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9.0 gift exchange

0 gift exchange

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"Merry Christmas!" I say walking into Dad's house, with a present in my hands.

He wheels in, with a smile, "Merry Christmas. Hi, Honey."

"Hi, Dad," I say, with a smile. I hug him and hand him his present. "This is for you."

"Thank you," He says putting it in his lap. He then reaches to the side of his wheelchair, pulling out a wrapped box. "This is for you... Open it."

I smile and it down on the couch and open the box. Inside I find two maroon leather gloves. I look at him confused, "What's this for?"

"Your current gloves are all worn out and burnt," Dad says. "It's only a matter of time before they start burning you. These new ones are ones I designed especially for your powers. They aren't going anywhere easily."

I smile, "Thank you!" I say and go hug him.

He chuckles, "My pleasure."

I then go sit back down on the couch and look around the room. My eyes land on a picture of Mom. "I miss her," I say, my smile fading away.

"I know," He replies, his voice feeling very distant. "I do too."

"Christmas was her favorite," I say smiling. I then finally remove my eyes from the picture and look around. "Why didn't you put up a tree?"

"After the accelerator, I just don't feel like celebrating," He says.

I frown. "Ok," I say, not wanting to bring up a fight on Christmas. "We should head to S.T.A.R. Labs," I say getting up. Dad nods and we make our way to leave.


"I come bearing gifts!" I say, entering the Cortex, Dad behind me. Cisco and Cait look up and smile. I walk over to them and hand them their present. I got Cisco a shirt that says, Your ancestors called it magic, but you call it science. I come from a land where they are one and the same, signed by Chris Hemsworth, and all of the Marvel movies.

"No way!" Cisco exclaims.

"Yes way," I exclaim. "The whole cast has signed each of the movies their in. I stood in so many lines for these, you better be happy."

"I love you!" He yells and hugs me. I chuckle hugging him back.

For Cait, I got her Ronnie's part of a couples necklace they had. Ronnie had the letter C and Cait had a letter R. She was wearing her's and I gave her Ronnie's part as well. When I was looking through all of Ronnie's stuff for a personal belonging, I had found this in a small box. I had thought Caitlin may have wanted it back. I also get her some crystallized snowflake earrings. "Thank you," She says softly.

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