Chapter 27: I Need You

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Things hadn't changed much for our family since President Cameron Hunter attacked me in our home. I was accustomed to being threatened or attacked and our boys hadn't been home. It made me think sometimes about how it would have been different if they had been. Would he have even made it into our home to begin with?
Hunter claimed that he had only come here to talk and things had gotten out of hand. However, his face matched one of the men who entered my office when I was in New York with Jonathan. In his room at the white house they found newspaper articles on every major case I worked. There were multiple surveillance pictures of me at the store, out with my sons, with Jonathan, dating back to just after Jonathan was sentenced. They ran his fingerprints against prints found at the scenes of the murders of the victims I'd saved over the years and found matches to every scene. When presented with the evidence against him, he refused to speak and has refused to say a word since.
Last week Hunter was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the attack and was arraigned on multiple counts of murder.
Vice President Jordan Glass took her oath and was sworn into office before I even left the hospital.
I hired seven men to guard the gate at the end of my driveway and to patrol the perimeter fence.
Friday, December 11th, 2020 our boys turned one. They each developed their own personalities but they were still our princes. Aaron Alvarez and Scott Lane kept a record of all of our guests for the twin's birthday party as they arrived around noon. I loved watching my sons relish in all the attention they were receiving. Jonathan and I discussed not allowing our family and friends to buy the twins gifts because we obviously don't need it but ultimately we decided that we would instead ask that each person who wanted to buy our boys gifts would have to buy them something that was significant to them. A toy from their favorite movie. A favorite childhood book. A novelty shirt or onesie that spoke to them. At one year of age the twins had personalities but they didn't yet have likes and we wanted them to experience more than just what Jonathan and I could show them.

 At one year of age the twins had personalities but they didn't yet have likes and we wanted them to experience more than just what Jonathan and I could show them

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By 5p.m. most of our guests had gone home and Jonathan and I looked at our sons covered in dark blue icing and white cake crumbs. They looked up at us with the largest smiles and laughed.
"Bath time, birthday boys." I laughed picking up Logan.
Jonathan and I bathed our sons together and by 8p.m our sons were in bed and we were cuddled on the couch when the doorbell rang.
"It's okay, baby." Jonny reassured me, seemingly sensing my anxiety.
"Cameron and I have been thinking and we have a surprise for you."
He smiled at my confusion as he opened the front door.
In ran the cutest little fluffy puppy. I got down on the floor as he ran up to me and let me pick him up.

 I got down on the floor as he ran up to me and let me pick him up

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"Hi! Look at you. Hi!" I laughed as he licked my face.
"Jonny. What is this?"
"This is a Chow Chow puppy. I was just thinking that having a dog would help make us feel safer and it'll be good for the boys too."
Jonathan sat on the floor with the puppy as Cameron stood in our doorway.
"Cooper." I said firmly.
"Cooper?" Jonny asked.
"His name."
"Okay, Lexa." He smiled at me.
Jonathan caught my eye as Cooper curled up on the floor.

Jonathan caught my eye as Cooper curled up on the floor

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"Cameron?" Jonathan looked up at his brother.
"Will you come in here so I can talk to you?"
"What's up, Jonny?" Cam said moving from his place in the doorway.
"Come sit down, Cam, please?"
Cameron looked at me as he sat on the floor across from us.
"Jonathan. What's wrong?" Panic laced Cameron's voice.
"I have to tell you something that I've been hiding from you."
"Okay... Jonny, you can tell me anything."
"Prison was really hard. Honestly, it was the hardest thing I've ever been through. I thought that if I buried what happened I could pretend it never did but the more I pushed it back the more scared I became." He paused and I gently touched his shoulder.
"Jonny. What happened?" Cameron asked touching his hand.
"About three months into my prison term I was cornered by a group of men and... and... and raped." Jonathan forced out not looking at his brother.
Cameron looked at Jonathan for a long while before looking at me. I nodded at him. Cameron got up on his knees to embrace his brother.
My heart broke as my husband cried into his younger brother's chest. Little Cooper padded up behind me and started licking the skin exposed on Jonny's side. He barked at my husband and nudged into him.
"He's trying to make you feel better." I smiled at him.
Jonathan broke away from Cameron and pet Cooper's head.
"You're a good boy, aren't you?" He smiled at the puppy.
"Come here, Lexa." He reached for me.
He pulled me towards him so I sat in his arms before the puppy hopped up into my lap.
"Jonny. I hope you know you didn't have to keep this from me. I just want to support you." Cameron told him.
"I know Cam. That wasn't it. I didn't tell Lexa until about two months ago." He squeezed me gently.
"I just thought I could make it go away but I couldn't. I've been having panic attacks; especially around groups of men. I've started feeling overpowered even when there's no reason to." He pressed his forehead to the top of my head for a long moment.
Cameron touched his brother's arm.
"I just really need you. I really need you guys right now."

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