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12.0 formerly dead lovers

0 formerly dead lovers

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I walk into the Cortex, everyone already there. Ever since I've heard about Steve being alive, I've been helping Oliver as much as I can in finding him.

"Proper rest is what you need as do we all," I hear Dad say. And soon enough I'm standing right in front of him. "Olivia." Everyone turns to look at me. "Nice of you to get here after we need you."

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? My mind has been all over the place."

"Would this have to be about, what Oliver told you?" Cisco asks. I give him a look to, shut up. Cisco is the only one I told, about Steve.

Barry looks at us in confusion. "Wait, What? What did Oliver tell you?" He asks. I look at him, Cait and Dad.

I sigh. "I wasn't gonna say anything until, we were completely sure, but we are," I tell them. "Steve's alive."

"Steve as in your dead b-boyfriend," Barry asks, looking me in the eye. I already see lightning forming in his saddened eyes and quickly break contact.

"Yes," I say. "I've been helping Ollie track him down and they found him tonight."

"As happy as I am to hear that Mr.Parker, is alive, you should have told me," Dad says.

"I was going to, but I just- I wanted to be sure," I say.

"Now your boyfriend is alive," Cait says.

"Yeah. Maybe you and I should start a club. Of girls with formerly dead lovers," I say.

"Maybe," she says with a smile.


"Cisco, Captain America: Winter Soldier, is so much better than The First Avenger," I say.

"No, no, no. The First Avenger is better because, we learn the whole backstory of Steve Rogers. It's physically and emotionally beautiful," He says.

"Ok, but in Winter Soldier, Captain America is so much more badass. Plus, Natasha and Steve made such a good team. They're-" Me and Cisco walk into the Cortex and we immediately stop in our tracks.

There are two very familiar people standing in the Cortex. There is none other than Steve Parker standing at the end of the Cortex. I want to walk over to him. To hug him and not let go, but I can't move. I feel like I'm glued to my spot. Cisco shakes my arm, to make me snap out of it and I finally find strength to move. I walk over to him and hug him.

"You're- You're- You're here," I whisper in his arms

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"You're- You're- You're here," I whisper in his arms.

"I'm here," He responds. We finally pull away and I look at the man standing next to him. I've seen the man around the League before, but never met him.

I shake his hand and then he says, "I am Masseo. Oliver is an old friend of mine."

"Thank you." He nods with a small smile and then I turn back to Steve. Watching him talk with Cisco, makes a tear roll down my cheek. I wipe the tear and then Dad and Caitlin walk in. Cait immediately smiles and goes to hug Steve.

"Welcome back," She tells him softly and he nods.

He looks over to Dad. "Dr.Wells," He says.

"Steve," Dad smiles as they hug. "We are happy to have you back. But, if I must ask, where were you, this whole time?"

He pulls away from Dad and looks at me. I look at him expectantly. "After you shot me-"

"I'm so sorry for what I did. I just, I had to do it, and I-"

"Hey, it's okay," He says as he comes up to me. He holds my face in his hands and looks at me. "You had to make a choice. And the world needed Oliver more than me." I nod and he wipes my tears from his thumbs. "Come on, sit down," He says and then has me sit down on a chair. He stands next to me as he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. Him and Masseo begin explain what happened. "After I was shot, I passed out. I woke up in Nanda Parbat. They wanted me to join the League again for a mission. My whole family tried to convince me. And, they tried to make me think that you chose Oliver over me. That you didn't care. But they didn't know you, I did. I know you had an impossible choice, but I did join."

"When I first left the League, I made a deal that I would help them if they needed me. And they did. So I stayed and fulfilled my part of the deal. After I completed my half of the deal, instead of letting me leave, they locked me up," He says.

"Oliver found about him, when he was met by R'as Al Ghul. We helped him get out of Nanda Parbat. Oliver would have come here himself but he is not well." My expression immediately turns to worry. Masseo notices and says, "Do not worry. He will be fine. He's in good hands." I nod. "I should get going," Masseo says as he starts to head out.

After Masseo leaves, Barry and Joe walk in. "Um, who is this?" Barry asks, nodding at Steve. I notice his gaze go to our hands before looking at me. I feel my hand getting warm around Steve's and quickly look away.

"Oh! Um this is Steve Parker. Steve this is Barry Allen and Detective Joe West," I say, slowly pulling my hand out of Steve's.

"Nice to meet you," Steve says shaking Barry's hand.

"Yeah, you too," He says, sort of coldly.

Steve then turns to shake Joes hand. "Ah! Steve the- uh" Joe starts.

"Uh- The dead boyfriend," Steve replies, a smile growing.

"Oh! Well it's great to see you... alive and breathing," Joe says.

"Thank you," Steve chuckles.

"So what are you guys doing here?" I ask changing the subject.

Why? Probably because the guy that kissed me and the guy who's the reason for my powers being out of whack is meeting my ex/formerly dead boyfriend.

Barry and Joe look at each other and then look back at me. "We need some help," Barry says.

 "We need some help," Barry says

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