Chapter 32: I Won't Let Go

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"Can I ask you something?" Kay asked after I laid Sammi and Ty down on the floor for a nap.
Cooper laid in front of the doorway watching them sleep. Much like with Joshua and Logan; Cooper was very protective of Tyler and Samantha.
"Of course you can." I answered sitting down next to her.
"Will you tell me more about your relationship with Jonathan?" She asked.
"Like what?" I asked taken aback slightly.
"I just don't think I ever heard how it started. You're bond is so strong. I've never seen anything like it."
I laughed.
"Oh my... I met Jonny and Cam when I was eight. Jonny was the one to pull me out of the vent I'd hidden in when the FBI broke down the door to arrest my father. It'll seem cliche but when he took my hand I knew I was safe.
"Sebastian Black was a cruel man and I often needed to care for Jonathan or Cameron due to pure exhaustion from constant practice for the shows or the beatings he gave them if they were having trouble getting the illusions.
"The worst one was when Jonny was 15. We were waiting just offstage for his cue and one of the ropes holding the sword for the illusion Sebastian wanted to finish with snapped. The sword flew across the stage and sliced through his left waist, really deeply. There was so much blood; I was certain he was going to die. I managed to get him to a cot offstage and applied as much pressure as I could. Eventually the bleeding stopped but he was so pale. I sewed the wound with simple clothing thread. Sebastian screamed at me when he realized Jonathan was too hurt to do the illusion. Cameron refused to let him touch me. I was terrified. He'd lost so much blood. A tall man found us hiding in the corner of the theater out of sight from everyone. He asked me what Jonny's blood type was. Jonny and Cam have AB+ blood. It's a universal donor but can only receive AB+ blood. He found some and brought it to me, saved Jonny's life. That man was Gunther.
"We didn't start dating until I was 19. I'd gotten hurt during a case I was involved in and decided to take a day to recover. Jonny was struggling with his depression and anxiety and came over to sit with me. That's always been how we've handled our mental illnesses. Even if we don't want to talk or anything we'll sit together so we know we're supported. I ordered a pizza and he hid in the dining room while I brought it in. I found him staring out into the backyard with the radio on, playing I Won't Let Go by Rascal Flatts. I urged him to dance with me while I sang to him. He laughed at me but that's how it started. He kissed me as the song ended then apologized.
"Jonny can be arrogant and thinks highly of his talent but he doesn't think very highly of himself." I sighed.
"It's kind of hard to explain. His father taught him for years that all he is, is a prop for Cameron to use. Cameron has tried over the years to help him be his own person but Sebastian basically beat it into him. So he knows he's a master of his craft but sometimes he looks at me and tells me how much better I deserve." I smiled at my future sister in law.
"He's given me the best parts of my life. He's loving and protective. He's given me four perfect children and a loving relationship. Sure we have our stresses with how hard our jobs can be and we do argue occasionally but we've been through so much... we've learned that there's nothing stronger than our bond. Cameron's always been right there with us."
"Do you think Cameron and I can have what you have with Jonathan?" She asked.
"The simple answer is, yes. Cameron loves similarly to how Jonathan does but Cameron was taught he was better than Jonny so I don't know that you'll have to constantly hear that you deserve better and Cameron does have anxiety and depression. It's not near as prominent as it is in Jonny or I but he'll struggle at times. I've never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you."
Sammi started fussing at my feet drawing Cooper's attention. I picked up my daughter and rocked her lightly. She calmed right down.
"You're a natural." Kay said smiling.
"Josh and Logan gave me plenty of practice." I laughed.
Ty started fussing so I picked him up in my other arm and calmed him too. Cooper walked over and laid down at my feet.
"Hi, big guy. How are you doing?" I cooed at our dog.
He licked my foot and laid his head down.
"Did you get a chance to put together those Save the Dates?" I asked.
"Oh, yeah. Look." She showed it to me

" She showed it to me

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"Very nice. That's perfect. Once my children decide I can lay them back down I'll help you address them." I laughed looking down at my beautiful three month old babies.

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