Chapter 42: Let You Down

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I walked back into the dining room unable to think anymore. I walked towards the staircase without saying a word to anyone. I didn't even hear Jonathan follow me.
When he touched my shoulder I broke down into tears. He wrapped his arms around me and just held me while I cried.
"What happened, honey?" He asked after I calmed down some.
"Someone killed Skyler Dorian and his family." I whispered sitting on the bed.
"When?" He asked.
"I don't know. They had two kids. Seven and three." I sighed.
"Go see what happened." He said kissing the side of my head.
I nodded slowly.
"Will you send her up to talk to me and tell the others?" I asked him.
He nodded and kissed me gently.
I dressed quickly in dark wash jeans and a low cut grey sweater with a large black heart on my chest. I just finished braiding my hair when Jasmine knocked on the bedroom door.
"Come in." I called sadly as I found my sneakers.
I walked into the room from the closet to find her standing awkwardly in the middle of my room.
"Come sit down." I said sitting on the edge of my bed.
"Not Sky...?" She asked looking at me.
I sighed.
"That's the same look you gave me when you told me about Lucus."
"I guess I'm not as good at breaking this kind of news to my own family."
"Who's doing this, Alexia?"
"I don't have that answer yet, but I will find out." I told her as she collapsed onto my bed.
She laid her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her. I had Jonathan and Cameron and the rest of Deception but I was all she had left.
"Go downstairs and pack a small bag so we can go to Pennsylvania." I said softly.
She nodded and left me alone. After another moment I walked down to talk to Cameron, Jonathan and the rest of our family.
"I was thinking I'd take Jonny and Cameron with Jasmine and I to Pennsylvania. She's going to want to see her family and we'll have a funeral to attend." I said softly.
"If you're going, we're all going. She started out as our enemy but she's your family. That makes her our family too." Gunther said firmly.
I smiled at the only loving father figure I'd ever had.
"He's right, Lexi. She's family. We take care of our own." Cameron added.
I hugged my brother.
An hour later, Jonathan, Cameron, Jasmine, and I climbed into my car.  Dina, Jordan, Gunther, and Kay climbed into Dina's car. Dina followed me for the entire five hour drive from Great Falls, Virginia to Stambridge, Pennsylvania.
Upon our arrival Jonathan and I left the others in the car to talk to the medical examiner.
"Director Carter." An older man said with mild surprise.
"Dr. Philip Rush?" I asked.
"Yes, ma'am." He smiled.
"We're here to see the Dorian family." I said.
"Ah. Very sad case." He said motioning for us to follow him to the back room.
Four slabs were laid out in a row and my heart broke again.
"They'd been dead for roughly thirty days before they were found last night.
"Jasmin Mackenzie Dorian. Age three. Her throat was cut. She bled out quickly, didn't feel a thing." He moved the sheet off the small child.
Her blonde shoulder length hair partially matted from her blood.
"Jackson Peter Dorian. Age seven. His throat was also cut but he was found face down on his parents bedroom floor." He showed us the boy.
"The cut looks more jagged. He fought back." I managed.
"I agree, Director." He said.
"Amanda Marie Dorian. Age thirty. She was stabbed multiple times. The stabs to her extremities came first. Her wrists and ankles show signs of being bound. She was killed by a single stab wound to her chest. This guy knew what he was doing. The knife went directly through the center of her heart." He showed me her face.
The kids got their blonde hair from their mother. She was pretty.
"Skyler Wyatt Dorian. Age 33. His torture was much more extensive than his wife's. His forearms were broken along with his ribs. He was burned extensively along his torso. He also sustained multiple stab wounds before the fatal stab through the heart." He finally showed me my brother's face.
His hair was the same color as mine, Jasmine's and Lucas's. He had been handsome.
"Thank you Dr. Rush. Mr. Dorian and I have another sister who would like to see them as well. She's outside."
"Of course, Director."
Jonathan and I walked back out to the others.
"Go ahead, Jasmine. Take as long as you need." I told her leaning against my car.
I felt heavy; broken.
"I didn't even think about reaching out to them before their deaths. I took Jasmine in near the end of September and they died a month later and I never reached out." I looked at Jonathan.
"You haven't done anything wrong." He said gently.
"I didn't do anything at all, Jonny. That's the problem." I tossed my head back and looked into the sky.
"Alexia. I remember why you didn't want to reach out. You didn't want to interfere in their lives. We had no reason to believe they would be in danger until three days ago. Lexa, the were long dead by then. None of this is your fault." He reached for me.
"Jonathan's right Alexia." Jasmine said walking up behind Jonathan
"There's no way we could know that our brother was in danger when I haven't seen or spoken to them in over ten years. I never even met those children. Jackson was barely a year old when our mother died."
"Since the autopsies are completed the funeral will be held on Saturday morning." I said gently.
None of my passengers spoke as we drove to Jade Mountain Hotel where I'd rented a floor of six rooms for the rest of the week.
"We'll head back to Virginia after the service on Saturday." I said gently touching my sister's shoulder.
She smiled sadly at me and walked into her room. I sighed as I turned to Jonathan who was holding our room door open.
After he shut the door I collapsed onto our bed. Jonathan laid down beside me and started rubbing my back.
"You know, my love, you put too much pressure on yourself. There's nothing you could have done to save them but you saved Jasmine. You saved me. Hell, if it wasn't for you, Cam and I wouldn't have made it to adulthood. We need you to help us figure out who's after Jasmine. We need you." He whispered gently.
"I just feel so helpless, Jonny." I said lifting my head to look at him.
"You? The Director of the FBI? You're not helpless, Lexa. You have an entire agency at your disposal. We can do this. We'll find who did this and we'll get them."
I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but love and trust.
"I love you so much." I said reaching to touch his face.
"I love you too."
"You always know exactly what I need to hear." I smiled and kissed him.
"I just tell you the truth. I remind you that you'll always be the woman I fell in love with. The one who will give her whole life to help someone else. You always beat yourself up so badly when something goes wrong. As your future husband it's my job to remind you, who you are and what you're capable of."
I kissed him again.

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