Chapter 22: The End of the Beginning

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I felt the pain first causing my to groan before I could even open my eyes. I felt a hand gently squeeze mine. I sighed which was also painful.
"Lexa?" His voice floated to me soft and angelic.
I furrowed my brow still not quite able to open my eyes.
"Lexa. Baby. Can you hear me?"
"Mmhm." I murmured.
I heard him sigh and felt his fingers brush my face. Under his touch my eyes fluttered open.
"There's my girl." He whispered smiling at me.
I managed a small smile. He placed his hand on the side of my face. I leaned into it.
"Jonathan." I whispered his name.
"I'm here."
"What happened?"
"What do you remember?"
I searched my memories.
"I remember seeing you on the other side of the plexiglas wall. You wanted me to go back toward the ceiling to try to get air but there wasn't any. I don't remember anything after that."
"Cameron brought in an axe and tried to break the glass. We eventually broke down the door and the water rushed out but you were face down. I turned you over and tried to do CPR but your ribs were already broken. I was so worried that I was doing you more harm than good. It felt like forever but you started breathing. Cameron ran to find Kay and get you an ambulance. You were breathing but you weren't coughing up the water I knew had to be in your lungs. I knew your ribs were broken because I felt them but then you started bruising so quickly.
"The paramedic asked me to move away from you and I couldn't. Cameron had to pull me away. They wouldn't even let me ride in the ambulance with you."
He paused looking at me, his eyes glossy with tears.
"You were already in surgery when Cameron and I got here. They didn't want to tell me anything because we're not married yet. After Derek talked to them they agreed to talk to me. You had severe internal bleeding from the ribs puncturing your liver; they also punctured your lungs which caused your torso to fill with water which is why you didn't cough up any water."
I reached my hand up slowly to wipe the tear from his cheek.
"Hey. I'm okay." I tried to reassure him.
"We haven't caught them."
"I expected that. We might not find her until she wants to be found."
He shook his head.
"She deserves to pay for what she's done."
"I agree, but Jonny, we can't let her dictate our lives."
"I saw the President after they took you. He overturned my conviction."
"That's wonderful, my love."
"It's because of you. You fought so hard for me and you did it."
"We did it." I urged.
"We did."
We sat in silence for a long while, just content in each other's presence.
"Oh. I found something just outside the box you were in." He suddenly got up and walked over to his leather jacket hung next to the hospital door.
"What is it?"
"I don't know. It has your name on it."
He walked back to me holding an envelope in his hand. I managed to sit up slightly with the help of the adjustable bed. He handed me the envelope. Inside I found a neatly folded simple letter.
My darling Alexia,
If you are reading this my darling daughter then I did not survive the pregnancy. The doctors warned me that it was likely that I would not survive the delivery but I knew in my heart I had to bring you into this world. The first thing I need you to know is that no matter what your father has told you, you are very much loved and wanted. Never in my life have I felt so strongly as I do for you and we have never met. You carry my soul in you. It has recently come to my attention that your father's best friend, Sebastian Black and his wife had twin boys back in 1987. I have overheard many conversations between them about how unfortunate it is that they were born bringing to an end a long partnership between Eric and Sebastian. I hope you meet these boys and give them the love they deserve. If you have not come to find them by the time you read this letter I urge you to seek out Jonathan and Cameron Black. Once you do I need you to know that the map in the Black family Archive is a misdirection, if you will. After hearing your father talk badly about those precious boys I made a decision. I am leaving all of my assets totaling over one trillion dollars in a trust for you, my sweet baby. Find the twins. Together use this map to find the Black family treasure, left to Jonathan and Cameron by their grandfather Alistair Black. I suppose even he knew Sebastian could not be trusted. Be safe, my daughter. I wish for you nothing but love and success in your life.
I love you always.
Your mother, Isabella Carter.

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