Chapter 41: Why

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I stood in the viewing room in between the two interrogation rooms in the counterterrorism center of the FBI office with Derek.
"What are you going to do?" He asked.
"I'll start with Elizabeth and see where I can get." I sighed.
"Who do you want talking to Sebastian?"
"No one. He can wait until I'm ready to talk to him."
"Won't that just piss him off?"
"I hope so. I'm the one in control now."
I walked out of the viewing room and into Elizabeth's interrogation room. She wore a dark red jumpsuit and she was handcuffed to the table in the middle of the room.
I sat down in the chair across from her. She looked up at me her eyes cold.
"How can you be so cold? It's like you hate them." I asked.
"I do hate them."
"Why? They were two years old when you left."
"I was everything to Sebastian before those kids came along. I did everything he wanted. I got arrested over and over again for him, but when they were born he shut me out. Every spare moment he spent working on that damn disappearing boy illusion. Sebastian knew I wanted to kill then so he decided to plan my death."
"So, is that why you came here to find me? So you could kill them?"
"No. Sebastian wanted to know how hard it would be to get them alone. Jonathan made it easy. Sebastian said his temper would get the better of him." She smirked at me.
"Was the goal always to kill them?"
"Them and you. You made it so difficult for Sebastian to do his job with them. You, constantly reminding them of their strength. Patching up their wounds." She glared at me from across the table.
"So, let me make sure I understand... In 1990 you faked your own death to get away from your husband and in 2007 he found you and you decided to, what? Band together to kill your sons?"
"You couldn't possibly understand." She spat at me.
"You're right. I can't. I love my husband. I love my children. I couldn't abandon my children or my husband for 18 years then spend the next 15 years working on a plan to kill them."
"You're small minded. You don't understand what they put him through."
"I'm going to have someone else take your official statement." I said standing up.
"Are you going to talk to Sebastian?" Her eyes lit up.
"Yes. I am."
I looked over at her again. She looked at me almost blankly.
I walked out and closed the door.
"She's delusional." Derek said when I rejoined him in the viewing room.
"Ask Penelope to try to hack into her medical records and ask Dr. Lucas to sit down with her and give us her professional opinion." I said looking back in on Elizabeth.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked after I turned my attention to Sebastian.
"He'll refuse to talk to anyone but me anyway. If I take the initiative and go in there I'll have control." I answered with a sigh.
After another moment I took a deep breath and walked into Sebastian's interrogation room.
"It's about time." He hissed at me.
I didn't speak as I sat down across from him.
"Aren't you going to say something? You've kept me waiting in this box."
"Why don't we start at the beginning? Did you realize Elizabeth was alive before or after you faked your death?" I asked, ignoring his previous statements.
"Before. Are you just going to ignore how long you've kept me waiting?"
"How long did it take you to convince her to help you kill the twins?"
"Not long. Her will isn't as strong as Jonathan's. I'd nearly broken him when you showed up and showed him how strong he is. I hunted down Elizabeth after my funeral and took her back to the family cabin from 2008 to 2015."
"So, you held her captive for years to break her into helping you kill your sons?"
"Essentially, yes. I had her broken before the five year mark. The last two years was planning out the abduction and murder of our kids that you destroyed in all of 30 minutes." He answered.
"When Jonathan was arrested and charged with murder we decided to wait because of how prominent they were in the media. Then you got him released and announced your engagement. Cameron's engagement isn't as well publicized as yours so we took a chance."
"I'll never understand you. I'll never understand how you can be so cruel."
"Life is cruel, Alexia."
"Yes it is. I came in here hoping to get a confession so Jonathan, Cameron and I wouldn't have to go through a trial but I can't in good concious offer you a deal for what you've done." I shook my head.
"There is a statute of limitations on most of my crimes."
"That's true." DA Oscar Maxwell said from the doorway.
"And who are you?" Sebastian hissed.
"While most of your crimes were committed outside the statute of limitations we can use the evidence of those crimes to determine your pattern. The abuse you subjected your sons and Dr. Black to will provide just what we need to make sure you're put in prison for life." Maxwell continued.
"Do you know what they do to people who abuse children in prison? You'll be lucky to make it out if your first year." I said calmly.
"You're starting to piss me off! Answer my damn questions!" He yelled standing up, slamming his palm against the table.
"This is my house. I am in control here. We don't have to answer your questions." I said indifferently as I stayed in my chair.
"I want a lawyer." He hissed.
"Good. You'll need it. I'm going to make sure everyone in that prison knows what you did to me, to them. You'll see what real torture is."
I stood up and walked out of the room with Oscar close behind me.
"Are you alright?" He asked me as I leaned against the wall near the interrogation room.
"Convict him, Oscar." I sighed.
"I'm going back to the hospital to sit with my husband."
He nodded before I walked away.
Cameron watched me as I sat next to Jonathan's bedside.
"Go ahead. Ask." I sighed laying my head on the edge of the bed looking at Cameron.
"You said you weren't taking back up..."
"I did say that. I was concerned that Sebastian had someone or something listening or watching us. Penelope knows that even when I say I'm going alone she needs to track my phone and send people behind me." I said.
"They know you that well?" He asked.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"They have been working for me for 13 years."
I felt Jonathan move slightly eliciting a pained moan from his lips.
"Jonny?" I said his name quietly.
"Hey, baby. Open your eyes for me?"
His eyes fluttered open almost immediately.
"Hi there." I smiled at him.
"Where are the kids?" He looked around.
"They're out in the waiting room playing with Kay and Dina. I just didn't want you to be overwhelmed when you woke up again."
"How bad?" He asked.
"You've had worse." I answered.
"Mostly cuts and bruises. Your body just needs to heal."
"Is that why I'm so tired?"
"Yeah, love." I laughed.
"Can I see the kids?" He looked up at me.
I nodded.
"Probably just Josh and Logan first."
I glanced over at Cameron who left to get our oldest sons.
When they came in Josh walked over to his dad but Logan walked over to me.
"Mommy, may I have another penny?" He whispered in my ear.
I pulled one out of my pocket and handed it to him.
"Daddy?" He tugged on Jonny's blanket.
Jonny turned his attention to Logan who held the penny out to his dad.
"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked.
I let the tears fall freely as I watched them.
Jonny took the penny and looked at me. I picked up our son and sat him next to his dad.
"Are you okay, daddy?" He gently touched his father.
"I will be. I'm better now that you guys are here." He smiled at him.
I watched Josh and Logan look over their dad taking in his bruises.
Logan looked at me unsure until I nodded. Then he looked back at his dad and opened his arms; asking for a hug instead of taking one as to not hurt him.
I nodded at Cameron who lifted Josh up so both of our boys could hug their dad.

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