Chapter 1: What I Never Knew I Always Wanted

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"Jonathan. Why don't we stay home today?" I called from the bathroom staring at the test.
"Are you okay?" He called back still in bed.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I said walking out of the bathroom the test in my hands behind my back.
I smiled at my love lying in bed, propped up on his elbow looking at me.
"What is it then?" He asked.
"Come here. I want to show you something." I whispered.
Jonathan tossed the covers off of him and walked towards me in only his boxer shorts.
I looked into his eyes as he walked until we were nearly chest to chest.
"Pick a hand." I teased.
He smiled down at me and tapped my left shoulder.
I pulled my hand out from behind my back, test in it. He looked at it confused for a moment before taking it from me.
"Seriously?" He asked looking up at me.
I nodded.
I was certain his face would rip apart with how wide he smiled at me. He wrapped his arms around me, picking me up and spinning me around.
"Come with me to the doctor?" I asked pressing my face into his shoulder.
"Absolutely." He smiled.
Around noon Jonathan pulled into the parking lot of Dr. Emily Roberts' office. She was the leading OBGYN in Virginia.
"I'm honored you both chose to place your and your baby's care in my hands." A tall woman with light brown hair and hazel eyes walked into the room.
"Dr. Roberts?" Jonathan shook her hand.
"Mr and Mrs. Black.
"The test we ran also came up positive. Congratulations, you're pregnant." She smiled as she shook my hand.
"Five foot seven, 120 pounds. Completely normal and healthy. Blood pressure is 120/85 which is also completely normal. We're going to draw some blood to run some tests and set an appointment for a pap smear and breast exam as well as your first ultrasound sound within the week. When was the start of your last period?" She rambled.
"Uh... the 16th of March." I answered.
"Okay. Preliminary due date is between December 21st 2019 and January 3rd 2020, but we'll be able to narrow it down at the ultrasound." She said happily.
"Okay. When do you have openings to do these appointments?" I asked.
"I can do Monday the 29th for the pap and breast examinations and then Friday the 3rd of May for the ultrasound. Both will be during your 6th week. I'd like to take a moment to make a preliminary schedule for your other appointments." She said.
"Of course."
"I have an opening June 4th which would be your 12th week appointment or your second trimester. Then I have one July 30th for your halfway point/gender ultrasound. At that point we'll be able to tell how often we need to check in during your last 20 weeks. I'll leave you guys with my number in case you have any questions."
"Okay. Thank you doctor." Jonathan said taking my hand.
After the blood draw they let us go home. Derek called on our way.
"Yeah." I answered.
"Alexia. She keeps calling?" He said.
"Who keeps calling? Aren't you supposed to be in Oklahoma City?" I asked.
"We are in Oklahoma. I've been ignoring Strauss' calls since we got here." He said.
"I'll handle it." I answered.
"Swing by the office." I instructed Jonathan as I hung up.
I walked directly into Chief Strauss' office.
"Did I not tell you explicitly to leave them alone?" I asked shaking her from her phone call.
She took in my jeans and tank top appearance.
"Looking casual today, don't we?"
"I had a doctor's appointment. I wasn't supposed to be in today." I hissed.
"Leave BAU alone, Erin. That's not a request. If I hear you continue to harass my agents I'll have you removed. Do I make myself clear?"
"Crystal clear, Director."
I turned on my heel and walked back out of the office.
"So?" Dina asked quietly running up to me.
"Have everyone meet at our house for dinner tonight." I smiled back at her my anger dissipating at the thought of our baby.
"Ooohhh... so exciting. We'll all be there."
Jonathan met me in my office.
"How are you?" He asked as I sat in my chair.
"She agitates me." I sighed absently rubbing my stomach.
"Ready to go home."
"I'm always ready to go home." I smiled at him.
"You wanna help me make dinner for everyone. We should make the announcement to them and send something out tomorrow to the news station before someone spills before we can."
After a family dinner with steak and pasta we all gathered in the living room.
"So what's this news you have?" Cameron asked sitting next to Kay.
"Jonathan and I would like all of you to be the first to know that we're having a baby."
"No. Really?" Kay laughed and hugged me.
"How far along are you?" Jasmine asked hugging me.
"I'm about five weeks." I answered happily.
"It's a little early to make an announcement but if I wait until after my first trimester there will be a million stories circulating through the media and Dina would have lost her mind. I asked her to buy me the pregnancy test yesterday."
"That's fantastic! I'm going to be an uncle!" Cameron finally exclaimed.
He hugged me before grabbing ahold of his brother.
"We're going to send an announcement to the news station in the morning." I smiled at them.
The next morning Lance Snow, the same anchor who announced our engagement sat behind his desk, the white envelope we sent our announcement in, in his hands.
"Director Alexia Black and her new husband Jonathan have sent us this envelope with instructions to not open it until we're on the air so here it goes." He said before he began to open the envelope.

" He said before he began to open the envelope

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"You saw it here first, ladies and gentlemen. Alexia and Jonathan Black are expecting their first child late this year."

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