Chapter 44: I Don't Know About You

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"This was too easy, Jonathan." I said as I stared at the man who broke into our home through the two sided mirror.
His name was Christian Lynch and he'd been Jasmine's boyfriend for three years before her mother died. This was too obvious.
"I completely agree. Who breaks into the FBI director's house with another FBI agent and five FBI trainees staying in it?"
"I have no idea."
"How are we going to find out?"
"I have Penelope running his contacts down now but ultimately, I'm going to ask... nicely." I smiled at Jonny before walking into the interrogation room.
"Mr. Lynch. My name is Dr. Alexia Carter. I'm the Director of the FBI and it's my house you decided to break into last night."
His hazel eyes went wide as I spoke.
"They didn't tell me you're the FBI Director." He exclaimed.
"Who?" I asked.
He looked down at his hands, his black hair fell over his eyes.
"Right now, you're facing multiple charges including breaking and entering at the FBI director's house, kidnapping and assault, oh and multiple murder just to name a few. Now I've spoken to Ms. Dorian and she claims you broke up with her so perhaps you can explain to me why after six years you'd decide to kill her family." I said gently with a touch of sarcasm.
"Director Carter..." He said my name but didn't say anything more.
It appeared he was trying to decide what if anything to tell me.
"My only suggestion to you is that you tell me the truth before my agents find it for me." I challenged sitting back in my chair.
A knock on the door startled him.
"Come in." I called not taking my eyes off Christian.
"Director Carter. We might have something." Jonathan's voice came from the doorway.
Christian looked at me and I raised my eyebrow at him. I stood up and turned toward Jonathan.
"Okay. Wait." Christian called.
I winked at my love and turned back around.
"Yes, Mr. Lynch?"
"I'll tell you everything I know." He sighed.
I sat back down and Jonathan closed the door.
"I met them going on two years ago. They're like you. A family. They've all known each other for years." He started.
"I need names, Mr. Lynch."
"Joshua Perkins is the leader, like you. They all rally around him. Robyn Glass is his girlfriend; the brains of their operation and her sister Lauren is her twin but she's the daredevil. Katie Lawson is their tech genius. Beatrice Frye is their explosives expert. Matthew Ballard is their peacemaker, he makes sure none of them kill each other or themselves..."
"And what exactly did you offer them?" I asked.
"I didn't realize what they were doing until after. They said they were looking for Jasmine and because I knew her I was important. I tried to tell them I hadn't spoken to her in years but they convinced me they needed my help. I drove them to Skyler's house but I didn't go inside. I didn't know what they were planning to do until afterwards when they came back covered in blood.
"I freaked out. I didn't know what to do. Josh told me I was an accomplice and I had to do what they said. So I did.
"They gave me that cellphone and told me to follow Jasmine and try to intimidate her with these notes they wrote. I swear I didn't know it was your house. They sent me in this black SUV to throw a brick through the window of the house Jasmine was staying at.
"Yesterday they told me I had to break into the house and make Jasmine leave with me... wait... they knew you'd catch me, didn't they? They set me up?"
"It's looking that way. Sit tight. I'll send an agent in to take you to a holding cell." I said.
"But... I was set up." He exclaimed.
"Maybe. Maybe not. I certainly can't take you at your word. Good day, Mr. Lynch."
I walked back out to Jonathan.
"If this is true this has to be someone we've known for a long time. I don't recognize any of those names, do you?" I asked him.
"Not off hand." He said shaking his head as we walked up to Penelope's office.
"What do you have for me?" I asked walking in.
"Not much, honestly. The guy's squeaky clean. Not even a parking ticket." She said.
"Run the names Joshua Perkins, Robyn Glass, Lauren Glass, Katie Lawson, Beatrice Frye, and Matthew Ballard. See what you find."
"Sure thing, boss."
She went right to work as Jonathan and I left to find the others. They were gathered around the meeting table in the conference room. After Jonathan and I told them what we learned Cameron spoke up,
"Before we met you, Lexi, I attended an elementary school for kindergarten to fourth grade, when our father pulled me out to homeschool me with Jonathan. My best friend's name was Matt Ballard."
"Did you tell him anything about Jonny?" I asked.
"No. Our father made sure I knew I wasn't allowed to talk about Jonathan." He said.
"I just find it hard to believe that there's a group out there with our exact story by chance. Someone brought them together specifically to come after us. If Christian's telling the truth then either they lied about how long they've known each other or someone's been able to follow us since we were kids." I sighed.
"Let's wait to see what Penelope finds on these people before we start theorizing too much." Jonny wrapped his arm around me.
"Let's at least put the information he gave me on the board until we can get it verified. Try to organize our thoughts." I sighed again leaning my head against Jonathan.
Jasmine sat in the chair closest to me. Dina and Jordan sat next to her on either side and Gunther sat next to Jordan while Cameron got up to write out our list.
The names I was given. Their "job titles" within their group. Their connections or possible connections to our group.
"Is that everything?" Cameron asked turning to look at us.
"For now it is." I answered.
Penelope rushed into the room and said,
"Alex. Each of the names you gave me were victims of the Virginia Beach child killer back in the late 90s. Joshua Perkins, born April 14th 1992, age six, abducted on New Year's day 1999, found February second. Katie Lawson, born April 30th 1991, age seven, abducted March third 1999, found April fourth. Robyn and Lauren Glass, born May 24th 1990, both age eight, abducted May fifth 1999, found June sixth. Beatrice Frye, born June 30th 1990, age nine, abducted July seventh 1999, found August eighth. Matthew Ballard, born July 27th 1989, age ten, abducted September ninth 1999, found October tenth."
Cameron wrote down the information on the board.
"Was there a seventh victim?" I asked.
"There were actually seven more victims. Tyler Mckinney. Born September 19th 1988, age eleven, abducted on November eleventh 1999, found on December twelfth. Owen Barker, born September 28th 1987, age twelve, abducted on New Year's day 2000, found February second. Sarah Bailey, November 9th 1986, age thirteen, abducted March third 2000, found April fourth. Roman Garrett, born December 11th 1985, age fourteen, abducted May fifth, found June sixth. Sophia Bradley, born January 4th 1985, age fifteen, abducted July seventh, found August eighth. Peter Green, born January 25th 1985, age sixteen, abducted September ninth, found October tenth. Willow Lane, born February 26th 1985, age seventeen, abducted November eleventh, found December twelfth.
"No one was ever caught for this." She said sadly.
I looked at the board, studying the new information. The victims were all different ages from six to seventeen. A child was always taken in the odd numbered months and their bodies discovered in the even numbered months. Always on the day that matched with the month.
"They're all different zodiac signs. In order nonetheless. Aries through pieces." I mentioned.
"What does that mean?" Cameron asked.
"I'm not sure yet." I answered.
"Alexia. Can I talk to you?" Derek's voice came from the doorway behind us.

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