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12.1 kiss me


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"Not even Barry's cells move this fast. These cells are moving as fast as Livvy's," Cait says.

"So Clay Parker is a meta-human?" Joe asks.

"Not so fast. The particulate residue Barry gathered at Iron Heights does contain Clay Parker's DNA, but also DNA of a woman," Dad says.

"Run her DNA against the CCPD criminal database. See if you get a match," I tell Cisco.

Cisco does his thing and then says, "Yahtzee. Her name is Shawna Baez. Mostly petty crimes, and this girl likes to party, apparently."

"Long list of disorderly conducts at local bars," Steve adds.

"So I'm guessing if we find her, we find Clay Parker," Joe says. "Barry?"

"Yeah," He says and walks out with Joe.

"I'll be right with you guys," Cisco says before walking out.

"Hey," I say to Steve.

"Hey," He says. He moves his mouth to my ear. "Let's get out of here."

I smile and teleport us back home. "What the— What? What just happened?" He says, sort of out of balance. "How did you do that?"

"I'm a meta-human too," I say. "It has its perks."

"I bet," He says as he moves closer to me. He cups my cheeks and puts his forehead against mine. We both smile at each other as he closes the distance between us. We kiss passionately and we start moving down the hallway not breaking the kiss. He pushes me up against a wall in the hallway and then breaks our kiss.

He goes to kiss my jaw and starts trailing kisses down my neck. I gasp when he finds my sweet spot. I feel him smile as he attacks it. I moan at the contact and then he then moves down and slowly moves down the strap of my dress. He kisses my collarbone and trails kisses to my shoulder.

"Kiss me," I breathe out. He then moves his head off my shoulder and kisses me fiercely. His hands trail my body as mine tug at his shirt. He finally gets the hint and breaks our kiss to quickly take off his shirt. He then kisses me again as we make our way into my bedroom. We fall on the bed with him on top of me and he moves himself between my legs. His hand trails up my leg, pulling my dress upwards to get it off me.

 His hand trails up my leg, pulling my dress upwards to get it off me

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B A R R Y  P O V

"Why didn't you call me?" Liv asked. Caitlin is currently cleaning up a bullet wound.

"I thought I had it handled," I lie.

"Well, clearly you didn't," She retorts, making me give her a look. Even if I had called, I don't think you would've picked up.

"Shawna Baez. She can teleport," I mention looking at her.

"That, is just another reason why you should've told me," She says making me glare at her. She meets my eyes, her blue eyes turned red like they were the time we had kissed. You could see bright yellow flickering in them, as if they were flames. I hold the contact, watching her trying to keep her powers at bay as my Look made them worse.

"Look, fine, I made a mistake not calling you. Okay? But we wouldn't have even knows she could teleport if I hadn't gone after her!" I say and stop myself when I see her flinch. I wasn't the one rolling around in bed with my dead lover that came back after two years.

I wasn't the one who seemed to forget that the guy you rejected because he still had feelings for another girl.

I wasn't the one who just forgot all of my feelings for another guy.


Maybe I should just move on.

"As in, 'Beam me up,' Shawna?" Cait asks, trying to change the subject and I finally look away from Liv.

"Yes of course," Dad says. "Quantum entanglement. The ability to manipulate interconnected particles over an infinite distance. Or, as Einstein put it, "spooky action at a distance." She's a teleporter like Livvy."

"Every time I got close, she'd disappear. It was like we were playing a game of-"

"Peak-a-boo," Cait exclaims. "Come on. Can't I name one?"

"How am I supposed to catch her if I don't know where she's gonna be?" I ask, calming down a bit.

"Everyone has limits," Liv says. "Now that we Shawna's powers. We can find her limits. Her might be the same as mine."

"Alright. Let me know. I'm gonna go change. I gotta go help Iris," I say before walking out.

O L I V I A  P O V

I decide to go home, since there isn't really anything to do here in S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Hey," I say walking into my house. I look to see the room lit up by candles and the dining table had dinner set up on it with a rose in the middle. The table also has two wine glasses and champagne on it, Steve was standing in between all of it. "What's all this?" I ask, with a smile.

"Well, I just thought, we haven't been on a date for a while so.." He trails off. I smile at him. I put my purse down on a table and walk up to him. I place a small kiss on his lips before pulling away and looking up at him.

"Well, what's for dinner?" I ask, with a smile.


Hi! So I'm sorry for the continued changes I made to this chapter. I promise this was the last one. As soon as I published it, I realized showing Barry's POV would make more sense and I had to go back and change it. Of course I realize that after I publish it.

 Of course I realize that after I publish it

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