Chapter 38: Nowadays

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I woke up to find Josh, Logan, Tyler and Samantha sprawled out in between Jonny and I.
"Jonny? Did you put Ty and Sammi in bed?" I asked turning onto my left side.
"Ty and Sammi are in the bed?" He asked still half asleep.
"Mama." Sammi babbled crawling up onto my side.
"Hey there, my girl." I said pulling her towards my chest.
I looked up and found Tyler climbing on his daddy.
"Which one of you put Ty and Sammi in the bed?" I asked our older children.
"I could tell you and daddy were still having a hard time so I thought we should all spend time together and it would make you feel better." Logan said looking over at me from the middle of the bed.
"Next time let us know, okay, sweetheart? Daddy and I need to know when the little ones are in the bed in case they fall out." I said gently.
"Okay, mommy." He said with a smile as he sat up waking up Josh.
"Hey!" He exclaimed.
I pulled myself and Sammi out of the bed.
"Come on boys. Time for breakfast." I called back as I carried Sammi down the stairs.
Elizabeth was waiting for me in my office when I walked in.
"Where are my sons?" She asked me accusingly.
"They're around here somewhere." I answered.
"They can't possibly want me prosecuted for Child Abandonment." She said placing her hands on my desk.
"I'm not going to discuss this with you." I said picking up a file.
"You did this." She hissed at me.
"No. I didn't. You need to leave my office now." I said.
"This isn't over, Director."
She turned and walked out of my office. I picked up my phone.
"Emily. Make sure Elizabeth actually leaves. The boys are out in the field with Aaron but I want her out of my building."
"Yes, ma'am." She answered.
"Why are you so upset with her?" Penelope asked from my doorway.
"Jonny took his file in to sit down with her and she had no reaction to the pictures of his injuries or his story... I guess because I'm a mother I just can't understand how she could sit there emotionless while he told her what he went through. She admitted to knowing that their father would abuse them and I'd die for Cameron and Jonathan. I'd die for my babies and to know that she knowingly left them with that monster... I just... I can't understand." I answered.
"I ran all of those aliases you asked me to run. All of them are dormant and have been since 2007 except one. Griffin Ripper. In 2008 the name was used on an apartment application in Hialeah, Florida. In 2010 the name was used again in Rochester, New York on a $10,000 loan application. In 2012 the name was used on a credit card application in Boston, Massachusetts. Then it wasn't used again until 2018 in Baltimore, Maryland. In 2020 it was used in St. Petersburg, Florida. It was used throughout last year on a home application, job applications, a bank account and a credit card application in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He obtained a job at Frostburn as a Senior Directives Agent and bought a house at 481 Forest Drive Virginia Beach Virginia 20011." She told me.
"It's like he was taunting us."
"If it was him."
Fair enough. I'll have to go out there myself and see."
"Is that a good idea?"
"Going or going alone?"
"Going alone. Jonathan is going to be pissed when he finds out." She said.
"Only if it turns out that it's him." I smiled.
"I won't lie if he asks." She raised her eyebrows at me.
"I don't expect you to." I winked at her.
Just under three and a half hours later I sat in a silver 2018 Volvo S60 outside a small Tudor style house in Virginia Beach.

Just under three and a half hours later I sat in a silver 2018 Volvo S60 outside a small Tudor style house in Virginia Beach

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In the driveway sat a white 2019 Toyota Camry.
"This is Director Black." I answered my phone.
"Where are you?" My husband asked.
"Well, considering your tone you must have talked to Penelope so you know where I am." I teased.
"I should be there with you." He sighed.
"I'm going to be fine. I'm just running surveillance. Taking pictures. I'm not even going to talk to him." I assured him.
"Just be careful, Lexa, please. If this is him, you know what he's capable of."
"I will, babe. Remember he's 72 now." I sighed.
"72 isn't that old, babe."
"Hold on a second, Jonny."
I looked up and saw the front door open. After what felt like an eternity a man walked out of the front door. My heart stopped when his eyes scanned the road. Jonny and Cam's eyes.
"Jonny. It's him." I stammered.
"You're sure?" His anxiety evident in his voice.
"I'm sure, Jonny. I'd know him anywhere. Your father's alive."

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