Chapter 40: Pray

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"I should have known you'd marry my son. And four kids? They're beautiful."
"No. Stay away from my kids!" I heard Jonathan's voice in the back ground.
I flinched when I heard him yelp in pain when his father hit him.
"Leave him alone, Sebastian." I growled.
"You're not in control, Alexia. You do what I tell you to do or he dies. Let's see if you're any better at following directions now than you were 20 years ago."
"What do you want?"
"That's a good start. I want you to come alone to the cabin in upstate New York."
"Just me?"
"Yes, Alexia. Just you. Cameron always was a good little soldier. He can sit this one out."
"Fine." I sighed.
"Good. Alone, Alexia, or I'll kill him."
"You can't do this, Lexi." Cameron complained as he followed me around the office.
"I don't have a choice." I sighed buttoning up my shirt over my bulletproof vest.
"Take back up." He begged.
"I can't. He'll kill him."
"Only if he finds out."
"Cameron. Trust me."
"I can't lose you guys."
"You're not going to." I touched his shoulder before walking out of my office to my car.
I couldn't hear my wife's voice but I heard him say her name. He talked about our kids.
In the corner of the room stood my mother.
"Why? Why are you doing this?" I asked struggling against my chains.
They'd duct taped my fingers together before chaining me up in the basement of the cabin. My bare abdomen already bruising from the hit I took for my outburst. My toes barely grazed the floor with how I was hanging.
"There's no way you could understand." My mother answered still leaning against the wall.
"You're right. I can't. I'd die for my kids. I'd never abandon them."
"I didn't abandon you!" She screamed rushing at me.
"You've seen what he's willing to do to me." I growled.
"You're defiant. You chose that bitch over your own father."
"My father had been beating and abusing me for over ten years before Alexia was found. He'd been holding me captive in that house my whole life. She came into our lives and lifted us out of the darkness. She saved our lives." I countered.
"Is she as good as she used to be?" Sebastian asked smirking at me.
"I'm going to kill you for what you did to her." I exclaimed struggling again.
My father grabbed my throat and looked right into my eyes.
"Wait until you see what I have planned for her."
The whip caught me off guard as it bit into my back in my mother's hand.
"That's my girl." My father smiled at the woman behind me as the whip came down again.
My hands shook as I pulled up outside the Black family cabin. I knew how bad of an idea this was but I had to do it. I had to go get him.
I climbed out of the car and walked confidently to the front door.
I pushed the door open and walked into the foyer.
We came here every winter as children so Sebastian could "teach" Jonny and Cam new escapes or illusions for the summer shows.
"Ah. Alexia." Sebastian said as I walked into the basement dungeon.
"What do you want?" I asked.
I looked over my unconscious husband. Blood ran down his arms from the chains cutting into his wrists. His face bruised and his torso covered in welts and cuts. I flashed back to the nightmares I had while I was pregnant.
"I want you to suffer. You came into my house and gave my sons strength when I'd nearly broken them."
"I was eight years old. You brought me into your house. You wanted someone else to abuse. You beat and belittled us every day. You locked him up and made him believe he was nothing."
"He is nothing!"
"You're wrong! He's ten times the man you ever were! After your wife faked her death you couldn't find a woman willing to fuck you so you needed to start raping an 11 year old girl!" I screamed at him.
Elizabeth stood in the corner of the room with a blank look on her face. Like everything Jonny, Cameron or I said in the last few weeks didn't register for her until I screamed it at Sebastian.
Sebastian leapt at me barely missing my ankle as I ran back up the stairs.
Outside Derek, Aaron, Dave, and Emily were waiting as Sebastian ran out the door behind me. Emily pressed her gun barrel to his head as Aaron ordered him to his knees.
Derek and Dave followed me back into the basement where they arrested Elizabeth.
Jonathan opened his eyes briefly as I stood on a chair picking the lock on his chains.
"This remind you of anything?" He muttered as he smirked at me.
"Will you be able to catch yourself or do you need me to catch you? I don't want dirt in your wounds." I sighed with a small chuckle.
"I can do it. I remember how." He sighed.
Once I had his wrists free he managed to stay on his feet long enough for me to jump off the chair and catch him as he fell backwards.
He struggled weakly against me.
"It's me, Jonny. I got you. It's me."
He relaxed as I spoke to him.
Jonny woke shortly after he was admitted to the hospital.
"I'm sorry, Lexa." He said without looking at me.
"For what, baby?" I asked taking his hand.
"I snapped at you. I've never snapped at you. And I ignored what I knew he did to you. I was selfish..."
"Woah, Jonny. Slow down. I know what he did to you before. You were scared." I reassured him brushing the hair off of his forehead with my free hand.
"I went out for fresh air after Cameron went after you. I was cocky. I didn't think they'd attack me right outside the FBI office. He tased me before he put me in the trunk of the car. I don't remember anything until I woke up with my wrists chained and my fingers taped together." He looked at me, his eyes glossy with tears.
"You didn't do anything wrong. It's over now." I wiped the stray tear from his cheek.
"Are they dead?" He asked.
I shook my head.
"Cameron is on his way to sit with you while I go back to talk to them. If I can get a confession we don't have to go through a trial."
I kissed his forehead.
"I told Cameron what your father did to me." I muttered against his skin.
"How did he take it?"
"About as well as you did." I answered.
Jonny smiled sadly at me again as his brother knocked on the door.
I gently kissed him before standing up.
"Do you really think you can get him to confess?" He asked holding my hand tightly.
"I'm going to do everything I can."
I gently pulled my hand from his and walked out of the hospital room.

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