Chapter 46: Jump

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"What did you find?" I asked looking up at her.
"The victims names that were given to Lynch weren't only the first six victims, they were the only victims that also had siblings. Joshua Perkins had an older brother Scott Perkins. Katie Lawson had an older sister Claire Lawson, now Claire Roberts. Robyn and Lauren Glass was the second set of twins born to Robert and Amanda Glass, the first were Samantha and Kelly Glass. Now Kelly Ray. Beatrice Frye was the older sister of Makenzie Frye, now Makenzie Doyle. Matthew Ballard had an older brother Russell Ballard. Each of the remaining siblings were present at the time of abduction." She said.
"My father's arrest was national news. It the older siblings remembered the abduction and it really was him they would have recognized him on the news." I theorized.
"And you did just announce that you're his daughter." Jonny mentioned.
"I did but that was only two and a half months ago. Lynch said he met the group a couple years ago."
"Penelope. Find them."
She left leaving the four of us to think about the news.
"So how did they find out about us?"
"I'm not sure. Go ahead and call Dina and see if they found anything. I'm going to go down and see what if anything Derek and Kay got out of Lynch."
Downstairs Kay and Derek were standing in the viewing room.
"What did we get?" I asked walking in.
"He's sitting down with a sketch artist and we'll see what we get." Kay answered.
"We may have names. Penelope found that each of the victims whose names were given to Lynch had siblings. She's running the names now to try to find us their locations. When we find them I want the two of you to lead the team to find them."
"Of course." Derek answered looking at Kay.
"Absolutely." She said.
"Thank you both. For now stay here and get those sketches. This is just a theory."
"It's a good place to start." Derek said.
I walked back up to check in with Jonathan, Cameron and Jasmine.
"They found some journals that our father kept that they're bringing back. Maybe we can find something in there." Cameron sighed heavily.
"Hmm... someone had to bring them all together. There's no way they just decided to form a group like that on their own." Jasmine said.
"I'm inclined to agree." I nodded.
Jonathan followed me as I walked to my office and sat in the chair in front of me.
"What did Derek want?" He asked as I leaned back in the chair.
"He told me the same things he told you." I answered.
"Was that all?" He pushed.
"Yes, Jonny. That's all." I sighed.
"If there was something else you know I'd tell you. I don't have anything to hide from you."
"I know. I'm sorry. I'm just not sure I trust him after everything." He smiled at me.
"Neither do I, Jonny. We gave Jasmine a chance to show us she was sincere. Now we should do the same for Derek."
"Right." He said staring off.
"What else is on your mind?" I asked leaning forward to take his hand across my desk.
"I don't know, Lexa. I just wish our life was normal sometimes."
I smiled at the love of my life.
"Me too. As soon as this is over we'll focus on the wedding and we'll go on an extended honeymoon. Just you and me. No work. No phones. Nothing."
He returned my smile and squeezed my hand.
In the six hours it took for Dina and the others to return to Virginia Cam and Jaz came to my office to wait with Jonathan and I. Kay and Derek brought us the six sketches.
"Joshua Perkins" had curly, medium length brown hair and deep set blue eyes. His face was rounded and he had a large nose and crooked smile.
"Matthew Ballard" was bald and clean shaven with well defined cheek bones and cold green eyes.
"Robyn and Lauren Glass" were truly identical, like Cameron and Jonathan. Robyn and Lauren both had strawberry blonde wispy hair and round, sorrowful amber eyes. Their angular face and shrap eyebrows added a sense of malice to their faces.
"Katie Lawson" had windblown blonde hair, heavy sunken brown eyes, full lips and a small nose.
"Beatrice Frye" had bright, flowing orange hair, green eyes and a narrow jaw.
"Go ahead and coordinate with Penelope and get the sketches out as possible witnesses to a robbery." I instructed Kay and Derek.
"You two will be in charge of finding them and bringing them in for questioning."
