Twenty Four

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"I-I ca-can't!" Nathaniel cried out, trying to hide his face. Valentino grabbed his wrists, separating them and pinning them against the wall, "We can stay like this until tomorrow, kitten, but I can assure you that I won't kiss you first. If you want it so bad, you kiss me."

Valentino watched the boy squirm with his darkened eyes, the boy's his cheeks painted red. "B-But, pl-please," the boy begged in a small voice, trying to escape from his grip and also trying to charm Valentino into doing his evil bidding.

"No, Nathaniel." The caged boy avoided eye contact, gulping every few seconds, his mind going blank. Valentino knew that the boy wouldn't do anything unless he provoked him even more.

He leaned in, the unconfident boy shutting his eyes, tilting his head up so Valentino could capture his lips in his own ones.

Instead, Valentino began to kiss his shoulder, taking both of Nathaniel's wrists into one of his hands, his large hands enough to pin them both.

Nathaniel squeaked, trying to get away from his tantalizing lips. He felt his friend come to live, stirring and waking up, wanting some attention as well. "What? Becoming too unbearable for you?"

"P-Please." Nathaniel opened his glassy eyes, his pupils shaking slightly as they looked into Valentino's eyes, begging him to do something. He felt like he was going to explode from sexual frustration if the older boy didn't do anything soon.

Valentino chuckled, scanning the boy up and down, noticing the little bulge. "Someone got excited. How cute."

Nathaniel shook his head, "N-No, I-I-" His eyes teared up as he looked at Valentino, "Why are you p-playing g-games with me? If you don't w-want to kiss me you could j-just say so instead of to-torturing me."

Valentino retreated his hands from Nathaniel's wrists, the boy looking at the floor, his gaze fixated.

"Baby, that's not what I was trying to do. It's just so fun to tease you. You know why?" He stepped closer, putting his hands on Nathaniel's hips.

"You look incredibly cute all worked up, begging for me. You have no idea what seeing you like that does to me." He leaned in, "but you deserve a reward, don't you?"

Valentino finally leaned in, pulling Nathaniel closer as he softly captured his lips with his own, the two sharing soft kiss they had been craving for days. Valentino kissed him softly like he was a porcelain doll, beautiful and fragile.

On the inside, he was fighting the part of him that wanted to devour Nathaniel, to push him against a wall and pleasure him.

Soon, the kiss began to heat up, Nathaniel letting out a little moan that made Valentino's head spin. Valentino began to slide his hand down, feeling as much of Nathaniel as he could. He licked Nathaniel's lips, asking for entrance, then forcing his way in when it wasn't granted, Nathaniel thinking that he actually had a chance to tease and deny Valentino.

They fought for dominance, Valentino winning obviously. Valentino stopped moving his hand when they were right above Nathaniel's private area, wanting to make sure that Nathaniel gave him consent to touch him there, especially after that day's events. He wasn't sure if Nathaniel was ready.

"Do you want to continue, kitten?" He asked, pulling apart for a second. Nathaniel blushed, realizing what they had just done. "I-I don't want to go all the way today... Not after..." "That's perfectly fine, Nathaniel. Do you still want to bathe?" Nathaniel looked at the tub, nodding shyly. "Then what are you waiting for? Strip."

Nathaniel's eyes almost popped out of his sockets, his mouth agape. "R-Right h-" "Right here right now." "D-Don't look." Valentino smirked, slowly shutting his eyes, claiming that he wasn't peeking when Nathaniel asked him again.

The boy sighed, taking his robe off and quickly putting his swim suit on, tying it's strings tightly so that they wouldn't fall under any circumstances.

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