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1.0 anything is possible

0 anything is possible

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2 months later

"What are you doing?" Cait asks us, who is now playing the song Poker Face by Lady Gaga.

"He likes this song!" Cisco exclaims.

"How could you possibly know that?" Cait asks.

"We checked his Facebook page," I tell her as they continue checking him.

Meanwhile, I practiced using my powers. Since I had woken, I had found that I had the power to control and manipulate fire- pyrokinesis. It was incredibly hard to master and I still have to wear gloves while using the power if I don't want to burn my hand. Ever since then, I've also been helping the CCPD in place of Barry.

🎶Can't read my, No he can't read my poker face🎶

Suddenly, Barry shoots up from his sleep, breathing heavily. The sudden movement startles me as I jump in my chair and stop using my powers. "Oh my god!" Cisco exclaimed.

"Where am I?" Barry asks.

"He's up!" Says Cait as Cisco called Dad up here. I get up and walk over to the three adults.

"Hey, Hey, Woah, Woah, relax!" Cisco says to him. "Everything's okay man. You're at S.T.A.R. Labs."

"S.T.A.R. Labs?" Barry asks. "Who are you?"

"I'm Cisco Ramon, She's Caitlin, Doctor Snow, and that is Olivia," Cisco says, pointing at each of us.

"I need you to urinate in this," Cait tells Barry, holding up a small cup.

"Not this second," I say grabbing the cup out of her hand.

"What, What if happening?" Barry asks. "What is going on?"

"You were struck by lightning," I tell him. He turns around and looks himself in the mirror.

"Lightning gave me abs?" Barry asks. Cait then explains to him how his muscles are regenerating rather than atrophying.

"Hey, Barry. It's me, Liv. Come here, have a seat," I tell him, sitting him down. "You were in a coma."

"For how long?" He asks.

"Nine months," Dad says wheeling in. We all turn to look at him, as he says, "Welcome back, Mister Allen. We have a lot to discuss." Both of them then leave to go and talk.

When they come back we hear Dad say, "Now, I'm not the most popular person in town these days but, Detective West and his daughter gave me the permission to bring you hear to stabilize you."

"Iris?" Barry asks.

"Iris, yes," Dad responds. "She came to see you quite often."

"She talks a lot," Cait says, moving around.

"And she's hot," Cisco adds.

"I need to go," Barry quickly says.

"No you can't," Cait stops him.

"No, no, no, Caitlin's right. Now that you're away, we need to do more test. You're still going through changes, there's so much that we don't know," I say.

"I'm fine, really," He says. "I feel normal." He then walks out.

He suddenly runs back in and asks, "Can I keep the sweatshirt?"

I smile at his goofiness as Dad answers with a 'Yes'.


"You don't really believe he can run that fast do you?" Cait asks. When Barry came to us saying he was definitely not fine, We decided to run some tests. We think he might have super speed.

"I believe anything is possible, and in a few minutes, maybe you will too," Dad tells her.

"How does it fit?" Cisco asks Barry. I walk over to them as Barry comes out.

He walked out and said, "It's a little snug."

"At least you'll be running so fast, no one will see ya," I say smiling.

"See you thought the world was slowing down, it wasn't, you were moving so fast, it only looked like everyone else was standing still," Cisco explained as we walk him out.

"Dad will be monitoring your energy output, Cait your vitals, and I.. well I won't be doing anything for this round. Maybe next time," I add.

He looks over at Cisco and say, "What do you do?"

"I make the toys man, check it, this is a two way headset, with a camera I modified, specially designed to combat battlefield noise or in your case, potential sonic booms, which would be awesome." Then, we walk away as Caitlin goes up to him.

"Mr. Allen, while I am extremely eager to determine your full range of abilities, I do caution restraint," Dad says.

Barry nods and gets ready to run. He then starts running causing a number of things to fall, including Cisco. After Cisco gets up he says, "He just passed 200 knots per hour."

"That's not possible," Cait says.

"It is now," I say, smiling. Then we watch as Barry suddenly crashes and we all run to help him.

 Then we watch as Barry suddenly crashes and we all run to help him

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