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Fifteen minutes. That was the longest break Valentino could give Nathaniel. Otherwise, the customers would've grown suspicious as to why a rich mafia was serving food like a pathetic waiter.

After serving a couple tables, Valentino entered the kitchen to inform Nathaniel that sadly, his break was over. With aching thighs and hurting legs, Nathaniel stood up from his cushion, getting back to work without a complaint.

Valentino looked at him with hidden sympathy in his eyes, watching his kitten serve once again.

During the final moments of Nathaniel's work hours, he felt dizzy as he was washing the dishes throughly with a sponge. He was exhausted, but shook his head and attempted to work faster so that his shift would end soon. Nathaniel was hopeful that the next day would be a lot easier on him, knowing that he'd have other people working with him.

Valentino watched the boy work through the door, leaning onto it cooly, his arms crossed with a draconian look fixated on his face. He looked like he was observing Nathaniel's actions.

The smaller boy stumbled, black spots appearing on his vision suddenly and out of nowhere. He felt cold, goosebumps appearing on his arms. He was terrified, thinking that he was about to meet his demise as his knees shook. His shaky hands let go of the glass he was washing, making it fall onto the ground, shattering into a hundred pieces from the impact.

Acting quickly, Valentino stepped in, catching Nathaniel just as he was about to fall onto the broken glass shards, cutting open his delicate skin. Nathaniel was sick, his breath shallow as he sweated, eyes tightly shut.

Valentino picked him up bridal style, hoisting the boy up and placing him in a chair. Swiftly taking his phone out from his pocket, he dialed Jackson's number, his freezing hand on Nathaniel's boiling forehead. He ordered Jackson to pick him up from the La Rose D'or. "And be quick!" He boomed, making the boy close to him whimper, his head tilting upwards, eyes slightly open and weak.

"Shh, kitten. Rest," he cooed, ready to rip Jackson to shreds if he wasn't outside, waiting for them patiently within five minutes. His kitten's health was at stake, and he wasn't about to risk it.

Staring at the writhing boy in wonder, Valentino's head shot upwards once he heart a car honk. Understanding the signal, he hushed the whining boy and picked him up, making sure to grab his personal items from his locker.

Valentino trudged over to the car, gently placing the boy into a laying position in the back seat, the gentle glow of the lit street-lamps illuminating his face beautifully, hitting it in such an angle that Valentino looked like a greek-god. This was also beneficial to two pretty girls that seemed drunk.

The girls straightened their outfits. They swung their hips, having difficulty walking. It appeared to be very unflattering to Valentino, who was ordering Jackson to get some medicine with a taxi and bring it to his apartment. He looked strict, his jaw clenched and eyebrows knitted together. He looked stone-cold, which only made the girls giggle more, trying to catch his attention.

Valentino was making a great attempt at ignoring the girls until one snaked her arms around his shoulder, pulling him closer with her slender arms. "Hey," she purred, her breath reeking of alcohol. Valentino's face didn't change, only becoming harder and meaner. "I'm not interested." The other girl, this one's makeup beautifully done, wrapped her tan arms around his waist, pouting. Her long, curly blonde hair looked frizzy and untamed from the rain. "C'mon, don't be like that, big boy."

Valentino pushed the girls away, trying to escape their insisting auras. Finally, he snapped when Nathaniel let out a whimper of pain. "Listen here," he spoke, his voice deep and full of dominance. "Ooh, spicy," said the blonde bimbo, winking. Valentino let out a forced chuckle, full of malice and evilness.

"I'm not interested. I suggest you both go home before something bad happens." He didn't hesitate to show them his gun, making sure they knew that he didn't want to be messed with.

"Insane!" Cried the girl with the black hair, wheezing. "Call the police, Samantha." She told the other girl, her body shaking.

"Don't bother, darlin'. Police won't do anything to Valentino Amore. I suggest you search him up." With a wink, he stepped into his car, driving off, Jackson already having grabbed a cab to purchase the needed medication.

Valentino needed his kitten to feel better. Otherwise, with Nathaniel's condition, his sickness might become worse in a matter of time.

A/N :I changed the scene with the girls to make it seem less-offensive :)

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