Chapter 49: Isabella

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The next morning I woke up in Jonathan's arms in almost the exact center of our bed. I sighed heavily turning to hold him.
"Hey there, my queen." He muttered as he woke.
"Hey yourself." I kissed along his collar bone.
"Mmm..." He moaned softly pulling me closer.
I ran my fingertips over the goosebumps on his chest before trailing my fingers gently over his neck. He grabbed my hips roughly and pinned me to the mattress kissing my neck. I allowed myself to get lost in him.
It was early afternoon before we made it downstairs. Jonathan carried the manila envelope with him and sat it on the table between us.
I took a deep breath and looked up into his loving eyes before I picked it up and opened it.
"Princess Isabella Sophia Carter (born Carangi) was born on July 16th 1947 in Rome, Italy to King Alessandro and Queen Aurora. In 1959, Alessandro was killed in an automobile accident in the south of Rome. Aurora took Isabella to America and married Jackson Carter in 1960 and three years later he adopted Isabella when she was 16." I read to my husband as he took my hand.
"Isabella Sophia Dorian passed away on September 16th 1992 just after giving birth to her daughter, Alexia Rose Carter. Isabella worked as a political adviser for 25 years with a focus on philanthropy. She worked closely with Mental Health, Rape and Abuse Survivors, and Homeless Children charities. Isabella is survived by her husband Eric Paul Dorian, sister Rosemary Lynn Carter, and newborn daughter Alexia. An open funeral service will be held September 19th at noon." He read.
"There's articles here from 15 different charities about her involvement. Not just financially which she gave in spades but there are pictures here of her sitting with people in mental health hospitals; opening a new homeless shelter and opening a safe haven for abuse survivors. She attended numerous fundraisers and functions.
"My father said that during her pregnancy she became 'defiant' and he kept her in the basement in the house in Texas. He let her out for doctor's visits and that's how she was able to put her entire estate in my name. With all of this I can't understand how he didn't know about the fortune. It's like she knew when she met him that he wasn't a good person. That she needed to hide it from him." I mentioned.
Jonny nodded.
"Here's a missing person report on your mom from 1987 when she met your father. Her best friend Erika Rush was concerned when she missed three different appointments without calling ahead. When Isabella returned she had unexplained bruises on her wrists and torso." Jonny said looking over a police report.
"Do you think she married him even though he beat her?" I asked looking at him.
"Lexa, you know how common that is." He said gently.
"I just... I guess you never think it'd happen to someone close to you. She did so much to try to make sure I was set. She risked her life." I mused.
"Pregnancy does that to abuse survivors. She wanted to protect you the best way she could."
"And I killed her."
"It wasn't your fault, Lexa, you know that."
"She died giving me life."
"She had a complicated pregnancy. She was 45 when she got pregnant with you. Any pregnancy that late in life is dangerous and your father was still abusing her. She fought the odds to bring you into the world and I for one am grateful." He reached over and kissed my forehead.
"We also have her medical records. In the five years she was with your father she visited the emergency room 40 times, roughly once every month and a half or so. He was violent. We knew that. If it's anyone's fault she died in childbirth it's his."
I nodded absently not fully believing him. Between the two of us we had one decent, more than decent parent and she died before I could even meet her.
A tear fell down my face as I heard my phone ring.
"Yeah." I answered.
"Is Cameron with you guys?" Kay asked sounding mildly panicked.
"No. We're by ourselves. Why?" I asked glancing at my husband.
"He was supposed to meet me at the venue to confirm our decorations an hour ago."
"Jonny. Call Cameron and see if he's okay." I said looking at him.
"Give us a second. Jonny's going to try calling." I told Kay as Jonny got his phone.
"I've been calling all hour." She complained.
"I'd rather Jonny try to call before we start to worry."
"Cam, Kay says you were supposed to meet her. Call us back." Jonny's voice came through the phone.
I struggled weakly against the chains that bound my wrists as the man crushed my phone under his heel. I flinched as the knife in his hand caught the light.
"The others will join us soon enough." He said, his voice deep and sharp.

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