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Valentino let out a low chuckle, dark eyes glistening. He was certain that he was going to find Nathaniel every single time. The kitten didn't stand a chance, making Valentino's insides churn with butterflies when he peered up at him with his adorable puppy-dog eyes. "Yes?" He asked, waiting for the bet.

With a stare, Valentino silenced himself, taking slow yet booming steps towards the small boy, eyes fixated on his.

Nathaniel gulped, eyes searching for some emotion in Valentino's ones. Once they stood closer than they should've Valentino tilted his head, a smirk on his lips, eyes glimmering in delight at the fright that Nathaniel portrayed.

"Kitten," he began, slightly caressing Nathaniel's chin with his middle and pointer finger, the ghostly brush of his fingers erupting a reaction, Nathaniel's face painting red.

His shirt slipped off his shoulder, his eminent, left collarbone on display once again. His shaky fingers didn't have the strength to fix it, his mind a bundle of tangled yarns.

"The rules are that you cannot try to run out of the store. If you win, somehow, I'll grant you one wish. But if the opposite happens, you'll do the same. Understood?" His voice was strong and draconian.

He was speaking as if he was explaining business to a newbie. Nathaniel nodded quickly, gulping. He was feeling exuberant, but he was dedicated to winning. He was going to give it his best shot and make sure that he didn't go without a difficult fight.

"You'll have thirty seconds to hide." That was outrageous. Thirty seconds was merely anything at all.

Nathaniel composed himself, speaking with his mellifluous voice that felt like the lightest, sweetest and highest notes on the piano repeatedly played in a symphony that settled in perfectly; soft and fluent, fluent like the calm waves that hit the shore.

"I don't find that fair, sir." Valentino growled, frightening the poor boy.

It was alluring, the fact that Valentino seemed to play two different characters. One was the boss; helpful, steadfast, placid. The other was the mafia boss everyone was scared of.

"Why not, Nathaniel. I find it to be. Especially because you know every single hiding spot in this place. After all, you're the lucky boy who worked here for a long time, aren't you?" He teased, knowing that it was the final move; checkmate.

Nathaniel sighed in defeat. "How about we compromise? Forty-five seconds." Valentino pondered on the idea, Jackson chiming in suddenly to make his idea heard. "That sounds good, Val." Nathaniel looked at the handsome boy with thankful eyes. "Fine. Zaire, Jackson, let's begin."

Zaire and Jackson turned around, facing the wall and guarding their eyes with their hands, blocking their view. "When I say count, we begin the timer." The two didn't respond. Valentino looked at Nathaniel. "Good luck, Kitten. Try not to mewl so much, yeah?" With that, he grinned evily, slowly turning around, copying the two boys' actions.

"Begin!" He yelled, his voice echoing through the library halls. "One! Two! Three..."

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