Chapter 12: Divination

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Wednesday morning I awoke to my phone ringing.
"There's been a murder in China Town. Can you come check it out?"  Agent Kay Daniels asked.
"Sure thing. Text me the address and I'll be right there."
"Thank you, Director."
I hung up.
After a shower I dressed simply in black slacks, a white button up shirt and a black blazer. I pulled my hair up into a tight ponytail, attached my gun to my belt, slipped on my plain black heels and left.
Upon arriving at the scene I did a simple walk through. I noticed Cameron fall into step beside me.
"He came in as a client asking for a reading but he wasn't a regular. He sat at the table here." I gestured to almost the exact center of the room.
"He knew something he shouldn't have. Someone else was here."
"Okay. How do you know that?" Agent Alvez asked incredulously.
"The door didn't close all the way when she ran out. Whoever she is; he's looking for her."
"Someone just called in an Asian woman standing on the edge of the Manhattan Bridge." Agent Daniels said.
"Go. Take Cameron."
"Seal off the scene until the investigation is closed." I told the uniformed officer after the agents left.
"Yes, Director Carter."
When I returned to the office I answered a call from Cameron.
"We got the witness, Vivian, she's safe."
"Great job, Cam. Keep me updated and if you need me call. I have to work on that lead for Jonny."
"Okay, Lexi. Let me know how it goes."
"You know I will."
Per Se was a high end restaurant so I needed to make sure I put some effort into my appearance. I'd chosen a sequined black one shoulder dress that fell to the middle of my calves with a pair of sequined black pumps. I pulled my hair into a simple side braid. I left my home around 3:30 and drove out to Per Se.
Thomas Keller, himself was waiting to seat me.
"Right this way, Director." He smiled at me and lead me to a table against the windows to the front of the restaurant.
"Will this be alright, ma'am?"
"Of course. Thank you."
As I sat with my back to the window I caught sight of Derek sitting three tables away with a pretty blonde. He caught my eye and smiled. I ordered a glass of wine while I waited for Connor. After nearly a half hour I finally saw Connor walking toward the table. He pulled out his chair and sat across from me.
"Did you order without me?" He asked looking perturbed.
"Just wine." I raised my glass.
"Thomas knows what I like." I said offhand.
"Then I'll just take what he makes you."
I snapped my fingers and a waiter came over to me.
"Tell Mr. Keller that the Carter table will take a double order of the usual."
"Of course, Director Carter."
"Thank you."
Once the waiter left I turned to Connor.
"So, do you have it?"
"Straight to business, I see."
"Have to make sure I'm not wasting my time. The deal was that we'd meet for dinner when you had the footage."
Connor pulled his smartphone out of his pocket and plugged a small USB into it and handed it to me.
On the screen was the highway Jonathan's accident happened on. A moment later Jonathan's car came into view colliding with a vehicle speeding towards him on some kind of apparatus, unmanned. I watched as a woman climbed out of the passenger side of his car. Two men carried a woman's body into frame; laying her on her side facing away from the accident scene. All three of them climbed into another car and drove away. Another moment later, Jonathan stumbled out of the car and rushed over to the motionless woman. I watched him attempt CPR. He seemed to brush the hair away from her face and visibly jumped back. He looked around, stood up and ran.
A single tear rolled down my face.
"Is that what you need?" Connor asked.
"You know it is."
I powered down the phone and removed the USB as our first course was delivered. I handed Connor back his phone.
"Thank you." I told the waiter smiling at him.
"Anything I can get for you?"
"No. We're alright. Thank you."
The waiter returned to the kitchen and I put the USB into my purse.
"Thank you, Connor. You're payment will be transferred tonight."
He nodded.
"I do have questions for you."
"What questions?"
"You said at the waterfront that it had been real, when did I stop being just a job to you?"
I sighed.
"I was 19 when we met and I tried as hard as I could to separate how you made me feel from the task at hand but ultimately it was never just a job for me."
"So you were 20 when they made you the FBI Director?"
I nodded.
"Was that because you successfully broke up my operation?"
"It was part of it. I'd completed many successful missions before my promotion."
My phone ringing cut him off.
"I'm sorry. I have to take this."
I stood up and walked out of the restaurant as I answered my phone.
"Attica Correctional Facility for Alexia Carter."
"This is Director Alexia Carter."
"There's been an incident, Madame Director."
"What kind of incident?"
"Jonathan Black was attacked by another inmate. One of his ribs is broken."
"I'll be right there."
I rushed to my car and drove straight to the prison's local hospital. Once I arrived I was ushered up to Jonathan's room. When we walked into the room the bed next to his was empty and a chair was pushed up holding the door closed.
"What kind of person did you room him with? Check on the officer." I scolded rushing to his bedside.
"Go find him!" I yelled taking Jonathan's hand.
"Imbicles." I muttered returning my attention to Jonathan.
"What have you gotten yourself into?"
"Lexa. They know who I am. What I'm capable of."
"Tell me what happened."
"I tried to tell them I couldn't do it because I had no reason to go to the hospital so they cornered me in the stair well and two of them held me against the wall while a third punched me and broke my rib.
"Lexa, I was scared of what they'd do if I came back and I hadn't done it."
"Okay. Okay, Jonny. I need you to hear me and do exactly what I say."
He nodded.
"You were sleeping until you heard the chair scrape across the floor. You have no idea what happened or how he got out of his handcuffs."
"Jonny, I'm your attorney. Everything you tell me is protected by attorney/client privilege. My job is to protect you. No one else is my concern.
"Please try to keep your head down. I think we're close, okay."
"Okay, Lexa. I'm sorry baby."
I shook my head and placed my hand on his head.
"Hush, my love. It'll be okay. How do you feel?"
"It's kind of hard to breathe."
"That'll pass. You're strong, baby. It'll be over soon."
I leaned over him and pressed my lips to his forehead.
The next morning I was sitting in my office staring at the USB. I needed to make sure it was authentic.
"Hey boss, give it to me." My technical analyst answered the phone.
"I need you to come to New York to pick something up for me. I need you to analyze it and tell me if it's authentic."
"Official or unofficial?"
"I'll drive up when I get done here."
"Thank you, Penelope."
Cameron walked into my office as I hung up. I dropped the USB into my top desk drawer and locked it.
"Will you come with me to see, Jonny?"
"Sure, Cam. I was just up there last night."
"I just need support."
"Is everything okay?"
"I'm not sure."
"Okay, let's go."
I drove Cameron up to see his brother but when we arrived he asked if I would wait behind the two sided mirror. I let Cameron go ahead.
"Jonny, are you okay?" Cam asked as he leaned forward.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Jonny waved his hand dismissively.
"Jonny, I know I put you in an impossible position but I want you to know I'm always here for you."
Jonny raised his eyes to look at his brother but said nothing. Cam leaned back in his chair. The coin Jonny always toyed with fell off his hand as he stared at Cameron.
"You lost your focus." Cam said.
"Nobody's perfect. Not even me."
He smiled at his brother reassuringly but I wasn't sure if he was trying to reassure Cameron or himself.

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