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We are all in S.T.A.R. Labs and Barry is testing his multitasking. Ping-pong with Cisco. Operation with Cait. Chess with Dad. And Sorry! with me. "This isn't even remotely anatomically correct," Cait says.

"That's not the point Dr. Snow," Barry says. He then speeds from Cait to Cisco.

"Then what is the point?" She asks, as he now speeds to me.

"To have fun!" We both say in unison as Barry moves his piece.

"And to continue your ongoing training by testing the speed of your mind by pushing your ability to multitask," Dad says. He then runs to Dad and moves his piece, goes back to Cisco, then back to Dad and gets a checkmate.

"I'm waitin' on you Dr.Wells," He says to him and then zooms back to Cisco.

"Checkmate," Dad says.

"Wait, Checkmate?" Barry asks, running to Dad.

And then Dad repeats himself, "Checkmate. I guess we still have a few things left to learn, Mr.Allen?"

"Armed robbery at 4th and Collins," Cisco yells.

I get up as Barry says, "For the record, I crushed it in Operation, ping-pong, and Sorry!"

"Only because I didn't even have a cup of coffee this morning," I say.

Barry rolls his eyes with a smile, then turns to me, "Can I take this one, solo?"

"Sure," I say. "But I will be there the second you call." He nods and then runs out. Cait suddenly moves something in Operation and it buzzes.

"It's not as easy as it looks," Cait says as I chuckle. Yes it is, Cait, Yes it is.

"Where's the nearest hospital?" Barry asks through the coms.

"St. Andrews. Seven blocks north, two east," I tell him.

"Call the ER, tell them they have an incoming GSW," Barry says.


My phone rings and I answer it, "Hey Felicity."

"I'm at the train station. I need you too come pick me up," She says quickly.

"What!?" I say getting up. "What are you- I'll be right there."

I arrive at the train station and teleport next to Felicity. She screams causing me to chuckle. "I will never get used to that," She comments and I smile.

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