Chapter 11: Escapology

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"You're sure you found it?" I asked sitting back up in my chair.
"Yes, Alexia and you're going to want to see this." Connor answered.
"We need to meet so I can show you and so we can discuss reimbursement."
"I need to talk to him first. I'll call you back."
I hung up but had a terrible feeling.
I knew going into this that it was a terrible idea but would he really lie about finding the footage just to get me to dinner?
I had no idea.
There's no way Jonny will be comfortable with me going to dinner with him alone.
I sighed.
I kept the news of the possible footage to myself for almost a week. I didn't want to get Cameron's or Jonathan's hopes up while I was having doubts.
Ultimately I decided I needed to see the footage before I could tell them.
"Morgan." Derek answered his phone on the first ring when I called.
Cameron and Jonathan were working on getting a docent out of a locked exhibit before she got blown up. I asked Cam to keep me updated but I really needed to figure out if Connor actually found the evidence to exonerate Jonathan.
"I need to ask a favor, my friend."
"Whatever you need, Alex. You know that."
"I'm going to set up a meeting with an old friend who might have information I need to help Jonathan but I don't know that I trust him. I'd like you to be my back up."
"Sounds like fun. Where are we going?"
"Knowing Connor he'll want to go to the most expensive restaurant in New York. I'll pay for dinner for you and a date and all you have to do is keep an eye on us and step in if I need you to."
"I'm so down. Give me the date and time and I'll be there."
"Thank you, Derek."
I hung up and called Connor.
"When and where?" I asked when he answered.
"Dinner at Per Se in New York Wednesday night. You can get a reservation, can't you?"
"Of course I can. I know the owner personally."
I hung up on him.
Wednesday night at Per Se. I'll handle the reservations. I texted Derek.
I called up the owner of Per Se, Thomas Keller.
"Hello, Alexia. Are you finally going to take me up on that table I've reserved."
"I actually am, I'm doing a bit of an undercover thing and I need two tables for Wednesday night. Can you swing that for me?"
"For you? Anything. Two tables in view of one another but not too close."
"I swear I don't ask you for this that often." I laughed.
"It's my business to know how to please my customers, Alexia. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday."
I smiled as he hung up.
I knew I needed to tell Jonathan something. I couldn't lie to him but I also didn't want to get his hopes up.
"Attica Correctional Facility. How may I direct your call?"
"Alexia Carter for Jonathan Black."
"One moment please."
"Lexa." He answered his voice horse.
"Are you okay?"
"Yea..." He cleared his throat.
"Yeah, Lexa. I owed someone a favor. It's not a big deal. It helped Cam."
I sighed.
"Okay. Please try to be careful with that."
"I know, Lexa. I am."
"I need to talk to you about something."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong, babe. I'm meeting with Connor Warner on Wednesday for dinner."
"Does he have it?"
"I'm not sure. He says he does but I have a funny feeling. I asked Derek to shadow me for the night. He's going to be there in case something goes wrong."
"That's a good idea. I feel better knowing he'll be there." His voice soft.
"Baby. I'm only doing this for you. If I can get this from him then we can bring you home."
"I know. I trust you. I just don't want anything to happen to you."
"Nothing's going to happen to me, Jonny. You know me."
"Says the woman who nearly got blown up last month."
"By no fault of my own I might add."
"Fair enough."
"I just wanted to be up front and honest with you. That's been part of the foundation of our relationship; that hasn't changed."
"I know, Lexa. I'm glad you told me."
"I'll call you as soon as I get home that night. I promise."
"I haven't told Cameron, I'll tell him if it pans out."
*Knock Knock Knock*
I glanced up to see Cameron standing in my doorway. I waved him in.
"Speak of the devil. Your brother's here. I'll call you tomorrow."
"Okay, beautiful. I love you."
"I love you too, Jonny. Bye."
I hung up and turned my attention to Cameron.
"What's wrong?" I asked seeing the look on his face.
"Am I a bad judge of character?"
"Uh... No, Cam. I don't think so. Why?"
"Joan. The lady trapped in the exhibit today."
"What about her?"
"I thought she was genuine. A victim. But she was in on it the whole time."
"Hmm... Wanting to see the best in people doesn't make you a bad judge of character, Cam."
He sighed and laid his head on my desk.
"What else is bothering you?"
"Do you think Jonny's changed?"
"Changed how?"
"I'm not sure. I just worry about him. I worry that something's wrong and he won't tell me. Has he said anything to you?"
"No." I shook my head.
"Cam. Jonny's been in prison for over a year. He's learned how to protect himself and keep himself alive in there. In some ways he'll never be the same, but he's still Jonathan. He wants to protect us as much as he can. He'll be okay. We'll get him out."
Cameron sighed again and nodded at me.
"I just don't know how much good this is doing him. He keeps giving and helping me but we've barely made any headway."
"Have some faith, Cameron. I'm working on a lead. Give me some time to see if it pans out."
"Okay, Lexi. Okay."

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