Chapter 27: Warrior

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I stood in the office for a moment stunned as the shrill, panicked voices flew at me from every direction.
"Okay! Stop!" I yelled to gain control of the situation.
"We'll have to split up." I said once the voices ceased.
"I know no one wants to hear that but we need to cover our bases.
"Derek. Take Cameron and Dina to Fircrest and investigate the genealogist deaths.
"Emily. Take Jordan and Gunther to Jefferson County International Airport and investigate the beheading.
"Jennifer and Spencer. Go to Chelan High School and investigate the firemen's deaths.
"I want pictures and a preliminary report by tomorrow afternoon. All the crime scenes are within Washington State lines. We need to find out why."
I dismissed the teams and sat down at one of the desks. As I stared out the window a flash of movement caught my eye. A pair of different color eyes caught mine for a brief moment before...
"Is it a good idea for Jonathan to stay here with you?" Derek asked coming up behind me causing me to jump out of my skin.
"I trust him. We work well together. Always have." I sighed not looking at him.
"Don't you think there's a conflict of interest?"
"I'm not investigating him. We are investigating a bombing that has killed over a thousand people." I looked up at him incredulously.
"If you have a problem with my leadership style we'll have a meeting once we catch whoever killed these people." I challenged.
"That's unnecessary, ma'am."
"Shouldn't you be on your way to Fircrest?"
He didn't speak again as he left the room. I looked back out the window, searching for that pair of eyes but they were nowhere in sight.
"He has a thing for you." Jonny said coming to sit next to me.
"What?" I said turning to him.
"He does. I noticed it when he brought you that necklace from your office. The way he spoke to you made me uncomfortable. The tone of his voice but when I looked at you it was obvious you didn't notice so I didn't say anything." He shrugged.
"Ever since we started dating I've never really noticed things like that. It's always been normal. I'm the attractive heiress who happens to run the FBI. At least that's what the last article read. I don't play much into that. I do the interviews. I take the pictures. I move on."
Jonathan smiled at me.
"Director Carter. This came for you." A young agent with long red hair said handing me an envelope.
"Thank you."
I took the envelope and opened it. Inside was a letter folded neatly.
Director Carter,
It appears we've had a slight misunderstanding. The map located in the Black Family Archive's tunnel was most unhelpful. Your father and I are displeased but would like to offer you the opportunity to make things right by turning over the real map and letting us be on our way. Otherwise there are 49 other states in this great union that could use some explosive redecorating, if you will. The choice is yours, Director.
I looked up at Jonathan before handing him the letter.
"She can't do this, can she?" He exclaimed.
"In complete honesty, if she has the resources, she can do whatever she wants. We can only hope I have better resources and we can catch them before they have a chance to blow anything else up." I sighed and leaned my head against Jonathan.
"I think I'm seeing things." I muttered to him.
"What do you mean, babe?" He asked running his hand over my back.
"I'd swear I saw that woman's eyes out that window. Just before Derek came over." I shook my head, running my forehead over this shoulder and back again.
"Don't worry, love. I'm here now. She's not going to hurt you." He promised.
"I love you." I smiled at him.
"I love you, too."
"Knowing that she's behind this bombing; it wouldn't surprise me if she's behind all of the murders, but there's no way she could pull this off alone or even just with Eric Dorian." I said stretching my neck.
The next morning I met with Washington state governor, Sienna Taylor. A tall, curvy woman with waist-length pure white hair and large, piercing blue eyes.
"Mrs. Taylor." I greeted her as I walked into her office.
"Director Carter. Thank you for meeting with me."
"Of course, ma'am. How many victims are still unaccounted for?" I asked gently.
"About 20 people." She said sadly looking down at her hands.
"I have some extensive resources for the clean up of Seattle streets. I'll station a pair of agents to oversee the clearing and assist with body recovery. We will also assist with any plans you decide on for a memorial or another train station."
"That would be wonderful. I'll discuss it with the victims families."
"I'll await your call."
"Thank you again, ma'am."
"Mr. Black and I have to assist our other team members with the other investigations around the state. We'll be in touch."
Jonathan and I left Seattle that afternoon and made our way to Fircrest, in Pierce County. We arrived at the Fircest police department at nearly 8pm and immediately began going over the case files Derek, Dina and Cameron left for us.
"They found a large amount of cyanide in their systems. Much more than would be required to kill." I mentioned, reading the toxicology report.
"Is that easy to obtain?"
I shrugged.
"I'm sure there's a black market for it. Who knows who she has working for her." I answered.
My eyelids were heavy and I could hardly keep them open.
"We need to rest." Jonathan breathed softly.
"We'll be no good against her like this."
"I know. I'll get us a room for the night."
The next morning we met with Cameron and the others.
"Cam. Jonathan and I need to talk to you."
After Cameron, Jonathan and I were alone I showed him the letter hand delivered in Seattle.
"You're not seriously considering handing over the map?" He looked between Jonathan and I.
Of course not, but we need to do something. We can't risk the major cities in each of the remaining 49 states." I answered.
"What do we do, Lexi? You know this team will follow you anywhere." Cameron stated.
"I do have an idea. It's a risky one and it'll have to wait until we gather the others."
"Let's go get them."
We collected Jordan and Gunther from Emily in Jefferson county and I charted a return jet home.
Back in my living room in Spring Valley the Deception team sat around waiting for my plan.
"The plan itself is simple. It'll be the journey that'll be risky. It's time we figure out where that map leads. I think they'll follow us but to ensure they do, Jonathan and I need to announce our engagement. Plan the trip as our pre-wedding getaway with our family." I gestured to the four other people in the room.
"We need this publicized. We'll send an engagement announcement to the national news agency. We'll do a public engagement photo shoot. We'll do an engagement interview where we'll announce our plans.
"Jonathan and I have discussed this in great detail and while we've always had to be a private couple we know this is the way to go. We don't have to change any of our wedding decisions or sacrifice what we want. It will just be on a more public forum. If anyone would like to back out now, just say the word."

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