Chapter 10: Forced Perspective

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The phone was ringing when I opened my office door the next morning.
"Carter." I answered.
"Lexi. Can you come?"
"Cameron? Where are you?"
"Times Square"
"I'll be right there."
Walking up to the scene I could see a body covered with a blue tarp and off to the left Cameron sat on a bench with his head in his hands.
He lifted his head to look at me.
"Cam. What happened?"
He stood up and wrapped his arms around me.
He buried his face in my shoulder.
"He saw the body." Agent Daniels said from over my shoulder.
"Oh, Cameron... It's okay."
"It's not okay, Alexia! It was horrible and he's dead."
"I know, Cameron. The first one is always the hardest."
"I didn't think it would be like that."
"Stay here and I'll go take a look."
"No. No. No. No. No."
"Cameron. I've been doing this a long time. There's almost nothing I haven't seen."
I left Cameron and his protests at the bench and walked back over to the tarp. Underneath it lay the body of Assistant District Attorney Carter Burch. His face covered in welts and sores.
"You say he was sprayed with a water pistol?"
"Yes, Director. Many witness said a young man in a bright windbreaker ran up to him sprayed him in the face and took off."
"Hmm... That's odd."
"Why is that?"
"Typically when someone wants to commit murder they'd dress in dark clothing, draw as little attention to himself as possible, and he was clearly poisoned. With poisoning the goal is for a slow death over a long period of time. A typical poisoner wouldn't run away before the victim dies. None of it makes sense. Do a thorough canvass of the area and let me know what you find."
I dropped the tarp back over the body.
"I'll go talk to the DA. See if I can figure out what cases he was working on that may have lead to this."
I turned my attention back to Cameron.
"Do you want to come with me to the DAs office or do you want to stay and canvass with Agent Daniels?"
"I'll stay. I'm okay, Lexi."
"Okay, Cam. Remember to do exactly what she tells you to do. Be helpful." I hugged him again before walking back to my car.
I drove straight to the District Attorney's office. Took the elevator up to his office.
"Can I help you?" A petite woman with green eyes and a tight blonde bun asked me with a charming smile.
"I'm Director Alexia Carter and I need to speak with DA Maxwell."
"Of course, Madame Director. I will let him know you're here."
"Thank you."
A moment later the office door opened and the DA walked out; a short skinny man with cloudy grey eyes and neatly combed blonde hair. He extended his small hand to me.
"Director Carter. Last time I saw you it was Counselor Carter."
"I take cases on occasion. May we speak privately?"
"Of course."
We walked into his office and he closed the door behind us.
"Would you like to sit, Director?"
"No. Thank you."
He walked around and sat behind his desk.
"This morning we found ADA Burch poisoned in the middle of Times Square."
"Oh my... That's horrible. What can I do to help, Director?"
"Were there any cases he was working on that may have contributed to this?"
"Not that I can think of but I can release his case files to you, if that would help?"
"It would, thank you. Did he ever receive any threats that he brought to your attention?
"He never came to me with any threats."
"Are his case files on a computer or does he keep paper files?"
"Because we work for the government everything has to be in paper files. You know how that works."
"Of course. I'll send an agent for the files and go through them myself. Thank you for your time, Mr. Maxwell."
"Always a pleasure, Director Carter."
"I'll show myself out."
I walked out and pulled out my phone.
"Derek. I need you to come out to the District Attorney's office and pick up all current and recent cases the ADA was working on."
"I'll be right out." Derek's deep voice answered me.
"Thank you. "
I drove back to the office and was walking to my office when Cameron ran up to me.
"Lexi. Alexia."
"Oh my... Cameron. What's wrong?"
"They found the kid that shot the guy, but Lexi... He's no killer, Lexi. You have to do something. Deakins said they're going to charge him."
"Okay. Calm down. Let's go take a look."
I followed Cameron to the interrogation room.
"Look at him, Lexi. I'm telling you he's not a killer."
