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22.0 thawne


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"I kept asking myself, why would Wells pretend to need a wheelchair?" Cisco says.

"Sympathy, I suppose," Caitlin says.

"That's what I thought at first, but he's the Man in Yellow. He's the Reverse-Flash. He's much smarter than that. Sympathy can't be the only reason," Cisco says.

"Yeah, it was a misdirect. Just like everything else Wells has done," Joe says. "I mean, the last person we'd suspect to be the Man in Yellow is someone who lost the use of their legs."

"That's exactly right, Joe," Cisco says. "Which is why I started messing around with the wheelchair. And that's when I found this." Cisco opens something to reveal something that looks very similar to the tech inside Gideon.

"Damn. You can't get that at Radio Shack," Joe says.

"Looks like the tech inside Gideon," I say.

"I measured the output, and this thing is kicking off serious juice," Cisco says. "I mean, we're talking enough to power all of Central City."

"Seriously?" Joe asks.

"Oh, yeah," Cisco says.

"What do you think Wells was using it for?" Barry asks.

"I think this thing is some kind of battery," Cisco says.

"Battery?" Joe asks.

"-As in, Wells was using it to power himself. To gain more speed. And that's why he's so much faster than you."

Suddenly a computer starts beeping and Cisco runs to it. "The accelerator, it's been reactivated," Cisco says.

"It can't be," I say.

"How is that possible? It blew up," Joe says.

"It had to have been rebuilt," Cisco says.


"Even if he did rebuild it, how did Dr. Wells turn the Particle Accelerator on?" Caitlin asks.

"He's here," I say. "That's why we couldn't find him. He's been inside S.T.A.R. Labs the whole time." We then all head to the pipeline.

"Cisco, what did you bring in that orange soda for?" Joe asks.

"Whenever something happens with the Reverse-Flash, liquid floats in the air. You know, Barry's fish tank, Wells's champagne, Lance's coffee, remember that?" Cisco asks. "If this does the same thing, we'll know that Wells is in there."

"Do it," Barry says, and Cisco opens the accelerator. We slowly walk in.

"Man...this...is...big," Joe says.

"Oh, God. Guys-" Suddenly the Reverse Flash runs out. Barry follows him out.

"Wha-what do we do now?" Cisco asks.

"Prisoner release. Protocol initiated," A voice says.

"Oh, no, no, no, no," Cisco says. Peek-a-boo then escapes and so does Blackout. I handle Blackout while Peek-a-boo gets away.

I hit him, between the shoulder blades and he cries, "Bitch!"

"Oh, you know, I was so sad that I didn't get to fight you that day," I say, pulling out my bastons. "Looks like, I'm getting my wish."


We then put away the two metas back in their cells and Iris asks, "How do you think she got out of there?"

"Wells must have released her," Cisco says.

"Can I check the pipeline, for Eddie?" I ask. "Wells was the one who took him. He might be here."

"Help," We hear.

"Wait a sec," Joe says. "Did you hear that?"

"I checked all the containment cells. Everyone's accounted for."

"No, no. Listen," I say.

"Help! Down here! Help!" We see Eddie when we follow the voice. I then teleport us back to the Cortex, knowing it must be hard for Eddie to walk.


"Your vitals are normal, but you're just a little dehydrated," Caitlin says. "The IV should help with that, but drink some fluids and stay off your feet, Okay, Eddie?"

"Thanks, Caitlin," He replies.

"Wells got away," Barry says walking in. "Oh, he was too fast. He's always too fast. Eddie."

"We found him under that hatch in the pipeline," I say.

"I'm so sorry," Barry says. "I thought I looked everywhere for you."

"Hey, it's not your fault. Sometimes you just can't see the clues. Even if they're right in front of you," Eddie says, as I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Um, well, you know, all that's important is that we're all safe, and back together, right?" Iris says.

"Eddie, why did he take you?," Joe asks.

"I don't know," Eddie says. "He said that we're...family. Said his real name is Eobard Thawne."

"Eobard Thawne? Just like in my dream," Cisco adds.

"Did he say anything else? I mean, anything that could help us figure out what he's really after?" Joe asks.

"I- he didn't say much," Eddie says. "He just kept working on some tube."

"A tube? What did it look like?" Cisco asks.

"Metallic, futuristic," Eddie responds. "He said it was the key to him getting back everything that was taken from him."

"The key? I- don't understand. Wha-," Barry says.

"Yeah, I don't know," Eddie says. "Look, I just want to go home. Is that okay?"

"Yes, of course," I say.

"I'll make sure he gets some rest."

"What do you think Wells was talking about?" Barry asks. Suddenly something starts beeping and Cisco runs to the table.

"Oh, no, no, no," He says and starts running out of the Cortex.

"What?" Barry asks and looks at me. "What now?"

 "What now?"

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