Chapter 2: I'll Stand By You

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Jonathan sat next to me while I lay on the examination table waiting for the ultrasound technician.
"You feeling okay?" He asked taking my hand.
"Yeah, I'm okay. It's just overwhelming." I sighed squeezing his hand.
"Hello Mr and Mrs. Black my name is Katy Moyer and I'll be your technician today.
"I'm just going to move your shirt up enough to expose your stomach so I can begin the ultrasound."
She pushed my pink shirt up to my chest.
"This is going to be really cold." She said as she rubbed the metal wand with gel before pressing it gently into my stomach.
After a moment Jonathan and I could see a small blip in the picture.
"This, right here, is the beginning of your baby." She smiled at me.
Jonathan squeezed my hand as we looked at our baby.
"I'll take some shots to send with you."
I sat at my desk going over the file presented from my Behavioral Analysis Unit on their Oklahoma City case a couple weeks later.
"Yeah." I called absently as I looked over the crime scene photos.
"Lexa." Jonathan called.
"What, baby?" I asked reading Derek's report.
"It's nearly midnight, Lexa." He laughed as he sat in front of me.
"Well damn... We should probably head home then." I answered signing the report.
"Lexa. I want to talk to you about something." He leaned forward towards me.
"What's wrong, Jonny?" I asked.
"I've been thinking about things lately... about the baby." He muttered.
"What about the baby?"
"I've been thinking... maybe... that you should stay out of the field while you're pregnant."
"I've already removed myself from field work." I smiled at my husband.
"You let me stumble through that on purpose?"
"It's so cute when you stumble over your words." I teased him.
"Let's go home." He smiled as he stood up and reached for my hand.
"When is the next ultrasound?" He asked as he opened my car door.
"The fourth of June for the end of the first trimester ultrasound." I answered.
"If you can't make it, it's okay. It's basically a check up."
"I'll have to check with my boss." He smirked at me.
I shook my head and smiled at him.
I was woken from sleep by my cellphone ringing.
"Yeah." I answered groggily.
"Alex?" Derek's voice came through the phone.
"Yeah." I answered again.
"We may have a problem." He said.
"What kind of problem?" I asked sitting up in bed.
"The kind that needs you in the office."
"Well damn... Give me an hour." I sighed.
20 minutes later I was dressed in a light blue sleeveless wrap shirt open at the bottom exposing a white undershirt and black slacks, and 40 minutes after that I walked into the office.
"What do we have?" I asked walking in and taking the file Derek handed me.
"Viola Fuller was a 35 year old flight attendant out of Memphis, Tennessee. She was found raped and strangled in room 626 of the Crown Veil Hotel in Detroit, Michigan about three weeks ago." He told me as I looked at the picture of a very pale woman with long pure white hair and violet eyes with long eyelashes.
"Keri Long was a 23 year old flight attendant out of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She was also found raped and strangled in room 3098 of the Elite Cottage Motel in Detroit, Michigan two weeks ago." He handed me another file containing the picture of an African American woman with wild, frizzy brown hair and brown eyes.
"Mandy Holden was a 38 year old flight attendant out of Las Vegas, Nevada. She was also raped and strangled in room 2847 of the Farmhouse Motel in Detroit, Michigan last week." He handed me a third file with a pale woman with tousled red hair and green eyes.
"Then this morning Helen Snow a 27 year old flight attendant out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania was found raped and strangled in room 816 of the Scarlet Elephant Motel in Detroit, Michigan." He handed me his last file with a young woman with long, thick, and untidy black hair and large sorrowful amber eyes.
"Victimology is all over the place. Woman flight attendants? That's such a broad spectrum of victims." I mused walking with him to the conference room.
"Do we have the last flights of the victims and the estimated time of death?" I asked sitting down next to Jennifer.
"Last flight for Viola Fuller landed in Detroit at 9:52p.m. and her estimated time of death was just after midnight. Keri Long's flight landed at 8p.m. and her time of death was roughly 10p.m. Mandy Holden was on a fight that landed at 9:07p.m. and her time of death was roughly 11p.m. Helen Snow's flight landed at 10:51 last night and she was killed near 1a.m." Spencer listed for me.
"He abducts them from Detroit International and drives them to these motels and kills them two hours after their flight landed. How far are these motels from the airport?" I asked.
"They're all between 10 to 15 miles." Emily answered.
"When you land I want Spencer to work on the geographical profile, Emily, you work on victimology, Derek and David go out to the most recent crime scene, Jennifer and Aaron interview the families as they come in." I sighed.
"You're not coming?" Jennifer asked.
"No. I'm pregnant. I promised Jonathan that I'd stay out of the field for the safety of the baby." I answered.
"Besides, I have my next ultrasound this week. It's nearly the end of my first trimester."

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