Chapter 16: Multiple Outs

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"Kay. I can handle Jonathan. Just find where they are auctioning off The Lynx Diamond. Jonathan says that's what she's going after."
"Of course. Alexia?"
"Is it always like this?"
"What? These two? Always risking life and limb for each other? Yeah... They've done it for me too."
I smiled at her before walking back to my office.
"Jonathan." I said opening the door.
He didn't look up at me. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I knelt down in front of him.
"What happened, Jonny?"
"I was just so angry. First she framed me for murder and tried to turn you against me. Then she tried to kill you; put you in the hospital for a week. Now she has my brother and I feel like I can't do anything."
"I know Jonathan. Look at me. I know how easy it would be to take a gun and kill her but Jonny... I can't protect you if you kill her."
*Knock Knock*
"Yeah." I called.
Kay opened my door.
"We found the museum hosting the Gala where the Lynx Diamond is being sold."
"When is the Gala?"
"Perfect. I'll get an invite. If you need a good dress let me know."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Let's go get ready."
Back in our bedroom I found a purple sleeveless dress with a V neckline that fell down to just above my knees. I pulled out a pair of black flats with a gel insole I knew I could run in if I needed to. I walked out of my walk in closet and found Jonathan struggling with his tie.
"Struggles, my love?" I asked walking but behind him.
"Yes." He sighed.
"Turn around and let me help you."
He turned to face me.
"You and your brother really are two of a kind. He can't tie his tie either."
"And how did you learn?"
"YouTube." I shrugged and he laughed.
"There." I said smoothing down his tie down.
"You're perfect."
I pulled my hair back into a tight braid down my back. Jonathan walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned back into him.
"You're stunning as always."
I smiled at him.
"Do you really think we'll find him?"
"Yes, Jonathan. I really do."
"It's time to get going." He whispered.
About 45 minutes later we pulled up to the front of the museum.
"Director Carter." I was greeted as I walked in.
"So, glad you chose to join us."
"I, as well." I answered smiling at the doorman.
Jonathan and I walked in together.
"It's Cameron Black."
Jonathan and I both turned at the exclamation of the small old woman. She touched Jonathan's arm and told him,
"I've seen all of your specials, will you do a trick for me?"
Jonny looked up at me and I nodded at him.
I watched as he performed a fairly simple magic trick with his lucky coin. I loved watching both him and Cameron perform tricks. Jonathan really did love magic, he'd grown to resent it when his father was pressuring them to be perfect all the time and especially when he decided Jonny couldn't be his own person. Jonny had so many passions that his father forbade him from exploring. Astronomy. Photography. So many others. Jonathan was the one who did my first photo shoot and every one since, he could make a solid career with it.
Jonathan looked up at me and smiled as he performed another trick for the sweet woman. It was truly a vision of how life could be.
The auctioneer called the Gala together to begin the auction. I sat next to Jonathan and watched the crowd. Once the Lynx Diamond was brought onto the stage I watched for those that took notice. There was a man with long brown hair pulled back into a low ponytail and glasses that kept looking at Jonny and I.
The lights went down and he made a move towards the Diamond. Jonathan tackled him to the floor but he stood up and pulled a gun and shot into the ceiling. Gunther grabbed the Diamond and ran towards where Mike was waiting in the vault. Jonathan and I ran after the man in glasses. We found Jordan laying on the floor a bruise forming on his cheek.
"Where did he go Jordan?" Jonathan asked placing his hands on his shoulders.
Jordan pointed.
"Go. Jonny. Go."
Jonathan ran passed me as I knelt next to Jordan.
"Are you alright?"
Jordan nodded.
I caught sight of a woman run across the hallway.
"Once you feel well enough to walk get out of here." I instructed him as I ran after the woman, my gun in my hands.
When I caught up to her she'd ran out of a side door.
"Stop!" I called out raising my gun.
She turned and looked at me and smiled.
"You think you've won but you haven't won anything." She snickered.
"What are you talking about?"
"Jonathan is in there right now trying desperately to save the men in the vault before it seals shut, sucking all the air out of the room but there's something he doesn't know.
"The man you believed to be working for me is lying in that vault while Jonathan saves your agents. I wonder when he'll realize that man is Cameron."
I froze as she laughed.
"You have two options Director. Take me into custody or go save Cameron."
I shook my head and turned away from her running towards the vault.
"This isn't over with us, Director." I heard her say as I ran.
I rounded the corner in time to see the vault seal.
"No! Jonathan."
I ran up beside my love in time to watch Cameron rip the mask off.
"No! Cam! Cameron!" Jonathan screamed as he pounded his fist against the vault door.
I watched as Cameron fell to the floor and Jonathan continued to pound on the door.
"Jonathan. He has to open it from the inside. We can't open it. Baby, get him up. You're the only one that can reach him."
"Cameron! Wake up, Cameron!" He screamed.
Every second felt like hours, I watched Cameron force himself to his feet as his brother encouraged him.
"Turn the wheel Cameron! Open the door Cameron!"
Cameron fell against the door wrapping his hands around the wheel and fell again turning the wheel just enough to pop the door open. Jonathan ripped the door the rest of the way open and rushed to his brother's side, wrapping his arms around him holding him to his chest. Cameron looked up at me with his left arm around Jonathan's back while he rested on his right hand.
"I'm okay. I'm okay." He said.
I walked over and placed my hand on Jonathan's back. Cameron moved his arm and reached for me. I let them both wrap their arms around me and shook my head.
"I swear, you'll both be the death of me." I sighed.
Jonathan and I sat in the hospital while Cameron got checked over.
"I can't get you out without them approving the appeal." I told him.
"I know, babe." He wrapped his arm around me.
"At least now theirs an end in sight."
"The first hearing is Monday morning for them to review the evidence I found. They'll want to authenticate it themselves and then once it's authenticated they'll hopefully move to have you released. It's still going to take time."
"I know. I'll be okay."
"I'm going to have Kay take you back. I can't do it. I won't be able to leave you there."
"I love you, Lexa."
"I love you so much. I'll come up there after the hearing."
I kissed him, leaning into his chest.
After saying my goodbye to Jonathan I walked into Cameron's hospital room.
"Good to see you awake." I told him.
"I need to talk to Kay. I'll send in Jonathan."
Cameron nodded and Kay followed me out. We watched Jonathan go in and sit next to his twin's bedside.
"When did you realize you were falling in love with him?" I asked her.
"What? I'm not... I don't... I..." She stammered.
"Kay. I'm a profiler. I know what I see."
"Is it completely obvious?"
"To me it is. I've known Cameron almost 19 years. And I've been profiling for nearly 10."
"Jonathan said I'm not his type."
I laughed.
"Of course he did. That's what Jonathan does. Especially when he's scared. Cameron means more to him than almost anyone and he worries that you'll hurt him. I, however, don't have that concern.
"I've seen how Cam looks at you. Give it a shot. He is worth it."
She looked at me.
"Cameron is like your family..."
"Well, I am marrying his brother, but even before Jonathan and I became involved, yes, he's like my family. That being said I want him to be happy.
"I also need you to do something for me. I need you to take Jonathan back to the prison. I can't."
Kay set her hand on my shoulder.
"I understand."
A moment later I watched Jonathan walk to the elevator with Kay. I smiled through my tears until the door closed. I walked into Cameron's hospital room, sat down in the chair Jonathan just left, and cried.

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