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0.1 the real hero

1 the real hero

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"You sure you don't wanna stay and help us?" Felicity asks me. She was sitting in a swivel chair, facing away from the desk to look at me.

"I'm sure. I need to be home with my father," I say. Although I loved it in Starling City, my father, was about to activate a particle accelerator. It was life changing and a big accomplishment. I wasn't gonna miss that.

"Okay, but know that, you will always have a place on this team," Oliver says, with a smile, his hand resting lightly  on my shoulder. I smiled at him,grateful for his words.

"I know. And I'm so thankful for all that you have done for me," I say, truly meaning every word I uttered. My friends smiles at me, and nodded. "I guess this is goodbye."

"Not goodbye. It's see you soon," Diggle tells me. I smile, knowing what he said was true. No matter how many times I left, I seemed to always find my way back to Starling. I go hug Felicity and Diggle, them wrapping themselves around me.

Roy then runs in, his read hoodie up and marks of raindrops present on it. He looks at me and smiles. "You weren't gonna leave without saying goodbye to me right?"

"Never," I say and hug him. "Take care of yourself, okay?" He nods. I go and hug Ollie as well. His hands wrapped around my waist as mine wrapped around his neck. Before pulling away I whisper, "Don't wait too long to tell her." He rolls his eyes, but smiles.

"Don't forget to call when you reach Central City," Felicity says and I nod. Felicity was almost like an older sister to me, despite being younger.

"Well I guess this is it," I say walking backwards, out of the Arrow Cave. I look back at my suit, which is still hung up on its mannequin, next to Oliver's. I smile once last time before grabbing my suitcase and turning around to face the door.

"Nightingale Out," I whispered as I left the one place full of people who truly accepted me for who I am.


When I arrive in Central City, I am immediately taken back by the sun. Although it was raining, Central City still managed to make the weather sunny. I looked around and found my father's driver. I greeted him as he did the same and then, we made our way to S.T.A.R. Labs.

On our way there, I call Felicity. "Hi," Felicity says. "Did you get home safely?"

I chuckle, "Yes. And don't worry. This is Central City, it's not like Starling. It's much calmer and safer," I tell her.

"I know that but, it doesn't hurt to worry," Felicity says. "Hey, do you think you're gonna see Barry there?"

"Barry as in Barry Allen? The guy Ollie hates?" I ask, smiling at the memory of Oliver getting jealous.

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