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9.4 merry christmas

4 merry christmas

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"I've been going over the data, and I still don't know why the containment system failed. I must have missed something. I'm sorry," Cisco says as Cait patches up Dad.

"It's not your fault Cisco," Dad says. "But, if you all feel the need to apologize, you might start with the not telling me that Ronnie is still alive."

"I asked them not to say anything," Cait says. "Once I saw what Ronnie had become, I needed- I needed time to see if I could make him whole again. I'm sorry. I know you're mad."

"No. I don't know what I would have done differently in your situation. I know I have made a lot of promises. I know I've not been able to keep all of them. But on my life, I promise you this. We will bring Ronnie home," He says.

"Just get better first," I say with a small smile.

He smiles back. "When did you get that necklace?" He asks.

I look down and touch the rose on my necklace. I smile, "Oh! Um- Barry gave it to me for Christmas. Why?"

He smiles. "Your mother had one just like it." My smile grows even bigger as I look down and blush.


"Hey," Barry says walking into his house.

"Hey," We reply, me and Cait standing up.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asks, looking at me.

"I invited them."

"Where's Dr.Wells?" Joe asks.

"Uh, he didn't really feel like he could come to the party, but he appreciated the invitation," I explain.

Barry smiles and I walk up to him. "Hey," I say, handing him a cup of eggnog.

"Hey," He says, taking the cup.

"Would you happen to know anything about the fact that my mother, had a necklace just like this?" I ask with a small smile.

He smiles, a little color filling his cheeks. "You figured it out huh?" He asks.

"Yeah," I smiled. "How did you get it? How did you even know about it? I didn't even know about it?"

"I-Well- I saw it in a picture of your mom. And I- uh, I found a duplicate, it was an exact copy," He explains.

"Well, thank you," I say.

"No, thank you," He says. "For trusting me. For telling me."

I nod. "Thank you for listening."

He laughs. "Is thank you our always?" He asks with a grin.

I scoff. "Did you just quote The Flault in Our Stars to me?" I ask, with a grin matching his.

"No, I partially quoted The Flault in Our Stars to you," He points out.

"Haha. Very funny," I say.

"What? I'm just askin' a question," He says.

I roll my eyes with a smile. "And no. Thank you will not be our always," I state, making him pout a bit. "It would have to be something much better than that," I mumble making Barry smile.

We put down our eggnog and sit down on the couch. His shoulder bumps mine as he turns to face me. I follow his lead, one leg up on the couch. "You.." Barry trails off.

"What?" I laugh, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. He smiles at me, his hand going to play with my fingers.

"You're just... I... Never-mind," He says shaking his head.

"No!" I say, hooking his fingers to mine, leaning forwards. "Come on! Tell me!"

"I just think that you're-"

"Guys, it's time!" Iris yells getting our attention.

We pull our hands away from each other and I look back at Barry. "This conversation isn't over," I say sternly, a smile still present on my face.

"Ok," He chuckles with a nod as we get up. We turn towards the tree as Joe puts the angel on an turns it on. We all smile at each other and Barry grabs my hand and intertwines it with his.

 We all smile at each other and Barry grabs my hand and intertwines it with his

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"Merry Christmas," I whisper to him.

"Merry Christmas."


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