Chapter 19: Loading Up

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Something a little different for the next few chapters. I'm writing from 3 POVs. Alexia's Jonathan's and Cameron's. Thank you for reading. 😊

I stared at my father unable to speak as his eyes bore into me.
"How about a hug for, dear old dad?" He growled lunging at me.
I dived away from him and fell as he grabbed my ankle. I kicked out connecting with his face causing him to release my leg. I stumbled to my feet and ran towards the table where I left my cellphone, knocking over one of my side tables with a lamp on it. I heard it shatter but didn't care. I scrambled through my things tossing the letter from the District Attorney toward the center of the table, trying to find my phone. I felt pain as my father slammed into my back knocking me forward into the table. He grabbed my hair and wrenched my head back; I reached up to try to remove his hand. He threw me by the hair into the wall, knocking over two of my dining chairs, before pinning me against the wall. I let out a scream of pain as I felt one of my ribs break. I felt his forearm press against my throat cutting off my air. I flailed my arms knocking some trinkets off of the low shelf next to me. I slammed my palm into his chest, trying to push him away from me as I dug my finger nails into his arm. If he was going to kill me I was going to leave my team as much evidence as I could to convict him. He took his other hand and punched me square in the eye. He moved to grab my throat with his hand, lifted me up and slammed the back of my head into the wall. I heard a picture frame fall off the wall as I tried frivolously to keep my eyes open as the world faded to black.
I wandered around my private visiting room looking at all the puzzles and evidence Cam and Lexa brought me over the last year. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what this crazy woman wanted from me.
"Black! You've got a call." The guard yelled at me.
It blew my mind how much they feared Alexia. They never spoke to me like that when she was here.
"Lexa?" I answered the phone.
"No, Jonny. You haven't heard from her either?" Cameron said sounding anxious.
"Not since she left after the situation with the warden. You?"
"I saw her that afternoon when she got back to the office. She said she was going home to rest."
"She calls everyday. She's never not taken my call." I started to panic and Cam could hear it.
"I'll take Kay over to her place and we'll find her. Don't worry, Jonny. I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding." He tried to reassure me.
I knew something was wrong. With all the threats she's been receiving, I knew something happened to her.
"Find her, Cameron, please."
"We'll find her, Jonny."
When he hung up with me I felt a fresh wave of panic. If something happened to her no prison on this earth could hold me.
When I hung up with Jonathan I felt worse than when I called him. I knew he was right, if she wasn't taking either of our calls something was wrong. She'd told us a million times she'd always answer us. It'd been nearly 24 hours since anyone had seen or heard from her when I found Kay in her office.
"What happened?" She asked me when she saw my face.
"Jonny and I haven't heard from Alexia since yesterday. We're worried. Will you come with me to her house?"
"Of course. Let's go find her."
Kay and I drove over to Lexi's house in North Hills.
When we pulled up to the three story house Kay's mouth dropped open.
"I knew she had money but I had no idea it was like this." She muttered.
"If you like this one you should see the one back in Virginia." I said with a small laugh.
I looked at the front of the house and noticed the front door was cracked open. Now, aside from Jonathan I probably knew Alexia better than anyone. She would never leave that door open.
I jumped out of the car before Kay even stopped. I ran towards the house hearing her call after me.
When I pushed the door open the living area was ransacked. I looked around and saw the contents of her purse scattered around the dining table. Without a second thought about my safety I rushed over to the table and found her cellphone underneath an envelope. I saw more than a few calls from Jonathan and I. I returned my attention to the envelope. I pulled a letter out and read it.
Director Dr. Alexia Carter and Mr. Jonathan Black
The District Attorney's office would like to offer full pardon and apology to Jonathan Black on behalf of the state of New York in response to video evidence submitted by Director Dr. Alexia Carter as his attorney. Once Director Carter visits the courthouse and signs this official pardon, Jonathan Black will be released from Attica Correctional Facility immediately.
District Attorney Oscar Maxwell
She got the pardon. Now where is she.
I turned as I heard Kay come into the house.
"Do you see her?" She asked walking towards me with her gun held out in front of her.
I shook my head.
A spot of red on the wall caught my eye.
"I think that's blood. Call the team, something's wrong."
While Kay called, Mike, Derek, Dina, Jordan, and Gunther; I called Jonathan myself.
"Cam? Did you find her?" He answered clearly anxious.
"No, Jonny, listen. I have a couple things to say and one is exponentially better than the others."
"Just tell me, Cameron."
"When we pulled up to the house I noticed the front door was open. I ran into the house and it looks like there was some kind of confrontation. I found a letter from the District Attorney's office on the table offering you a full pardon. But Jonny... there's blood on the wall, I think it's hers."
I was overwhelmed by the rollercoaster of emotions I felt as Cameron told me what he found at Lexa's. She won. She really did it. I was beyond thrilled hearing that I would be released. But someone hurt her and Cameron said she's not in the house. Kay is calling around to hospitals but I think someone took her. I knew that this Mystery Woman had something to do with it. How are we going to find her?

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