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22.2 sister cold

2 sister cold

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"Are you two out of your minds? What do you mean you talked to Leonard Snart?" Joe asks.

"I asked him for help," Barry says, as I am on the computer in the Cortex. Cisco and Caitlin are working on something, while Joe is talking to Barry. "And she only came cause I asked her. She didn't even like the idea."

"I still don't like it," I mutter, but Barry hears and rolls his eyes. "But, That still doesn't mean it's entirely his fault. I agreed to come with him."

"Barry, why would you do something so stupid?" Joe asks, ignoring me.

"Because, Joe, we have already tried everyone else," Barry says. "Look, you tried the CCPD. I tried Oliver. Liv tried teleporting them. I even tried Ronnie and Dr.Stein. And the Particle Accelerator goes online in-"

"-16 hours" Cisco answers.

"16 hours, Joe. I'm not willing to let the metas die, and we can't let them escape, either," Barry continues. "So, like it or not, Snart, with his cold gun, is the only one that can stop them if Cisco's transportation does not hold."

"Then lucky for you I figured out what it is you can get me," Snart says, as he walks into the Cortex. We all turn to him. "Hello, Detective. Nice to see you again. Caitlin, Cisco," Snart greets and then turns to me and winks in greeting. "Hey, hot stuff..."

I raise an eyebrow at him and then he turns back to everyone. "Anyways, I thought about your proposal. You want my help, this is what I want. My fingerprints, dental records, DNA, criminal records, family tree, everything there is in this world concerning Leonard Snart. I want it destroyed," Snart says. "All of it. At CCPD, online, everywhere."

"The brass on this dude," Joe says. "You really think we'd do that for you?"

"I'll do it," Barry says, shocking me. "If it's the only way, fine."

"You and me need to talk right now," Joe says, as they walk away.

"So," Snart says, walking over to me. "What's the deal with you and speedy?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask. "Nothing."

Snart scoffs. "You think I'm blind? The looks you share every time your together makes me uncomfortable. I just can't stand the silent pining."

"Since when do you care about my love life?" I ask him, my cheeks flushing from Snart's comment.

"Since I saw the tension. I love tension, there's something about it, you know?" Snart asks.

"Uhhh- sure," I answer. "If we're talking, I wanna know, how'd you find out my identity?"

"Ugh. It was so obvious. One," He says holding up a finger. "Same hair. Two," He adds another, "You're telling me, that Starling City vigilante, Nightingale disappears the same night Olivia Wells returns to Central City. Three." He adds another finger. "It's not hard to tell that Nightingale and Revival are the same people. You fight exactly the same. I'm just the only one smart enough to even try to figure it out. Some people are completely blind."

I nod, impressed with him. "Well, Leonard Snart, you just keep surprising me. Consider me impressed."


We are all standing in the Cortex with Snart and his sister. I still don't know Sister Cold's name. Barry has his suit on so she won't know his identity. "Please tell me this is a joke," Caitlin says.

"Oh, you were right, Lenny," Sister Cold says. "She is very uptight."

"I am not uptight," Cait says and we all give her a look. "You can't call me uptight."

"Look, guys, we need their help if we're gonna pull this off," Barry says.

"Why are you wearing your mask? Snart already knows who you are."

"And I promised I wouldn't tell anyone. That includes my sister," Snart says.


"Trainwreck," Snart reponds. He then turns to me. "You know, I hadn't told her about your identity either chickpea."

"Yeah," Sister Cold repeats. "Why did you tell me your identity? You aren't worried I'll tell anyone?"

"No," I say. "Because the second you do, there will be an arrow shot through you and the person you told." I look at her surprised face and then move closer to her. "Barry may care about keeping y'all alive but I'm not gonna hesitate to let go of the arrow at you... or him."

Barry then pulls me away from her and closer to him as Snart says, "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on her. Don't look so surprised, Detective. I am a man of my word."

"Yeah, you better be. Or I'm gonna make sure you're on that damn plane, too," Joe says.

"Hey, Cisco," Sister Cold Greer's Cisco.

"Oh, hey, Captain Cold's evil sister," Cisco responds.

"Aww. You're not still mad at me, are you? I really did enjoy kissing you," She says.

"You kissed her?" I ask.

"Under duress. Calm down," Cisco says.

"I've thought a lot about you," She tells him.

"Have you really? Well, stop," Cisco retorts. "Because this right here, it ain't gonna happen."

"A girl can hope," She says.

"Really not enjoying being one of the good guys this week," Cisco says. "Really not."

"Hey, dude," Barry says. "Have you figured out a way to get the meta-humans to the airport?"

"I have, actually," Cisco says. "And it's pretty dope."


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