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8.1.4 whammied


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"No sign of macular damage," Cait says, looking at Barry's eyes through a screen. "Your retina and cornea seem unaffected."

"I told you I'm fine," Barry says, pulling away from it.

"You said Bivolo whammied you," Felicity says. "No desire to go MMA on and of us?"

"No. Yes, I mean something weird happened with his eyes for a sec," Barry said.

"I saw them go red," I say, then turn to Barry. "Barry, I saw your eyes go red too."

"Yeah, everything went red, I guess," He agrees.

"You were right," Felicity says to Cait.

"Okay, the next thing you know, Bivolo was gone," Barry says, walking out. "Look, obviously his powers didn't work on me."

"It was stupid for you to do that," Cait says, following after him. "You take to many risks. As fast as you are, that's gonna catch up with you."

"Caitlin, I'm not Ronnie. You gotta stop treating me like I am," Barry says and a silence quickly settles over the room.

"You're right, you're not," Cait says and walks away.

"What?" Barry asks looking over at us.

"You are such a lovable dummy," Felicity says.

Barry then gets a text. He reads it and says, "It's Oliver, he wants to have another session." He then gets another text. After reading it, his jaw tightens.

"What?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed.

"He wants to see you too," Barry says.

Even though, I'm confused to why that would anger Barry, I say, "Okay. I'll see you there." He nods and I teleport to Ollie.

While we're waiting for Barry, Oliver hands me a box. "What's this?"

"Something from Roy," Ollie says.

"From Roy?" I ask.

"Yeah," He says. "Open it." I open the box and find a bracelet.

"He has one just like it," Ollie says

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"He has one just like it," Ollie says. "It can do something cool to but I'll let you figure that out yourself. He would've been here to give it to himself, but, he couldn't make it."

"It's- It's fine. Uh- Can you help me put it on?" I ask.

"Sure," He says and comes forward. He helps me put the bracelet on my wrist and then I see Barry walking over to us.

"Thanks," I say to Oliver and then we turn to Barry.

"Thinking of ways to embarrass me?" He asks.

"I'm not trying to embarrass you Barry, but you went after Bivolo last night and you lost him," Oliver says.

"And you've never had a misstep?" Barry asks.

"Course I've had missteps," Oliver says. I look at Barry to see him eyeing my bracelet. He then moves his gaze back to Oliver. "Barry, I have been living this life for almost eight years, encountering things that you can't even fathom, and I am still alive. No because super-speed kept me out of the ground. It was because I realized that I needed to keep learning, keep trainings, keep getting smarter, and until you get that, despite your best intentions, you will do more harm than good."

"I finally see it," Barry says making me look at him in confusion. "You're a little jealous of me aren't you? A guy like you, handsome, rich, can have any girl he wants.." Barry gestures towards me and then turns back to Oliver.

"Jealousy's probably a new emotion for you, so you might be a little slow to get what it is that you're feeling," He finishes.

His words anger me and I take a step towards him, only to have Oliver grab my hand and pull me back. He shakes his head at me and then turns to Barry. "That's your theory?" He asks, calmly.

"Absolutely," Barry says, walking forward. "So you can train, lift weights, climb that stupid barn till your heart explodes, but you'll never be as fast as I am. You'll never be what I am. And that's gotta hurt your rock-hard pride, Ollie."

"I told Felicity you didn't want my help."

"You're finally right about something," Barry says and runs away.

I sigh as we look at Barry run away thinking the only possibility...

"He's been whammied."


I walk in to S.T.A.R. Labs and Joe falls into step beside me. "Barry?" I ask.

"Yeah," He nods.

"-He says Barry's been acting strangely," We hear Felicity say.

"Strangely how?"

"He's been whammied," Me and Joe say in unison, as we walk into the Cortex.

"He was acting angry," I say.

"It was scary. And his eyes, they glowed," Joe adds.

"It's possible that his body is fighting off the effect, so it's hitting him slower," Cait says.

"When it comes to rage, that is not a good thing," Dad says. "The longer you you suppress your emotions-"

"-The bigger the explosion."

"Considering what he can do, how do we even stop him?" Joe asks.

"A cold-gun would come in real handy right now," Cisco comments and I roll my eyes.

"Hey," Joe calls out.

"Just sayin'," Cisco replies.

"You can stop Barry," Joe says to me.

"Yeah. I can, but not alone... I guess I'll be needing some help," I say turning to Felicity with a brow raised.

"I think you better call back Oliver Queen," Dad says as our eyes widen. "We're gonna need the Arrow's help."

How the hell?

How the hell?

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