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Dagger grabbed onto his sharpened knife, stabbing his rival mercilessly in his thigh, his opponent screaming in pain, trying to stop the gruesome blooding with his hands. Dagger stepped back, seeing another man run towards him with a gun in his hand. On instinct, he turned to his left, elbowing the man in his gut.

Zaire had been shooting every gang member he saw, an insane look in his eyes as he let go of the last shred of his sanity. With two guns in his hand tightly gripped, swift fingers pressing the trigger multiple times per second, he shot any man that wasn't an ally right between the eyes.

Jackson's method was the most menacing, however, as he used a bat full of nails, Stranger Things style. He swung it back and forth, slamming the bat down onto the men's heads, grinning sickeningly. Oh boy, was he enjoying his mission? He had texted Draven, suggesting a little meeting discussing their further advances towards the situation handling Nathaniel and Valentino. Draven had agreed, unsuspectingly entering a war zone.

As soon as they met behind an abandoned building, Zaire had attacked, shooting Rocco in the back of the head, killing him instantly and without a doubt. Knowing never to attend a business meeting unarmed, Draven began shooting at the emerging gang members, the speedy members too fast for Draven's tricks. All hell had broken loose, the war causing mayhem and backup had to be called in each side.

Zaire was the member that was affecting the fight the most. With his selcouth skills with his gun, he had nearly slaughtered every member he laid eyes on, not stopping for anything. The psithurism was unheard, the upcoming wind ignored as fighters continued slashing and slaughtering each other. They were mauling anyone they interacted with, no one in their right state of mind.

Jackson's only concern was that this wasn't all of the members of Poison Ivy and that there was more to be offered. But he pushed those thoughts aside, proving himself and his boss that he could break the record for fasted completed mission. He wanted to finish it as soon as possible so that Valentino could get his ass back to Nathan. Jackson liked the boy so far, he was submissive, small, cute, nice, perfect for Valentino. He made his boss happy, happier than he had ever been seen before. With Nathaniel as his source of happiness and that source being taken away, Jackson fought for his best friend.

Draven hissed when Jackson landed a direct kick to his groin, screeching as he cupped his lower area, hunched over in pain. One of his followers saw this happened, a smaller member, and made the mistake of trying to punch Jackson in the stomach, right where his rock hard abs were located. "What the fuck," he whispered as Jackson blinked slowly before grabbing his bat, ready to attack and dislocated the boy's entire head.

"Tainted Rose!" Draven yelled with authority, earning the attention of everyone, even his own gang. "A war you wanted, a war you got. However," he slowed, meeting the eyes of the curious yet famished beasts around him. "However, I want this war to be settled the way it began. The debt you owe us is because we cheated and used weapons during a fight. We're doing the same thing now. My offer is, we let go of the weapons and fight with our bodies and strength. This way, we'll be equal and fair. Whaddya say?" He grinned his sickening grin, his yellow canines on display as he outstretched his hands.

Jackson nodded, making sure to get the approval of everyone. "We agree," he said, dropping his bat. The gangs threw their weapons onto the floor. "Well then," Jax said, cracking his knuckles, eyes glistening as he met Zaire's glare. "Let the fight begin!" He lunged at the smaller boy, screaming when a flying fist greeted his skull. Dash ran next to Zaire, a bigger and stronger member and lifted Jax off the ground by his throat, Jax scratching at his hands, face turning red by each second. Heedlessly, Dash tossed him aside with ease, spitting onto the floor. "Who's next?" He asked rhetorically.

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