Chapter 3: The Beginning

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8 years old; bruised and broken. Terrified. When the door broke open I panicked and ran to my hiding place in the air vent in my bedroom. I shook violently, my knees pressed to my chest; my arms wrapped around my legs; my forehead pressed against my knees. I had no idea how long I was in there before I heard a soft bang against the metal of the air vent. My head shot up and I turned towards the sound. Blue eyes caught mine; the look in them was concern, not pity. I looked over the boy attached to those eyes. His light brown hair tousled his skin a sandy ivory color. My breathing labored as my heart pounded in my ears. I could see his mouth moving but couldn't hear him. He moved slowly toward me, cautious. I starred at him but didn't move away from him. Finally, he sat down next to me but didn't touch me. Slowly, my breathing slowed down and my heart quieted. I continued to stare at him. I'd never seen him before but I'd never seen anyone outside of the women my father brought home. I didn't speak, just starred at this boy sitting next to me.
"Are you okay?" He whispered, his voice concerned yet steady.
I instantly felt calm.
"I don't know." My voice sounded weak.
"If you come out of here with me I'll take care of you, okay? I'll make sure you're okay. I'll make sure he can't hurt you again." He said reaching for my hand.
I looked down at his hand apprehensively.
"It's okay. We'll get you to a doctor and you'll be okay."
Finally, I nodded and took his hand. His palm was rough against my skin. After a moment he let go of my hand.
"Let's go, okay?"
I nodded again.
He lead me back out of the air vent. Once he exited through the opening he turned and took my hand again helping me out of the vent.
A man stood behind him with short grey hair and eyes like his. I felt a surge of fear and clung to my savior.
"I've got you. It's okay." He whispered to me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him as tightly as I could. After a moment he picked me up and carried me to the ambulance. As he tried to set me down on the stretcher I panicked. I gripped his T shirt in my fists.
"It's okay. I'm right here. I won't go anywhere." He tried to reassure me.
He moved one of his hands to take mine.
"Of course we'll take her in, she's practically family. My son will ride with her to the hospital." I heard a deep voice in the distance.
Suddenly, the stretcher moved and bounced over the edge of the ambulance and I lost sight of my savior. My breathing sped up, then he appeared next to me. The paramedic attached wires and machines to my chest and inserted an IV into my arm. My eyes never left the boy next to me.
"We'll be on our way to the hospital soon." The paramedic told us.
She covered me with a blanket and climbed out of the ambulance. I heard the doors close and relaxed.
"My name is Alexia." I said quietly looking down at my lap.
"I'm Jonathan... er... Cameron. I'm Cameron."
I sat in the FBI New York field office the next morning lost in my memories. I almost didn't notice Cameron sit down next to me.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked poking my arm.
"The day I met Jonny." I answered him honestly.
"Did your talk yesterday not go well?" He asked his eyes wide.
"No. It went great. We're fine." I smiled at him.
"It's just... I hate seeing him hurt. He's always taken care of me and I don't know how to get him out of that place." I sighed.
"I know." He said wrapping his arm around me.
"We'll figure out how to bring him home."
I nodded as Special Agent Deakins walked into the room.
"Who is this?" She asked Agent Daniels pointing to Cameron.
I stood up and placed my hand on Cameron's shoulder.
"This is Cameron Black. He's an illusionist and I'm allowing him to work with this field office to recover Felix Ruiz." I answered her squaring my shoulders.
"Director Carter." She looked at me.
"I didn't see you there. With all due respect, Director, we don't need an illusionist's help with this." She spit the word illusionist toward Cameron.
"I don't believe you understand my statement. Mr. Black will be assisting on this case and any other case I decide he can offer assistance in. That would be my 1st official order. I won't take over your field office but I will be working out of this office until such a time as I see fit to return to Washington. Is that clearly understood?"
"Yes, ma'am."
I nodded at her and walked out of the room. After a moment I heard Cameron running after me.
"You didn't have to do that." He breathed catching up to me.
"You really think this will help Jonathan?" I asked.
"Yes. I really do."
"Then I want you to here helping me figure it out. My job is to help people. My job is to find justice for everyone. I run this agency and we will find out how to get justice."
I sighed.
"Besides, I hate when people look down on you because you use magic to make a living. I think you really have something to offer us."
Cameron smiled at me, lifted his hand up next to my ear and pulled a small purple flower from behind my ear. I smiled.
"I love when you guys do that."
"You know how it's done though."
I shrugged.
"Doesn't seem to make it less magical. Go ask Agent Daniels what she needs from you."
I took my flower and went to my office.

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