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2.2 i'm not your kid!

2 i'm not your kid!

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"You lied to us!" Cait yelled at Barry. "How could you not tell us you're experiencing dizzy spells? We're your doctors. God know what's going on inside your body. Your cells are in a constant state of flux. You could be experiencing cardiopulmonary failure or a transient ischemic attack!"

Barry looks over to me for a translation. "Mini stroke," I say. I then put a lollipop in my mouth.

"Probably not," Dad adds.

"You of all people should know that in science, we share. We do not keep secrets," Cait says and walks away.

"Wow I haven't seen anyone make her that angry since Ronnie," Cisco says, walking away and I nod.

"Ronnie was Caitlin's fiancé? The one that died the night of the particle accelerator explosion?" Barry asks.

"Yeah," Dad answers. "He is missed. Now, let's figure out why this is happening to you."

I then look over to see Barry smiling at me. I take the lollipop out of my mouth and ask,"What?" I ask. He just chuckles and shakes his head with a cute smile while I am left confused as ever.


"We're all set," Cisco says, walking up to me and Barry, standing in front of cardboard boxes set behind a treadmill. I see Barry looking at the cardboard boxes with worrying eyes.

"Just little padding. Just in case," I say to Barry, patting his shoulder.

"Yeah," He says, nodding. We then head out of the room as Barry gets onto the treadmill. "You sure about this, Cisco?"

"Most home treadmills have a maximum speed of about 12 miles per hour. This one, Has been Cisco'ed. Trust me. It can handle your speed," He explains with a smile. Barry sighs and starts running, slowly gaining speed.

Caitlin and Cisco sit down with Dad beside them and I start slowly pacing behind them, watching Barry. "Heart rate, blood pressure, nerve conduction, all normal," Cait says.

"For Barry," Dad adds.

Cisco laughs, "Told you the treadmill could take it."

Then as I watch Barry run faster realization draws on me.

"You can talk to Joe and then we'll get you something to eat."

Aflame: The Flash (1)Where stories live. Discover now