Chapter 35: How Could You Leave Us

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"Excuse me?" I asked turning all of my attention to the woman in my office.
"I imagine this comes as a shock..." She said walking further into my office.
"Why should I believe you're my husband's mother? A woman I know died when he was 2 years old?" I leaned back into my chair.
"I don't expect you to believe me right away. I'd just like you to hear me out."
I looked at the woman standing before me for what seemed like an hour.
"Shut the door and sit down." I sighed.
She complied and sat down in front of me.
"So, explain what happened."
"I knew Sebastian wanted to kill me. To be able to use our sons in his damn magic act. I fell off the roof and played dead. I made a new life. Adapted a new identity. Janet Hope Oliver, because I know you'll want to do a thorough investigation into me. I've kept an eye on Cameron's success and I saw how hard you fought for Jonathan. You're protective. I admire that about you."
"You don't know me and you don't know them." I practically hissed.
"That's true." She sighed looking down.
"Why now? Why all of the sudden 35 years after abandoning them are you coming to me now?"
"Abandoning them?" She mused.
"What would you call it?" I asked.
"I was protecting myself." She attempted defending herself.
"I have children and I could never imagine leaving them and you knew what Sebastian wanted with them. I'd die for my children and I'd die for yours. You have no idea what you left them to." I nearly yelled.
I picked up my office phone.
"Emily. Will you come to my office and escort Elizabeth Black to an interview room? I also need blood, hair, and saliva for a DNA test. Once you have her in the interview room find Jonathan and Cameron and have them come to my office." I asked.
"Of course, Alex."
Once Emily lead Elizabeth out of my office I picked the phone up again.
"Penelope? I need you to do a deep dive for me."
"Give me the name, boss."
"Janet Hope Oliver."
"Got it. I'll bring you what I find."
"Thank you. She's claiming to be Jonathan and Cameron's mother."
"I'll find everything, Alex."
I laid my head in my hands.
"Lexa? Is everything okay? Emily said you needed to see us." My wonderful husband asked.
I glanced up at my husband and brother in law.
"Come in and sit down for me."
Once they sat down I stood up and walked around my desk.
"A woman came into my office this morning claiming to be your mother." I stated simply.
"Do you believe her?" Jonathan asked.
"Honestly, I don't know." I sighed.
"Our lives have been public since we announced our engagement. She was rather vague about why I should believe her."
"Can we see her?" Cameron looked at me.
"Of course. I'd rather you wait to talk to her until the DNA comes back."
They both nodded and I lead them to the viewing room outside the interview room.
"Why would she leave us like that?" Jonathan asked.
"She claims she was protecting herself."
"From?" Cameron asked.
"How long will it take to get the DNA back?"
"We should have it by the afternoon since they're just comparing her sample to yours on file."
"Can we sit with you until we get the results?" My husband reached for me.
"Of course. Cameron? Go ahead and find Kay and ask her to come sit with us too." I said wrapping my arms around Jonny.
"I need your strength." He whispered as he looked at her over my head.
"You have it. I'm here for you. Both of you."
We made our way back to my office where Penelope was waiting with Cameron and Kay.
"Janet Hope Oliver didn't exist before 1990 but her date of birth is July 6th 1952 same as Elizabeth Black's on file. From 1990 to 2000 Janet attended the University of California, Berkeley majoring in Pharmacology. She began working in research at Antelligence in 2001 where she assisted in breakthroughs in cancer treatment. She moved to Rochester, New York in 2015 where she took a research job with
Signalimited where she's assisted in breakthroughs in mental health treatments. From what I've found she's still employed there. Personally there's no a relationship to speak of. No children other than you two if it comes back that she really is your mother. She's incredibly active in the Christian church. She has a modest home in Rochester." She told us.
Jonathan gripped my hand hard. I pulled him closer.
"Thank you, Penelope." I said as Jonathan and Cameron both sat nearly perfectly still starting at one another.
As she left Emily brought me a file.
"The results from the DNA tests."
I opened the envelope and read.
"Well..." Jonathan asked anxiously.
"She is your mother." I said with my heart in my throat.
Jonathan got up and walked out of my office. I followed him.
"Jonny. Jonathan." I called after him.
At the end of the hallway he collapsed. I sat on my knees next to him with my arms around him as he cried into my chest.
"I'm here. I have you. I'm here."
"Why? Why did she leave us with him? Why didn't she want us?" He cried as he trembled in my arms.
I pressed my lips to the top of his head.
"When you're ready you can ask her."
"Come with me?" He asked.
"Of course."
By the end of the day I stood in the viewing room with Jonathan and Cameron. Kay had been hesitant to leave his side when the new case came in for the Crimes Against Children Unit but after Cameron insisted and I assured her I wouldn't leave them she went into the city.
"What do we do?" Cameron asked.
"You don't have to do anything. Neither of you owes her a thing."
"I want to talk to her." Jonathan breathed.
"Then we can go talk to her. Cam. You can wait here if you're not ready."
Cameron nodded and I lead Jonathan into the interview room.
"What do I even say? What do I tell her?" He asked as we stood outside the interview room.
"You don't have to tell her anything; even if she asks. You're not the one that left."
"You're coming in with me, right?" He looked at me anxiously.
"Of course." I touched his forearm lightly.
Jonathan opened the door and walked in as I followed behind him.
He didn't speak as he stared at this woman for a long while. We sat across the table from her. Jonathan took my hand on the table.
"I don't even remember you." He muttered not really looking at her.
"Jonathan. I..." She reached across the table and tried to touch his hand but he flinched and pulled away from her.
She sat back again.
"I'm sorry, Jonathan."
"You're sorry? Do you have any idea what he did to us? Can you even begin to imagine what he put us through?" He yelled.
Jonathan didn't yell often. When he did it was serious.
"Alexia?" Derek said my name opening the door.
"We're fine, Derek. Thank you."
Elizabeth didn't take her eyes off her son as I spoke to Derek. I touched his shoulder gently and she watched him lean into my touch.
"Yes, Jonathan. I'm sorry. No. I don't know what he did. Your wife sealed yours and Cameron's files." She looked at me.
"Don't even look at her. She's the only person that's been there for us. She protected us when you couldn't be bothered." He looked at me.
"That's not..." She began.
"No. It is true. Our father died 15 years ago. You were afraid of Sebastian Black, fine. So were we. I was framed for murder 10 years ago. Alexia and I got married 6 years ago. Our twins were born 5years ago. We just had a second set of twins almost a year ago. So, why now? What do you want?" He almost growled.
She tossed an envelope on the table between us.
"I don't think Sebastian's dead." She said firmly staring at me.
"I was there. I saw it happen." He shot back.
"Go ahead, Director." She said.
I picked up the envelope and opened it.
Did you really believe changing your name would protect you from me? I am coming for you.

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