Chapter 47: Sentencing

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"On the first count of the indictment: physical abuse of a child in the case of Cameron Sebastian Davis Black, we the jury find the defendant Sebastian Allistar Black guilty.
"On the second count of the indictment: physical abuse of a child in the case of Alexia Rose Black, we the jury find the defendant Sebastian Allistar Black guilty.
"On the third count of the indictment: sexual abuse of a child in the case of Alexia Rose Black, we the jury find the defendant Sebastian Allistar Black guilty.
On the fourth count of the indictment; sexual assault of a child in the case of Alexia Rose Black, we the jury find the defendant Sebastian Allistar Black guilty.
"On the fifth count of the indictment: physical abuse of a child in the case of Jonathan Christopher Davis Black, we the jury find the defendant Sebastian Allistar Black guilty.
"On the sixth count of the indictment: kidnapping of Jonathan Christopher Davis Black, we the jury find the defendant Sebastian Allistar Black guilty.
"On the seventh count of the indictment: assault and unlawful confinement, we the jury find the defendant Sebastian Allistar Black guilty.
"On the eighth and final count of the indictment: solicitation of sexual assault, we the jury find the defendant Sebastian Allistar Black guilty."
Jonathan collapsed into my arms after Sebastian's verdict was read less than an hour later. Cameron and Kay came to the courthouse after their appointments and were there for the verdict. Kay held Cameron in her arms.
Relief flooded over me as I held my weeping husband.
The judge called the room back into order.
"The jury has something else they'd like to say."
"We understand that typically there is a sentencing hearing but we feel so strongly that none of the victims should be put through another trial. We realize that it's not typically the sentence for the crimes committed but due to the severity of the abuse we'd like to reccomend the death penalty in this case."
"I have sat on this bench as each of the defendant's victims testified about their experiences at the hand of the defendant. Unfortunately, despite the severity of the abuse I cannot by law sentence him to death, however, I am sentencing the defendant Sebastian Allistar Black to serve out the rest of his life in solitary confinement at Obsidian Solitude Super Max Prison in Mastriom Vale, New York with no possibility of parole." Judge Johnson said and he slammed the gavel down.
"Won't he just escape and come after us again?" Jonny asked cynically as we walked out of the courtroom.
"Obsidian is the only prison in New York that has a door with no keyhole. The cells a 5' by 8' padded rooms that can only be opened once. The day the sentence is over. They're fed through a small tray that can only be opened with the warden's fingerprints."
"Is that legal?" Cameron asked behind me.
"Sebastian will be the sixth person to serve his time there. It was opened in 2020 in order to confine the worst of the worst."
"Cameron, Jonny, Alexia. Elizabeth wants to take a deal. She's claiming insanity due to Sebastian's abuse and her captivity from 2008 to 2015." Oscar
"So, what are we offering?" I asked.
"Life in Pineneedle Asylum with no chance of release. If she goes to trial she'll be facing life in Oblivion Penitentiary with no possibility of parole."
I looked at Jonny and Cam.
"What do you want to do?" I asked.
"Let her take the deal. I don't want to go through another trial." Jonny said looking worn down.
Cameron nodded.
"I just want to focus on the wedding. You're right, Lexi. They've taken enough from us. Let's end it."
I nodded at Oscar.
"Let me drive, Jonny? You look exhausted." I gently touched my husband.
He nodded.
When we got home our kids were still at Jasmine's with Dina.
"Do you think they'll keep them one more night? Just so we can have one real night to ourselves?" Jonny asked weakly.
"I'm sure they will. Why don't we take a hot shower then curl up in bed with a movie?" I reached for him.
He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.
"This whole thing was hard on all three of us but I know it's been so much harder on you. Not only with what he's done to you but with hearing what he did to us. You've always been so protective of us. I saw it on your face all week." I sighed hugging him.
"I could handle everything he did to me if I knew that you and Cameron were safe and hearing that you weren't just tore me apart." He muttered burying his face in my neck.
"We're all okay now. It's over. Come shower with me." I tugged on his arm, leading him to the stairs.
After our shower we laid in our bed watching The Insomniac. My head rested on his chest listening more to his steadiness heartbeat than the movie while he rubbed my back.

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