"When you asked what happened, what did he tell you?"
"He said there was some television crew that gave him the water pistol already full and gave him a picture of who to target. He thought it was a game show, Lexi."
Cameron's eyes pleaded with me.
"Okay. Okay."
I placed my hand on his shoulder.
"Agent Daniels. Take Cameron back to Times Square and find proof that there was a van or something that could exonerate the kid."
"Of course, Director."
"Go on, Cam. Find me proof. I can't just let him out because I want too. Bring what you find directly to me."
I watched them walk to the elevators and returned my attention to the kid.
"What did you get yourself caught up in?" I muttered to myself.
"Alex. I put those files in your office." Derek told me walking up to me.
His six foot frame would be intimidating to some but I'd known him for many years. His piercing light brown eyes bore into those who chose to break the law and the muscles in his arms pulled his light brown skin tight.
"Thank you, Derek."
He looked in on the kid standing next to me.
"Cameron doesn't think he's a killer."
"He was holding the gun, Alex."
"I'm leaning towards Cameron. I'm not convinced he'd have done it of he knew what would happen... Derek, something's wrong."
The kid stood shakily and immediately collapsed.
"He's seizing. Derek, call an ambulance."
I ran passed Derek into the interrogation room. I threw the chair out of the way and knelt next to the young man.
"Can you hear me?" I asked turning him over.
His face began to break out in welts and sores. I knew all I could do was wait for the paramedics. We hadn't figured out what toxin was used. Even when the paramedics arrived all they could do was stabilize him and take him to the hospital until we found the antidote.
I returned to my office and began to work through the files. The sooner we found who wanted the ADA dead the sooner we could find the antidote.
My phone rang while I was reading through files.
"Carter." I answered absently.
"Hi beautiful. Working late?"
"It's not that late is it?"
I looked up to the phone.
"Like 11pm. I was worried but when I called Cam he said he thought you were still in the office and here you are." He laughed.
"Here I am." I sighed.
"It's this case,  Jonny... The ADA is dead and the kid that poisoned him with a squirt gun is in Intensive Care and we have no idea who's responsible. I'm reading over these case files like I'll find something or someone that stands out like the ADA never made enemies."
"Take it one step at a time. You're a profiler. Profile. You know what you're looking for."
I took a deep breath.
"You're right, Jonny. How's Cameron?"
"Fine I guess... He didn't say anything?"
"He saw the ADAs body this morning."
"Ah. Cam's resilient. If he's still bothered you'll see it."
"I know. Just was wondering if he said anything."
"No. I think he doesn't want to add to my 'stress'"
"Well, I'd imagine prison is stressful."
He laughed.
I smiled looking over one of the case files.
"Hold on, Jonny... I think I found it. I love you so much. Can I call you tomorrow?"
"Of course, my love. I love you."
I hung up and raced out to the bullpen.
"This is Mikhail a suspected member of the Russian Syndicate. ADA Burch was working on a case against him for the murders of a large group from a rival gang.
"I want Agent Daniels and Agent Alvez to go to the Russian nightclub and try to get a meeting with Mikhail.
"Cameron. I already know you want to help. Go talk to Jonny and bring me a plan for a deception that will work."
After the team scattered I went back to my office. I laid back into my office chair. What felt like a minute later my phone rang.
"This is Attica Correctional Facility calling to confirm that you authorized Cameron Black to visit Jonathan Black at 12am."
"Yes. I did."
"Thank you, ma'am. We'll let him in."
"Thank you. "
I dozed in my chair until Cameron knocked on my door.
"We got it." He said holding a piece of paper covered in his and Jonathan's handwriting.
"And you're certain it'll work?"
"Pitch it to the team. Tell them it has my full approval."
"You don't even want to look at it?
"Don't need to. If you and Jonny came up with it it's genius."
He smiled and took off to tell the team.
I sighed as my phone rang.
"Alexia. I found it." Connor's voice chilled my blood.

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