Chapter 21: There You'll Be

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Jonathan and I had no choice but to actually dress up and go to President Hunter's Fourth of July party in Times Square in New York. I dressed in a floor length deep red halter dress with a wrap chest with three inch red stiletto heels. I let my hair hang down in waves around my shoulders. I wore diamond teardrop earrings and necklace.
"You realize this'll be the first time we've been out together, just the two of us, since the twins were born?" I said to my husband who was fiddling hopelessly with his deep red tie.
"It's a 50 second video, Jonathan." I teased as I tied his tie.
"But I love having you so close to me."
"This is not the only way to get me close to you." I chuckled as I smoothed down his tie.
He lowered his head to kiss me.
"Mama." Logan cooed from his bassinet.
"Mama." Joshy echoed.
"How are my babies? Huh?" I asked walking over to the bassinets.
"Dada." Joshy babbled when Jonny walked up behind me.
"Dada." Logan cooed.
"Are you two ready to go?" Cam asked leaning in the doorway.
"I didn't think it would be so hard to leave them." I sighed.
"It'll only be a couple hours." Cam mentioned.
"We can leave whenever you want, Lexa. It's just important that we make an appearance. Justin said we need to show our support for the new President." Jonny reminded me.
"I don't support the new President." I answered.
"On a personal level. We're going as the Director of the FBI and her husband. Not as Mr and Mrs. Black." He said.
I sighed.
"Okay, Jonny, okay." I touched his bicep.
Logan reached out for me and I picked him up.
"I didn't think you could look sexier but seeing you dressed like that holding our son like that. Maybe we shouldn't go?" He breathed staring at me.
"No, love. You're right. We need to make an appearance." I sighed.
Jonathan sulked all the way out to the limousine. Joshy and Logan fussed as we left and it broke my heart.
Once we climbed into the back seat and closed the barrier between us and the driver I turned to my husband.
"Wanna help me test something?"
"What?" He pouted.
"I'm trying a new smudge proof lipstick. I was thinking you might like to help me test it." I purred.
He glanced sideways at me.
I raised my eyebrows at him.
He reached across the seat and pulled me onto his lap and kissed me. I pushed my fingers through his hair as his hands pressed against my back. I moaned quietly into his mouth as he kissed me harder.
"We'll be arriving in five minutes." The driver's voice came over the speakers.
"Well, damn..." Jonny murmured against my skin.
"To be continued?"
"Absolutely. And your lipstick is definitely still flawless." He winked at me.
The limousine came to a stop; just beyond the door were dozens of photographers and reporters.
"Remind me why were doing this?"
"Because you're the Director of the FBI and we have responsibilities." He quoted me.
I glared over at him playfully.
"Let's get this over with."
Our driver walked around to open our door. He helped me out as the crowd exploded with voices and applause.
"How can you hate this?" Jonny asked climbing out behind me.
"It's still new to you. To me it just reminds me of the time you were away from me." I answered.
Jonathan wrapped his arm around me as we posed for the cameras. He pressed his lips to my temple garnering cheers from the crowd. I turned my head towards my husband and gave them the kiss they wanted before we made our way into the building.
David Rossi met us just inside the door.
"Glad you made it." He hugged me before shaking Jonathan's hand.
"Surprised but glad."
"It was hard to leave them. I haven't been away from them in their entire seven months of life. I don't think we'll stay longer than an hour or so. I think we should be there when the fireworks start." I looked up at Jonny.
"They might get scared." He agreed.
"That's cheating." Dave teased.
"Well, we are new parents." I winked at him.
"I'm pleasantly surprised that you and your husband made it." Cameron Hunter spoke from behind us.
"I didn't think you were terribly fond of me?"
"Our personal opinions don't negate our professional responsibilities to support our President." I answered as Jonny tightened his grip on my waist.
"I admire your professionalism, Director Black."
He reached out to shake my hand. I slid my hand into his as a photographer took our picture.
"Mr. Black." He shook Jonathan's hand and departed.
"That was surprisingly not terrible." I mentioned to Jonny.
"I agree." He shrugged at me.
We stayed through dinner but my anxiety kept creeping higher and higher with every moment away from our boys.
The fireworks had started before we made it home. When we arrived we could hear Cameron and Kay trying to calm Joshy and Logan who were screaming at the top of their lungs.
"Hey. Hey. Hey." I cooed gently as I walked into the living room with Jonny.
"MAMA!" My boys screamed in unison.
"Oh come here, little ones." I said taking Joshy from Cameron and Logan from Kay.
Once Jonathan joined us the twins calmed down and laid their heads on my shoulders.
"We tried..." They started.
"It's fine guys." I said quietly as our boys drifted in and out of sleep.
"We expected them to get scared." Jonny added.
"We tried to hurry home."
"No problem." Cameron said with a smile.
"We just were worried with how upset they were."
"It's loud and they're young. Sensitive ears." I smiled at him.
"You two go enjoy the rest of the holiday. We'll settle them down and probably put on a movie." Jonathan urged.
As I was laying the boys in the bassinets,
"They're getting too big for these." I thought sadly outloud.
"That was inevitable baby." Jonathan said walking up behind me.
My phone started vibrating in my purse. I walked out of the bedroom leaving Jonathan to finish tucking in our boys.
"Director Black." I answered it felt better than 'yeah'.
"Alex. We found something you need to see."

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