Chapter 48: Lifeline

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I stood up in front of Jonny, standing nearly face to face with her.
"My mother didn't have a sister."
"Who told you that? Sebastian Black?" She hissed at me.
"The FBI, after Sebastian died. I was 15 and had to be legally emancipated so I could work, since I had no legal guardian."
Suddenly she grabbed me and shoved me hard into the wall next to Jonathan. He winced as he tired to stand to help me.
"When I found out your whore mother inherited all of our family's money when our parents died I was furious. Just because she was older didn't mean she deserved it all. I didn't find out my good for nothing sister had a kid until after your father was arrested. When they came to me to take you in I told them I didn't want anything to do with you. I found out a month later that our family fortune was in an account in your name until you turned 18. I went to the Black's apartment and tried to talk Sebastian into releasing you to me but he refused. Your fiance recognizes me, don't you?" She spit the word at him.
She kicked out sideways, connecting with his side, eliciting a scream from him. I snapped and shoved her off of me, punching her hard. She shot back towards me, punching me in the left eye before I dodged her low kick towards my legs. I managed a backflip towards the edge of the room as she lunged at me again. I slammed back into the sliding glass door shattering it and landing on my back on the cement deck. Above me stood 6 individual water tanks, each holding the body of one of the siblings of the children murdered by my father.
"I watched you and the Black twins for many years. They rallied around you which in a way I understood, knowing what Sebastian was doing. Then when Ms. Clark, Mr. Kwon, and Mr. Gustafsen joined your merry band of misfits, I couldn't understand how easy it was for them to not only keep the secret of the Black twins but also rally around you. I thought you all had to have some kind of common need so I brought the siblings of those children your father killed together. I was certain that their common need for revenge and justice would bind them together, but it didn't." She raised her foot to stomp down on me.
I rolled out from under her foot and climbed back to my feet. I could feel the glass embedded in my back as I moved. When I looked back at her she had Jonathan's pistol pointed at me.
"What is it you have on them? To make them follow you."
"I don't have anything on them. I don't need anything. That's not how family works."
"Like you know how a real family works." She laughed as she walked towards me.
I backed up.
"I know how my family works."
"I am your family!" She screamed at me.
"You're nothing to me!" I screamed back rushing at her and knocking the gun from her hand.
She slammed me against one of the water tanks and slammed her fist into my ribs. I shoved her backwards again and roundhouse kicked her in the head.
Killing her didn't even cross my mind. All I could think was that I needed to get Jonathan and the others out of that house. I ran back in and found Kay, Derek and Jasmine helping Jonathan and Gunther to their feet.
She followed right behind me, wrapped her arm around my neck and held the gun to the side of my head.
"Stop!" She yelled, jabbing the gun against my temple.
"Let them go." I said as I grabbed her arm.
"I'm the one you want, right? Let them go and I'll stay."
"You'd do that? You'd die for them." She growled.
"Of course I would. Let them go."
"Lexa." Jonathan said my name, pain coloring his features.
"Jonathan. You need to trust me, baby. I love you. Go with Kay and Derek. I'll be alright."
"No. Lexa." He tried to struggle against Derek and Cameron.
"Go on, boy. Your kind never thinks of anyone but yourselves." She hissed at Jonathan.
"Jonny. Please. Trust me." I nodded at him.
A single tear fell from his eye as Cameron pushed him forward with Derek.
Cameron looked back at me, his own eyes glossy.
"Go, Cam." I urged.
Once my family was safely out of the room she shoved me forward onto the floor.
"Why?" She asked me.
"Why what?"
"Why would you die for them?"
"I love them. I could never live with myself if something happened to them because of me.
"Now, it's my turn. Why would you want to hurt, Cameron and Jonathan?" I asked.
"That's simple. They're important to you. Each one of that group is important to you. That's why I brought that group together. I wanted a group that could challenge you, but they disappointed me."
"What did you mean, just now, you said their kind?"
"Magicians, illusionists, they only think about themselves."
"You don't know Jonathan or Cameron at all... Why come after me, after all these years?"
"I've been planning this since I found out about your inheritance. It belongs to me."
"All of this over money?' I shook my head.
"None of it belongs to you." I laughed.
"I'm the Director of the FBI. I already have a will. You write one during your last week at the FBI academy. Go ahead. Kill me. You'll never see a cent." I laughed again.
Her face turned red as she stared at me, a vein in her forehead looked as if it were about to burst. I waited. She screamed incoherently at me and rushed towards me. I whipped the gun out of my waistband and fired once, striking her in the chest pushing her backwards before she came at me again. I fired again, striking her in the throat, her blood sprayed forward at me coloring the front of my shirt as she flew backwards.
I pushed myself to my feet and shuffled towards the staircase. I could hear the commotion outside as Derek and Cameron tried to keep Jonathan from running back into the house. I pulled the front door open and stumbled onto the porch.
I heard Jonathan call my name as I fell heavily against one of the posts. He ran towards me, seemingly ignoring his own pain. He slammed into me and wrapped his arms around me, holding me to his chest.
"Lexa. Lexa." His voice panicked.
"I'm okay. I'm okay." I tried to reassure him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

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