfold, Nathaniel screamed and kicked, his tied hands trying to reach the gag but to no avail. Valentino and also tied them tightly, but not tight enough to hurt, unlike his gag.

Valentino stared at the hyperventilating boy with wide eyes, tears flowing down Nathaniel's cheeks, loud and painful sobs escaping his mouth. "OFF!" He yelled clearly this time. Then he whimpered, letting out a "h-huwts."

"Okay, okay, lovely, calm down, I'm taking it off now, okay?" Nathaniel nodded quickly, allowing the older to take his gag off. "Oh, my baby," Valentino whispered, caressing the red marks the straps left on his cheeks. Nathaniel stared at the bed, refusing eye contact as tears flew down his cheeks. "I'm sorry," Valentino said sincerely. "I didn't mean to hurt you, at all. I had promised myself before your punishment that under no circumstance would I hurt you. But I failed to keep my promise." He leaned in to kiss the marks that were less red now. "I'm sorry, baby boy."

Nathaniel met his eyes, nodding. "I-I want a safeword," he whispered quietly. "What about blue? It's your favorite color." Nathaniel nodded again, smiling slightly. "I'm sorry, again. Do you want to continue? I can untie you and we can watch a movie or something?" Nathaniel looked at the gag, "I-I wanna continue but without that." Valentino smiled, leaning in and kissing him passionately. "No blindfold either?" The smaller shook his head.

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