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1.2 run, barry, run

2 run, barry, run

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Barry runs to the farmhouse as I teleport there. When we get there I see Joe, standing to the side. I see Barry with a confused look on his face and tell him,"Probably here from the case. He is a detective you know."

He sighs in realization and nods. We then turn to look at the tornado Martin has created. A piece of the roof suddenly goes flying and Barry runs for it while I use my pyrokinesis to burn it to ashes.

"Guys, Guys, this thing's getting closer winds are 200 mph and are increasing," Cisco says through the
comms. "Guys can you hear me?"

"Yeah! Loud and Clear," I say, adjusting the earpiece.

"If this keeps up it could become an F5 Tornado," He says.

"How do we stop it?" Barry asks.

"What if he unravels it?" I ask.

"How the hell is he gonna do that?" Cait asks.

"Run around it in the opposite direction," I answer.

"He'd have to clock 700 mph to do that," We hear Cisco say.

"Your body may not be able to handle those speeds. You could die," Cait says to Barry.

"Maybe not," I say. "If I put my force field around the tornado, I can keep it from growing, help keep it stabilized as Barry is running around it."

"We don't know if your force field is strong enough. We haven't tested it on a tornado before," Caitlin says.

"We have to try," I say into the comms and then turn to Barry. "You'll have a better chance of survival."

"We have to try," Barry repeats.

Barry then runs for the tornado and as he reaches it, I hold out my hands and envelop it in a force field. Through the translucent colors, I see Barry running around the tornado.

"Haha! The suits holding up," I hear Cisco say.

"But he's not," Cait answers.

"He can do it I know he can," he answers. I get worried and try harder, trying to make my force field stronger. The explosion of warm colors is soon engulfed in blue electricity. When I feel it start to work, Barry is thrown against my force field.

"It's too strong!" He yells.

Then we hear a voice in the monitors, "You can do this Barry,"

It's dad. "You were right, I am responsible for this, all this, many people have been hurt because of me and when I looked at you all I say was another potential victim of my hubris, and while I created this madness, you can stop it!" He says. "You can do this, Now, Run! Barry! Run!"

As soon as dad utters those words, Barry speeds towards the tornado, running as fast as he can, slowly unraveling it. Once the tornado starts to minimize, I remove my force field, letting Barry finish. After he does, he sighs in exhaustion. We look at each other and give each other a smile.

"Barry?" Cait asks, "Livvy?"

"We're fine. He's fine," I say, telling myself more than Cait.

We turn back to Mardon, who is standing there with a gun pointed to us, "I didn't think there were others like me."

"Were not like you!" Barry yells. "You're a murdered!"

Then suddenly Joe comes from behind and shoots him. My eyes widen as I realize that both of our masks are off. Barry turns to me, asking if he can tell Joe and I nod. He comes up to us. "Livvy?" Joe asks in disbelief.

"Hi Detective. I'll um- I'll let you two talk," I say and teleport back to Star Labs.


"Hey guys," I say to Cait and Cisco, then next morning. They were standing next to both suits.

"Hey," The both responded in unison.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask.

"Just adding a little decorations to the suits," Cisco answers.

"Decorations?" I ask as I walk up to the suits.

Cisco then puts a lightning bolt symbol on both suits. Mine is smaller- and more orange- than Barry's. "Why is it shaped like a lightning bolt?" Cait asks.

"So it's not boring," Cisco says.


Olivia's Suit....

Olivia's Suit

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