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8.1.6 oh boy


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I sit at Jitters thinking about the fact that I almost kissed Livvy. What was I doing? I'm in love with Iris. Not Livvy.


Iris comes up to someone behind me saying, "Hey! You guys heading home?" I look behind me to see Oliver, Felicity, and Liv.

"Yeah, we could use some Javas for the road," Felicity answers.

"I will hook you up," Iris says, walking away. Felicity and Livvy follow closely behind talking to each other. Oliver comes and sits down in front of me.

"Umm, so listen, I'm really sorry for what I said in the field and then last night in the street. I wish I could say it was all because of whatever Bivolo did to me, but I guess I had more feelings bottled up than I thought," I tell Oliver.

"You can always talk to me," Oliver says.

"Thank you," I say. "And you were right. I still have a lot to learn."

"There's one more thing," Oliver says. "And you're not going to like it."

"Does it involve you shooting me in the back?" I joke.

"No," He says. "The heart." He turns and looks back at the girls. "That's not gonna work out for you," He says turning back around. "You need to let her go, for both your sakes. Guys like us don't get the girl." I look over his shoulder at the girls, talking amongst themselves. I see Livvy laugh at something, making my heart flutter. I try my best not to break out into a smile right there. I then look over at Iris, but don't feel what I once did for her. That moment, I realize something...

I'm not in love with Iris anymore. I still love her but I'm not in love with her.

I'm in love with Olivia Theresa Wells.

Oh boy.

I sigh loudly, looking at the girls. I then look back at Oliver and nod. Felicity and Liv then walk back with coffee in their hands. "You ready?" Felicity asked Oliver. He nodded and then then got up.

He turned to Liv. "Take care of yourself. And him," He says nodding at me. She chuckles and then hugs him.

"Tell Roy I said thanks for the gift," She says. Who was Roy?

"Tell him yourself," Oliver says. "When you come to visit." She nods and then Oliver heads to walk out as me and Felicity say our goodbyes. I look toward the door to see Oliver talking to a brunette. They seem to know each other. When I look towards Livvy, I see her looking at the same woman with wide eyes. She knew who she was. She then composed herself as we watched Oliver and Felicity walk out.

Livvy turns to me and smiles, "That was some team up."

"Yes it was," I say smiling back. "Hey, if me and Oliver were to actually fight, who do you think would win?"

"Definitely Oliver," She says making me frown. "Experience beats powers, any day."

"Oh really?" I ask with a smirk. "Not when I could knock him out before he even realizes what's going on."

"But that wouldn't happen, Oliver-" She continues. We then spend the rest of the morning, arguing over who would win.

 We then spend the rest of the morning, arguing over who would win

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