After they left, Dina, Jordan and Gunther brought in boxes of journals and various other scribbles from Sebastian's archive.
"Oh wow." I mused as the three full boxes were sat on my desk by our three friends.
"Okay. Well, this will take some serious time to go through. I understand if your tired go ahead and head back to the house." I smiled weakly at my friends.
Dina, Jordan, Gunther, Jasmine, and Cameron said their good night's and left for home. Jonathan, unsurprisingly, decided to stay with me.
"Let's get started?" He asked looking at the boxes.
Jonathan and I dove into the boxes. As I read through the first journal I realized that it wasn't written by Sebastian but rather Eric Dorian.
I left that devil bitch with the whore I picked up three months ago. Sebastian's twins would have started school a couple weeks before the bitch was born, but every time I've been up here in the last three months I only ever see one boy. That's a mighty curious development.
I copied the page with the mention of Cameron and highlighted the passage before I continued to read through more rambling made by my father. His angry and rage cut me like a knife all over again.
In the next journal I found another concerning message.
Cameron Black is the only name I found in the school register. By now they'd have to be ten years old. I decided to follow Cameron home and as I looked into the windows of that apartment I saw a pair of identical boys although one had a deep purple black eye. When Sebastian walked into the room, anger filled me to the brim. I need to get back at him.
How am I going to get close to these damn kids? He keeps the older one... Jonathan? in that apartment all the time and Cameron is never alone either. I'll have to craft a foolproof plan to get to those kids.
"Hey, Lexa. Listen to this. 'I saw Eric again today, it concerns me, he's the only one still alive that could ruin this for me. I have to find a way to get him out of the way; discredit or silence him. Elizabeth was easy but Eric will be much more of a challenge.'
"Lexa... Do you think he killed mom?"
"I don't know, Jonny. That makes it sound that way. I understand if you don't want to read any further."
"No, Lexa. I need to know the truth."
I reached over and took his hand as we continued reading.
Sebastian pulled Cameron out of school last week. He must have realized I'm after them. I can't just wait around for him to make a mistake.
I finally did it. New Year's day 1999. I grabbed a boy from the park while his older brother looked on. We just arrived back in Texas. They'll never think to look this far. I want so badly to kill that bitch but if I do they'll give Isabella's entire fortune to those fucking charities.
The kid didn't even last a month. I drove the body back last week and left it in the woods outside Virginia Beach. I'll have to plan my next one. It's such a bigger rush abducting children than grown woman. Damn that bitch needs to grow up already.
Grabbed a girl last week. Maybe she'll last longer than that boy did. I heard Sebastian started traveling with his son. The magic isn't nearly as impressive when you know there's a second boy who makes the tricks possible.
It's great to have two kids to displace my anger. But now that I killed that random girl last month and abducted a set of twins; I hope Sebastian knows when they find these girls bodies that I thought of his children the entire time I tortured them.
"I found it, Lexa." Jonathan's voice sounded weak and broken.
"We ran from our most recent robbery and I already knew what I had to do. The roof shingles were already wet and slippery as we ran across the roofs hoping to not be discovered. She had no idea of my plans and she fell right into my trap, literally. She reached for me as she fell from the building. She landed hard on the concrete, her eyes never left mine once. Now that those boys belong to me alone the real plan can begin."
"Jonathan?" I whispered squeezing his hand.
"Huh?" He looked up at me his eyes glossy.
"It's not your fault."
"He did this so he could control Cameron and I..."
"Yeah, babe, but that doesn't make it your fault. You were a child that he took advantage of and abused viciously."
"There's more." He swallowed hard.
"It was written just after he took you in.
"Finally, I didn't realize it would be so easy to get him arrested and get his daughter to myself. Jonathan might be a problem though. She clings to him all the damn time. I'll figure out how to get her alone and have my way with her."
I looked at him barely hearing his words anymore.
"Yeah." I called.
"Alexia... Highway patrol just found Dina's car abandoned on the 504."

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