Chapter 47: Mansion

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"Kay. Are you sure?" I asked standing up from my chair.
She nodded with fear in her eyes.
"Okay. We'll find them. Lead us to it."
Jonathan and I rushed our to the car to follow Kay and Derek.
"Jonny. Call them. See if we can get ahold of anyone."
Jonathan pulled out his phone and began dialing. Everytime he hung up the phone without speaking my heart skipped a beat.
"Jasmine?" He finally said into the phone before putting it on speaker.
"Where are you?"
"I'm at the house. Where is everyone?"
"How many cars did they take?" I asked racing to Dina's car.
"Just mine and her's. They went in her SUV."
"Stay at the house. I'll send someone to stay with you."
"Okay. Lex? What's happened?"
"They found Dina's car abandoned on the 504. We'll call again when we know more."
Jonny hung us as we pulled up to the SUV. All four tires were shredded.
Jonathan and I walked slowly up to the SUV.
"We found trace amounts of blood on the seats. Front and back. Not enough to suggest someone died but someone, possibly more than one someone is hurt." The CSI told me as he walked up to me.
"Send the samples to the lab and tell them to run it strictly against the members of my team."
"Yes, ma'am"
"Lexa!" Jonathan called from the other side of the car.
I ran over to him and found him holding a piece of paper.
"What does it say Jonny?"
Jonathan Black and Alexia Carter,
37.270969, -79.941429
Come alone or they die.
"Where is that?" He asked.
"Roanoke, Virginia. I'm not sure exactly where but my best guess is Belcourt Manor. It's an abandoned mansion in Roanoke that is said to house the spirits of the lost Roanoke colony." I answered.
"How do we sneak away?"
"Go back to the car. I'll take care of it."
As he walked back to the car I found Derek and told him,
"Jonathan and I are going to go back to the house and check on Jasmine. Give me a call when you find anything."
"Okay, Alexia."
I climbed into my car and drove away.
"It's just under five hours from the 504 to these coordinates in Roanoke." I told Jonny
"They'll be okay right?" He asked, panicked.
"Of course they will. They didn't give us a time to be there by so we're not racing against the clock." I reassured myself as much as I reassured him.
The coordinates lead us to a wooded area with no clear drivable path.
"On foot from here." He said uneasily.
I nodded and we climbed out of my car. In the trunk I kept an array of hand guns. I pulled two regular sized ones, a GLOCK 22 .40 caliber and a Glock 19. I tucked the 22 in my waist band and Jonathan followed suit with the 19. I tucked a SIG Sauer 99mm into the top of my boot and we left the car to walk through the woods to the coordinates.
Sure enough, we came across a large, grey, dilapidated mansion sitting at the back of a clearing. The three story manor stood tall above us.
"What's the plan now?" Jonny asked.
"I'm not sure. I thought I'd know but I'm so blinded with worry I can't think straight." I said as calmly as I could manage.
"Okay. They asked us here, they'll be expecting us. Probably best to just walk through the door." He touched my shoulder.
We walked carefully together towards the large house. The door stood cracked open as we approached. I pushed the door open as I pushed back my fear and lead Jonathan into the house.
With no furniture, disheveled wallpaper, and dusty hardwood floors the great room brought a sense of danger to the already dangerous situation we were facing.
We found our way to a staircase that lead down into a basement. Terror shot through me again at the thought of our family down in that basement.
At the base of the stair I could see into the basement room and I glimpsed Cameron unconscious against the wall, his arms chained above his head. My heart broke as I saw the cuts and bruises to his face.
I watched as an older woman with short grey hair walked across the room in front of my family.
Jonathan stepped on a loose board behind me. In one swift motion he shoved me into a closet out if sight and turned to run back up the stairs. I watched her chase after me and I knew what he needed from me.
I rushed forward and knelt down in front of Cameron.
"Cam, wake up. Cameron wake up." I slapped his face before working to release his hands
"Lexi? Where's Jonny?"
"He lead her away. Help me get everyone up."
I moved on from Cameron to Dina.
"Dina. Wake up." I undid the shackles around her wrists.
I heard a crash behind me and spun around barely catching Jonny as he was thrown at the floor near me.
"You are quick director. I'll give you that." Her voice grated against my nerves.
"What is it you want?" I hissed at her.
Her harsh brown eyes studied me. Jonathan moved slightly against me trying to find the floor with his leg. He tensed against me.
I kept my eyes on her's as I helped Jonathan to find his footing.
"You truly have no idea, do you?" She asked, her eyes softening.
"What are you talking about?" I asked as Jonathan leaned against.
"My name is Rose Carter. Isabella Carter was my sister."

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