Chapter 51: Abducted

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I knew when Cam didn't answer that something was wrong and even hearing my wife call after me I couldn't stop myself from running out to my car and driving out to find my brother. I pulled into the parking garage near the FBI headquarters but Cameron's car wasn't there.
'Was he taken here and whoever took him used his car? If so why? How did he get here to get Cam? Who is he? What does he want?' I thought sitting in my own car at a red light near our home. A Lincoln Navigator Lexa and I bought shortly after we found out we were pregnant with our second set of twins.
It was reckless for me to run out on Lexa like that. Out of everyone in the world she would be the one that could help me find him. She loves him damn near as much as I do.
The car lurched forward as it was hit from behind. I glanced up to see a large pickup truck in my rearview mirror. I sighed as I climbed out of the SUV. I didn't have time for this.
I looked into the truck and found it empty.
I felt the metal of a blade against my back as an arm wrapped around my neck.
"Don't fight me, Jonathan." A deep voice growled in my ear.
"Wouldn't want anything to happen to those adorable kids of yours, now would we?"
I tensed up at the mention of my children and his arm tightened around my neck.
"Nod your head if we understand each other."
I nodded as best I could with his arm pressed against my throat.
I felt him increase the pressure against my neck. I tired to throw punched and hits behind me as I tried to struggle against him as my vision blurred before I lost conciousness.
I came to to my brother's screams.
"Cameron!" I called out his name.
The room got deathly quiet. My wrists were chained above my head and my tshirt was torn open. I tried to reach the floor with my feet but couldn't.
"Don't even try, Jonathan. I'm well versed in your abilities and it won't be that easy. Ask Cameron." A light went on across the room unveiling my brother.
Cameron's torso was covered in bruises and cuts. I couldn't see his face as his chin rested against his chest in unconsciousness.
"What have you done to him?" I yelled struggling against my chains and earning myself a sucker punch to the stomach.
"He'll live. My collection is almost complete."
"You and your brother are wonderful motivators for your stunning wife but she'll brighten my collection exponentially." He smirked at me.
"You'll never get to her." I growled.
"No. I won't. But you will."
"I won't help you hurt her."
He hit me again. He pulled out the dagger and held it to my throat. He looked right into my eyes then this evil smile spread across his face. He drove the knife into my forearm. A scream ripped from my throat.
"I thought you'd say that. I have something to show you."
He turned on a television in front of me. On the screen was my wife talking to our son. The camera was in our living room.
"How did you get that in there?"
He ripped the knife back out of my arm before punching me in the face.
"I didn't. I just hacked into the camera's your wife had installed. Looks like she's asking her sister to take the kids. Wouldn't want there to be an accident, would you?"
I glared at him but I knew in my heart that Lexa would rather die than let something happen to our kids.
"Fine. What do you want from me?" I sighed defeated.
"We're going to call your wife, tell her to go to the parking lot behind the armory. I'll take care of the rest." He smiled dialing my phone.
"Jonny? Are you okay? Where are you?" She answered.
I watched her on the other screen while he held that knife at my throat. I could feel the blood rushing from the wound and down my arm.
"I need you to listen to me. I found something. Can you meet me in the parking lot behind the armory?" I asked feeling the knife press harder into my neck drawing more blood.
"What did you find?" She asked as I watched her collect her keys.
He sliced into my stomach.
"Lexa. Just come, please." I urged forcing my tone to remain even.
She paused with her hand on the doorknob and I could almost see the moment when she knew something was wrong instead of just suspecting.
"Yeah, sure, okay." She said glancing up at the camera.
"I love you, Jonathan."
"I love you too, Alexia. So much."
He hung up my phone and crushed it under his heel.
"Come on, big brother. Let's go get your wife."

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